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              demographic, clinical or behavioural characteristics were   Discussion
              predictive of worsening sexual function (Table 2); results
              were very similar in models restricted to sexually active men   In this longitudinal evaluation of the men who became
              and when excluding hygiene/cleanliness from the domains   circumcised  within  a  programmatic  VMMC  setting  in
              included in the outcome (data not shown).             Botswana, we found very high overall satisfaction with the
                                                                    procedure at 3 months after VMMC accompanied by frequently
              Satisfaction with voluntary medical male              reported improvement in sexual function. Consistent with
              circumcision procedure                                prior data from research  settings, our implementation
                                                                    evaluation found that nearly all (98%) men were at least
              Overall,  84%  of  men  were  very  satisfied  with  the  VMMC   somewhat satisfied overall with the VMMC procedure; almost
              procedure  at 3  months,  14% were somewhat  satisfied,  1%   one-fifth (19%) reported improved sexual function in every
              were somewhat dissatisfied and 1% were very dissatisfied.   category assessed; and over one-third reported no change.
              Frequency of being very satisfied with the VMMC procedure   Although few men reported being dissatisfied with VMMC,
              was slightly lower at 3 months, compared with 7-day post-  frequency of worsening sexual function post-VMMC was
              VMMC procedure (Figure 3, 84% vs. 90%, p = 0.004). Almost   higher in this group. Our results highlight considerations for
              all  (93%)  of the men  reported  being  very  satisfied  with   demand-creation messaging as VMMC programmes continue
              follow-up care at 3 months (Figure 4). Amongst men who   to roll out in countries such as Botswana that have high HIV
              were very satisfied with VMMC at 7 days and became less   burden and modest VMMC uptake.
              satisfied/dissatisfied at 3 months (n  = 23), 17% reported
              worsening sexual function. At 3 months, men who reported   Similar to prior studies that evaluated sexual function pre-
              any worsening of sexual function were 2.3-fold as likely to be   and post-circumcision amongst  African men, 15,18  we found
              less than ‘very satisfied’ with the VMMC procedure at 3   that the majority of the men reported improvement in some
              months (risk ratio 2.36, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.66–  domains of sexual function after undergoing VMMC in
              3.34, p < 0.001). Amongst men who were overall somewhat or   Botswana. When asked to retrospectively compare with the
              very dissatisfied with VMMC at 3 months (n  = 7), non-  condition before undergoing VMMC, approximately half of
              mutually exclusive reasons for being dissatisfied included   the men in our evaluation reported improved sexual desire,
              appearance (n = 4), wound care requirements (n = 2), aspects   ease of vaginal penetration and ejaculation, and/or ability to
              of the procedure (n = 3) and issues with pain (n = 2).
                                                                    achieve and maintain an erection post-VMMC. Studies
                                                                    amongst men who became circumcised in adulthood are
                                                                    especially useful in evaluating the impact of VMMC on
                                                                    sexual function because these men served as their own
                                      7 days post-VMMC  3 months post-VMMC
                                                                    control.   Data  from  randomised  trials  in  Uganda  and
                      Very satisfied                    84          Kenya 15,16  provide the highest quality evidence on the effects
                                                                    of VMMC on sexual function and found some improvement
                  Somewhat satisfied
               Percentage  Somewhat dissatisfied  2  14             in sexual function after VMMC. There are important
                                                                    contextual differences between men who were willing to
                                                                    enrol in the early VMMC trials, when efficacy was unknown
                                                                    and VMMC was randomly assigned, and those who self-
                    Very dissatisfied  0                            select VMMC delivered as part of national programmes. Our
                                                                    findings  contribute  to  the  evidence  base  supporting  the
                              0     20    40    60    80   100
                                                                    benefits of VMMC in programmatic settings extended
              VMMC, voluntary medical male circumcision.            beyond HIV prevention and could broadly improve sexual
              FIGURE 3: Satisfaction with voluntary medical male circumcision procedure at 7   health amongst  African men.  The future programmatic
              days and 3 months after voluntary medical male circumcision amongst men who
              had data available at both time points (n = 375).     evaluations could improve design rigour by assessing sexual
                                                                    function prior to undergoing VMMC and comparing it with
                                                                    post-VMMC assessment.
                                      7 days post-VMMC  3 months post-VMMC
                      Very satisfied                     90
                                                          93        In spite of the high levels of improvement in sexual function
                                                                    following VMMC, an appreciable proportion (19%) of the
                                  10                                men in our evaluation reported at least one category of sexual
                  Somewhat satisfied
               Percentage  Somewhat dissatisfied  0                 function worsening after VMMC.  A systematic review
                                                                    published in 2013 by Morris and Krieger  that included
                                                                    20  931 circumcised men and 19  542 uncircumcised men
                    Very dissatisfied                               found no evidence for differences in any component of sexual
                                                                    function by circumcision status. However, almost no data
                              0    20    40    60    80    100      were included from programmatic delivery settings in
              VMMC, voluntary medical male circumcision.            African  countries  that  could  provide  different  quality  of
              FIGURE 4: Satisfaction with voluntary medical male circumcision follow-up care   services or reach a population unlike men enrolled in
              at 7 days and 3 months after voluntary medical male circumcision amongst men
              who had data available at both time points (n = 375).   the  initial VMMC randomised trials. 15,16   In addition, prior
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