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Page 34 of 34  Guideline

              Appendix 4: Psychosocial and mental health interventions

              TABLE 1-A4: Suggested screening tools.
                      Substance use   Mental health
              Adults  •  ASSIST       •  Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Symptom Screener (SAMIS)
                      •  AUDIT        •  Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ-20)
                      •  DUDIT        •  Brief Mental Health Screening Tool (BMH)
                      •  CRAFFT       •  Kessler 10
                      •  S2BI         •  Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
                                      •  International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS)
                                      •  Suicide Risk Screening Scale
                                      •  Suicide Risk Screening Tool
              Adolescents  •  ASSIST-Y (10–14 years)  -
                      •  ASSIST-Y (15–17 years)
              AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; ASSIST, Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test; ASSIST-Y, ASSIST youth; BMH, Brief Mental Health screening tool; CRAFFT, Car,
              Relax Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble, substance-related screening tool for adolescents; DUDIT, Drug-Use Disorders Identification Test; IHDS, international HIV Dementia Scale; PHQ-9, Patient Health
              Questionnaire-9; S2BI, Screening to Brief Intervention; SAMIS, Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Symptom screener, SRQ-20, Self-Report Questionnaire 20.
              TABLE 2-A4: Summary of brief intervention methodologies.
              Intervention   Motivational interviewing   Contingency management   Problem-solving therapy  Cognitive behavioural therapy
              Definition  MI is a behavioural intervention   CM is an intervention which uses   PST is a brief psychosocial intervention  CBT is a psychosocial intervention
                       designed to help build the patient’s   stimulus control and positive   to assist individuals in aid of resolving   challenging thinking patterns and
                       intrinsic motivation to change, as the   reinforcement immediately to change   their problems in a step by step   amending maladaptive behavioural
                       guiding philosophy underlying the brief  behaviour.  format.          responses.
                       intervention component of SBIRT.
              Indication  Linked to the SBIRT model  Appropriate for those identified as high  Increase in symptoms and ineffective   Symptoms that interfere with patient
                                               risk of a substance use disorder or with  problem-solving skills.  functioning; maladaptive behaviour or
                                               an active disorder.                           thought patterns.
              Key principles  See below        Behavioural reinforcement   See below.                   -
                                                                      4–12 sessions of brief treatment
              CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; CM, contingency management; MI, motivational interviewing; PST, problem-solving therapy; SBIRT, screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment.
              Free Online Tour of MI:
              Motivational  interviewing  (MI) is a psychotherapeutic   maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving can generate
              approach that seeks to move an individual away from a state   mental and  behavioural  problems.  The use of CBT ranges
              of ambivalence towards finding motivation to make positive   from substance use, depressive and anxiety disorders to
              decisions and accomplishing established goals. These goals   schizophrenia. It represents a large body of related
              may include a reduction in harmful behaviour patterns such   interventions. These elements include a focus on developing
              as harmful substance use or  ART non-adherence. The   ways of recognising maladaptive thinking and behaviours
              approach to MI includes:                              and  then  building  skills  for  positive  coping  to  alleviate
              •  using the ‘spirit’ of MI to engage with the patient:   mental distress and problematic behaviours. It incorporates
                 collaboration, evocation, acceptance and compassion  goal-oriented therapy and some form of talk-based therapy.
              •  using these principles when interacting with the patient:
                 expressing empathy, developing discrepancy (i.e.   Contingency management (CM)  is an intervention that
                 identifying  conflicts  between  perceptions,  behaviours,   provides patients with motivational incentives for meeting
                 personal  goals  and  values),  avoid  argumentation,  roll   pre-determined treatment goals such as abstinence,
                 with resistance, support self-efficacy             attendance or medication adherence. The approach is based
              •  assessing the patient’s readiness for change: pre-  on principles of behavioural reinforcement. The goal of the
                 contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action,   treatment is to replace the positive reinforcement obtained
                 maintenance and relapse stages of change
              •  using the ‘OARS’ as a clinical technique: open-ended   from using alcohol and other drugs by providing positive
                 questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries   reinforcement for productive behavioural change. Behavioural
                                                                    goals should be set over short time periods (typically 1 week
                                                                    or less) and positive reinforcement must be provided
              Problem-solving therapy (PST) is a cognitive-behavioural                                           87
              intervention geared at improving an individual’s ability to   consistently and immediately after the goal has been met.
              cope with stressful life experiences. The underlying
              assumption of this approach is that symptoms of       Harm reduction counselling tips
              psychopathology can often be understood as the negative
              consequences of ineffective or maladaptive coping. 139  The principles of drug set and setting  are very useful in
                                                                    reducing the harms people experience from drug use. If
              Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a widely used   someone is unable to change one aspect of their drug use,
              psychotherapy approach. The core theoretical premise is that   then they may be able to make changes in other domains.

              TABLE 3-A4: UNODC Stimulants guidelines counselling tips. 51,91
              Drug                      Mindset                           Physical ‘set’  Setting
              •  Improve quality of drug  •  Change drug expectation      •  Consider:  •  Policy context
              •  Smaller doses           •  Increase knowledge             •  Sleep patterns  •  Level of surveillance
              •  Fewer doses per day     •  Use only when mood or circumstances are best  •  Diseases  •  Heightened vigilance
              •  Change ways of using    •  Encourage autonomy and conscious choice   •  Nutrition  •  All of these can alter drug effect. Should use
              •  Change pattern of using                                   •  Mental health  with others with whom they feel safe.
              •  Avoid risky drug–drug combinations                                     •  Do not use alone

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