Page 129 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 2  Editorial

              In a pilot study conducted on 40 Egyptian patients attending   statistical analysis. H.W. and R.M. prepared the final
              one of the clinics affiliated to Kasr Al-Aini HIV and Viral   version. All authors revised and approved the final version
              Hepatitis Fighting Group , the six-item Morisky Medication   of the article.
              Adherence Scale  was administered twice using a standard
              telephone script, first in mid-March and then in mid-August.   Ethical consideration
              The number of PLHIV with high motivation and high
              knowledge was significantly higher in mid-August (36 vs. 27   This article followed all ethical standards for research
              and 36 vs. 28, respectively, p < 0.001). Multi-month dispensing   without direct contact with human or animal subjects.
              because of COVID-19 pandemic was the most commonly
              reported factor (90%) amongst those with high motivation.  Funding information

              It would be fair to conclude that it is necessary to move towards   This  research  received  no  specific  grant from any  funding
              MMD for medically stable patients on ART, whilst managing   agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
              the stock and supply line, in order to save healthcare service
              costs and improve patients’ adherence and retention in care.   Data availability statement
                                                                    Data analysed in this study are available if needed for
              Multi-month dispensing can be provided through        revision without disclosing the confidential details of our
              community-based models of care that require the engagement   patients.
              of community health workers, common in rural parts of
              Egypt, who provide peer support to patients and help
              improve their adherence, retention and viral suppression.   Disclaimer
                                                                    The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of
              Besides,  the  COVID-19  pandemic  has  accelerated  the   the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
              implementation of telemedicine in many countries, but not   position of any affiliated agency of the authors.
              so much in Egypt.  The use of telemedicine services for HIV
              prevention and management represents an innovative and a
              possibly more effective way of providing HIV services and   References
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              G.E. M.E. developed the first draft. S.Z. performed the
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              1.Kasr Al-Aini HIV and Viral Hepatitis Fighting Group is a group of clinical leads in the
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