Page 115 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 115
Page 24 of 34 Guideline
Term Description
Acute intoxication A transient condition following the intake of a psychoactive substance resulting in disturbances of consciousness, cognition, perception,
affect or behaviour.
Anxiety disorders A group of mental disorders characterised by feelings of anxiety and fear, including generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias,
social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.
Symptoms are usually chronic.
Dependence A cluster of physiological, behavioural and cognitive phenomena in which a person depends on the daily use of a drug to make it through
the day. The user of a psychoactive substance may acquire increased and sometimes undue salience resulting in drug-seeking behaviours.
The term ‘addiction’ is associated with many negative connotations and dependence is the term used by the WHO.
Diversion The supply of a scheduled prescription medication for use by someone for whom it was not prescribed. Diverted medications can be
obtained by legitimate prescribing, over-prescribing or fraudulent prescribing and acquired from the person for whom they were intended
or from someone who supplies drugs and medications for financial return.
Disability-adjusted life years A measure of overall disease burden. It is the sum of years lived with disability and/or ill-health and years lost because of premature death.
Scheduled drugs Encompasses substances in Schedule I and II of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961), whether natural or synthetic.
Drug consumption room Also known as overdose prevention site, or safe injecting facility, these facilities provide a safe space for the consumption of drugs in a
hygienic environment where trained staff are available to reverse drug-related poisoning, overdose and offer advice and refer people to
health and social services.
Dual diagnosis/comorbidities Refers to the co-occurrence of a substance use disorder and another mental or physical health condition.
Harmful use A pattern of psychoactive substance use that damages health. This damage may be physical, for example liver disease, or mental, for
example episodes of depressive disorder. It is often associated with social consequences, for example family or work problems.
National Drug Master Plan The overarching South African government policy outlining the national response regarding drug control and related interventions.
Overdose The use of any drug in the wrong amount, the wrong way or by the wrong person that results in acute adverse physical or mental effects.
Opiate Naturally occurring alkaloids extracted from the opium poppy to manufacture morphine, codeine, heroin (known locally as nyaope, unga,
whoonga, sugars), oxycodone or buprenorphine.
Opioid A generic term referring to opiates and synthetic analogues.
Prevention Prevention in the context of substance use is designed to prevent or delay the onset of substance use and reduce its health and social
consequences through universal, selective or indicated interventions at primary, secondary or tertiary levels of care.
Psychoactive substances Chemical, psychoactive substances influence the nervous system. These are not limited to tobacco, alcohol, over-the-counter drugs,
prescription drugs and substances defined in the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act, 1992 (Act No. 140 of 1992), or prescribed by the Minister
after consultation with the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) (formerly the Medicines Control Council) as
established by Section 2 of the Medicines and Related Substance Control Act, 1965 (Act No. 101 of 1965) or by the International Narcotics
Control Board.
Recovery A process of achieving voluntary control of substance use and working towards positive outcomes in broad areas of life.
Substance use disorder A mental and behavioural disorder resulting from psychoactive substance use as per the diagnostic criteria included in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
Treatment The provision of evidence-based social, psychological and/or medical services to service users and to persons affected by substance use with
a view to addressing the social and health consequences associated therewith as defined in the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance
Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70 of 2008).
Withdrawal The experience of a set of unpleasant symptoms following the abrupt cessation or reduction in the dose of a psychoactive substance, which
has been consumed in high enough doses and for a long enough duration for the person to be dependent on it. Withdrawal symptoms are,
essentially, opposite to those that are produced by the psychoactive substance itself. 107 Open Access