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current issues

       relation to commonly used substances in  who use methaqualone (also known  poisoning, contributes to stigma and           how many people and their families
       the United Kingdom.  In order of overall  as mandrax), methamphetamine and  discrimination of people who use drugs        become frustrated when substance use
       harm, alcohol is followed by heroin, crack  cocaine are unknown, but there are likely  and results in many people entering the   treatment services are unavailable, or
       cocaine, methamphetamine, powder  to be hundreds of thousands of people  criminal justice system.  The healthcare         how they become disillusioned when
       cocaine, tobacco and other less harmful,  who use these drugs in the country.   system is largely affected by this ineffective   the available interventions do not work.
       yet scheduled, substances.  Most of the                                and harmful approach.                              For people with opioid dependence,
       harm related to alcohol is in relation to  It is important to note that most people                                       over 90% of those who are treated
       harm to society.  However, alcohol causes  who use drugs will not develop depend-  Injuries and complications from using   through detoxification followed by
       more harm to individuals than powder  ence; so not all people who use drugs  (unsafe) drugs in high-risk and unhygienic   abstinence-based drug rehabilitation
       cocaine or cannabis. On the other hand,  require treatment. The likelihood of  places to avoid arrest are usually dealt   return to opioid  use within a year.
       the induvial and social harms linked to  developing dependence, and the need  with by the healthcare system. This system   The inaccessibility and unaffordability
       cannabis are less than tobacco. And  for treatment, is higher for heroin than for  also supports people experiencing acute   of methadone or buprenorphine
       MDMA causes little harm to individuals  other illegal drugs (see text box below).  psychiatric emergencies (e.g. drug-    – essential medicines for opioid
       and negligible harm to society. [5]   Entry into the criminal justice system is a  induced psychosis), severe infections (e.g.   substitution therapy (OST) – creates
       Emerging  trials,  repeating  what  was  strong predictor of developing harmful,  abscesses) or complications of chronic   despair  for  many  people  who  have
       suggested in the 1980s, are confirming  ongoing substance dependence.    illness (e.g. late stage HIV infection), often   heroin dependence, and their families.
       MDMA’s efficacy as part of treatment                                   due to avoidance of health services for
       for post-traumatic stress disorder and  The effects of drug policy and the  fear of arrest or fear of stigma. [14, 21]    The high prevalence of substance
       anxiety. So, the unscientific scheduling  healthcare system                                                               use and its criminalisation affects

       of drugs and moral perspectives within                                 The limited access to evidence-based               healthcare workers. Professionally, the  Harm reduction includes a set of principles  The first needle-and-syringe service in
       the  drug conventions have been applied  Kofi Annan believed  that ‘drugs have  prevention  and treatment  interventions   health  workforce  is  at  the  forefront  of  that can be applied to any health issue.  South Africa started in Cape Town in
       across the world, reflected in national  destroyed many lives, but  wrong  for people who use drugs results in            managing the health-related harms of  Needle-and-syringe services and OST are  2013.  Needle-and-syringe services
       legislation, internalised and are often  government  policies have destroyed  further harm. For example, the risk         current approaches to drug  use and  sometimes seen to be controversial, with  currently operate in nine South African
       viewed as truth.                    many more’.  The criminalisation of  of  infectious diseases (notably HIV             of problematic drug use itself. Many  the controversy based on moral reasons,  Health Districts, and also in Mozambique,
                                           drugs significantly increases drug-related  and viral hepatitis) is increased where   healthcare workers use substances,   as their effectiveness is unequivocal.   Kenya,  Tanzania,  Mauritius  and  81
       The scale of drug use               harms. The criminalisation approach  injecting equipment needs to be reused           and many more have family members with  Harm reduction is much more than these  other countries across the world.
                                           increases the likelihood of drug-related  or shared.  Another example is              potentially harmful patterns of use. These  two services, but dispelling myths about  Political interference has resulted in the
       The availability and use of drugs has                                                                                     factors negatively affect the wellbeing of  what these services are, why they are  (temporary) halting of needle-and-syringe
       increased  despite the  war  on  drugs                                                                                    the health workforce and their capacity  needed and how well they work, is a  services  in  several  South  African  cities.
       and  criminalisation  of  people  who  use                                                                                to provide quality care. It is for this reason  good start.            In Durban, for example, the service has
       them.  Many people and communities                                                                                        that healthcare professionals should                                   been on hold for 2 years – leading to
       in Southern Africa experience a range     Nyaope and whoonga                                                              be aware of effective drug treatment  Needle-and-syringe services      hundreds of people having to reuse and
       of social challenges that negatively                                                                                      interventions and alternatives to current                              share equipment, despite the related

       affect their health and well-being. These   are heroin                                                                    approaches – like harm reduction – and  Needle-and-syringe services, or needle- risks .[34]  Efforts are ongoing for services in
       include high rates of unemployment,                                                                                       be at the forefront of advocating for the  and-syringe programmes, involve the  Durban to resume, and the consequences
       socioeconomic  inequality,  violence                                                                                      decriminalisation of drug use.     provision of sterile injecting equipment to  of blocking this public health intervention
       and a high burden of physical and         Nyaope and whoonga are not uniquely South African drugs.                                                           people who inject drugs, with mechanisms  need to be shared to avoid this from

       mental illness.  For many people,         The main, and often only ingredient, is heroin. They do not                     What is harm reduction?            for the safe collection and disposal of  happening again.
       substances provide relief, comfort and                        [17]                                                                                           used equipment.   This intervention is
       analgesia against the stress and trauma   contain antiretrovirals.  Heroin is an opioid, derived from                     Harm reduction can be viewed as  effective and cost-saving.  Consistent  From a public health perspective, denying

       in their lives, and give them pleasure.    the sap of the opium poppy. Opioids bind to receptors in the                   ‘polices, programmes and practice  access to sterile injecting equipment  access to needle-and-syringe services for
       The substances used depend on a           brain and results in analgesia, euphoria and sedation. After                    that aim primarily to reduce the  significantly reduces HIV infection through  people who inject drugs is the same as
       combination of accessibility, affordability   repeated exposure to opioids, changes in the sensitivity and                adverse health,  social and economic  parenteral transmission routes.   They  denying access to condoms to people
       and preference.                           responses of receptors takes place, as well as adaptations                      consequences of the use of legal  are the foundation of HIV and viral  who have sex. The difference lies in
                                                 to neuronal circuits responsible for motivation, memory,                        and   illegal  psychoactive  drugs  hepatitis  prevention  programming  for  personal perspectives and judgements
       Data on the prevalence of drug use are                                                                                    without necessarily reducing drug  people who inject drugs.  The service is  around ‘acceptable’ behaviour, and

       often limited, mostly due to the legislative   behaviour control and  disinhibition.  Tolerance  to opioids               consumption’.  Harm reduction is an  linked to counselling and support around  ultimately stigma.
       framework. The number  of  people         develops  after prolonged  exposure,  due to  changes  and                      approach that focuses on concerns and  safer drug use, and provides links to other
       accessing substance-use treatment in      reduction in the number of opioid receptors. Withdrawal is the                  interventions at various levels. It does not  health and social services. Needle-and- Opioid substitution therapy
       South Africa for opioids in the last two   result of cessation of an opioid after tolerance has developed.                focus on the causes of drug use and the  syringe services can easily and affordably
       decades has increased six-fold.  United   Withdrawal is very unpleasant. Symptoms include sweating,                       ways to stop it. Emphasis is placed on  be integrated into all levels of health  OST (also known as opioid agonist

       Nations agency estimates suggest that     tearing, coryza, yawning, restlessness, irritability, tremor,                   ways to support people to achieve health  services as well as be provided through  treatment or medication-assisted therapy)
       there are around 200 000 people who       nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, increased blood pressure,                          through beneficent, equitable and fair  community pharmacies.  Needle-and- is the practice of prescribing an opioid
       use heroin  and 75 000  who inject                                                       [18]                             means. This is done while limiting harms,  syringe services do not increase injecting  agonist medication such as methadone
       drugs in the country. Local research into   cramping and myalgia, which can last several days.                            and acknowledging that change takes  practices  and are often the first point  or buprenorphine at an appropriate dose
       the heroin market suggests that these are                                                                                 time, and that resolution of a substance  of contact people who inject drugs have  for as long as a person needs it.  OST
       underestimates.  The numbers of people                                                                                    use disorder is a long-term goal. [28]  with service providers who care. [32]   is the gold standard treatment for opioid

       HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 14                                                                                                                                            HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 15
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