Page 13 - ONLINE – Nursing Matters October 2020_Vol 11
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current issues

          data, policies and practice guidelines,   surgery), and/or legally (legal gender  of transgender men. Regarding access
          resulting in a paucity of programmes that  and name change).           to healthcare, 48% reported having
          cater for TGD patients. [1, 6]                                         been called names or insulted in a health
                                             South African reality               facility, and 39% reported that they had
          Evidence suggests that South African                                   been denied healthcare because of their
          healthcare workers are not adequately  Transgender women have been found to  gender identity.
          trained to deal with health issues faced  be at high risk for HIV and are therefore
          by TGD people. [7, 8]  As a result, they often  included in South Africa’s  National  Experiences in health facilities
          lack sensitivity, thus exhibiting various  Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2017 -
          degrees of transphobia.            2022 as a key population.  A systematic  In a KwaZulu-Natal study,  participants

                                             review reported that TGD women were at  reported  encounters  with  hostile
          Yet, TGD people experience an increased  48.8 times higher risk for HIV infection   health services, in instances of micro
          burden of disease, specifically in the  compared with all adults of reproductive  aggressions, which are ‘subtle forms

          areas of HIV, mental health, violence  age across 15 countries.  A study of  of discrimination, often unintentional
          and victimisation. Notably, TGD people  230 TGD women in New York found  and unconscious, which send negative
          have a disproportionately high HIV  that ‘gender abuse predicted depressive  and denigrating messages to various
          acquisition rate even in areas with low  symptoms, and gender abuse combined  individuals  and  groups’.   Participants
          HIV prevalence. [10, 11]           with depressive symptoms predicted both  reported experiences of denial of
                                             high-risk sexual behaviour (unprotected  privacy: violation  of bodily privacy
          Definition of key concepts         receptive anal intercourse) and HIV’.   through healthcare worker voyeurism and
                                             A Cape Town study of men who have  deliberate exposure of their transgender
          Transgender is a term that refers to  sex with men (MSM) found that 57% the  status to other patients, and being made a
          persons  whose  gender  identity  is  gender non-conforming participants (who  spectacle to other patients and healthcare
 Challenges faced by trans and   different to that expected on the basis of  identified as female or transgender) had  workers.  There is evidence that some
          sex assigned at birth.
                                             tested HIV-positive compared with 31%  healthcare workers tend to use religious
 gender-diverse people in accessing   ‘Gender diverse’ is a term to describe   of the male-identifying participants.    and cultural beliefs to explain their

                                                                                 behaviour towards sexual minorities.
          ‘people who do not conform to society’s  A recent survey on the realities of violence,  Barriers can be created by healthcare
 public sector healthcare services   or culture’s expectations for men and  mental health and access to healthcare  workers citing their belief system, in what
                                             related to sexual orientation, gender  is termed spiritual violence, referring to the
                                             identity  and  expression  (SOGIE),   oppression of sexual- and gender-minority
          ‘Cisgender’ is a term for someone whose  found alarming rates of mental health  people through religion.
          gender identity is the same as that  challenges among the trans and gender-
 Zamasomi Luvuno, BCur, MCur, PhD  expected on the basis of sex assigned at  diverse respondents: depression (63%),  In addition to the difficulties accessing
 Centre for Rural Health, School of Nursing and Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban  birth. [12]  anxiety (39%) and suicide attempts in the  general healthcare, TGD people find

 Elma de Vries, MB ChB, MFamMed, FCFP (SA)   past year (16%). Experience of sexual  it very difficult to access hormone
 School of Public Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town  For this article, trans and gender-diverse  violence in the past year was reported  replacement therapy and surgery for
          (TGD) will be used as an umbrella  by 35% of transgender women and 28%  gender affirmation.
          term to include transgender, gender
          -nonconforming,  genderqueer  and
          gender-diverse people.
 ‘Yes, I have been to the clinic. It was just for a broken bone, but they made me undress. Maybe they wanted to see if I was really a
 girl? I don’t know. They were asking me silly questions and coming in and out of the room while I was waiting for the ambulance.   It is important to note that gender identity
 Like: ‘Uyisitabane?’ (Are you gay?) They don’t understand, they don’t know about us transgender?’  (the gender I know myself to be) is
          different to sexual orientation (who I am
          romantically or physically attracted to). [14]
 This excerpt details the experience of  African citizens, including minority  provide a conducive environment such
 a transgender person at a clinic, from  groups such as trans and gender-diverse  as unisex bathrooms and appropriate   Transphobia is emotional disgust, fear,
 a study conducted in KwaZulu-Natal  [1]   (TGD) persons.  Despite such political  ward arrangements for trans and gender-  hostility, violence, anger or discomfort
 that aimed to detail experiences of  will and legal protection, TGD people  diverse persons who are admitted to   felt or expressed towards people who do
 transgender  people  seeking  care  at  in South Africa report poor access to  hospital. [1, 4]    not conform to the gender expectations
 government health facilities.   health services, both intentionally and   of society. [15]
 unintentionally, due to structural and  Systemic barriers include erasure
 The  South  African  Government has  systemic barriers in health facilities. [3]  through failure to acknowledge the   Gender affirmation is a process of
 developed  a  constitution  that  is   existence of TGD people within the   affirming one’s gender identity, either

 exceptional as far as human rights are  Structural barriers encountered include  health system.  This erasure can be   by social expression, psychological
 concerned, granting rights to all South  failure of the healthcare system to  passive, through lack of knowledge,   validation,  medically  (hormones,

 HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 10                           HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 11
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