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current issues

                                                                                                                                 contract HIV each year and have slashed  and understand the physical and  which  leads to  increased  absenteeism,
                                                                                                                                 new infections among young women by  psychological needs of PLHIV, who may  stress, and lower performance.
                                                                                                                                 almost 40%.                        be admitted for treatment of any number
                                                                                                                                                                    of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)  In many ways, the advent of the AIDS
                                                                                                                                 As we ask ourselves, ‘how do we reduce  associated with advanced  age,  long-  epidemic has intensified and broadened
                                                                                                                                 new infections by 60% in a mere two  term ART, or long-term complications  challenges faced by South African nurses
                                                                                                                                 years?’, the country recognises the need  associated with advanced HIV disease  as healthcare providers in institutionalised
                                                                                                                                 to enhance commitment and support  (AHD). In addition, nurses working in  healthcare. If we are to achieve the targets
                                                                                                                                 for nursing roles in meeting the goals of  the community or primary care setting  set out in the NSP, we need to support
                                                                                                                                 90-90-90. Nurses, as both frontline HIV  have numerous opportunities to identify  nurses to engage in advocacy and in
                                                                                                                                 care providers and the country’s largest  patients at risk for HIV infection, inform  lobbying.  Nurses must be involved in the
                                                                                                                                 health work force, are key to ensuring  them of prevention strategies such as PrEP  development of HIV programmes, as it is
                                                                                                                                 we achieve 90-90-90, which will require  and PEP, and to promote ART adherence  nurses who have the practical knowledge
                                                                                                                                 greater investments in nursing.    among  PLHIV, while teaching them  of how health service delivery can be
                                                                                                                                                                    strategies to reduce risk factors for other  designed, co-ordinated and effectively
                                                                                                                                 As the largest healthcare profession in  chronic diseases, such as heart disease  implemented.
                                                                                                                                 the world, there is no doubt that nurses  and diabetes. Working together, nurses
                                                                                                                                 are key to the achievement of the NSP  and other healthcare providers can help  Moving forward, the South African
                                                                                                                                 targets. Nurses are often the only health  end the epidemic.           healthcare system needs to: ensure that
                                                                                                                                 professionals accessible to many people                                future nurses are equipped to manage
                                                                                                                                 in their lifetime. Nurses are particularly  Unfortunately, as the HIV/AIDS epidemic  the complexities of caring for  HIV-
              Can the nursing profession contribute                                                                              well placed and often the most innovative  has faded from headlines, HIV/AIDS  positive patients of all ages;  sustain the
                                                                                                                                 in reaching under-served and key  education has decreased in most nursing  sense of community among HIV nurses
         to realising the treatment and prevention                                                                               populations for HIV and TB. Rene Sparks,  schools, and undergraduate students  and patients since ‘people are in it for
                                                                                                                                 a South African National AIDS Council  receive minimal HIV/AIDS education.  the long haul’; ensure the six building
            targets of the HIV, TB and STIs National                                                                             civil society leader – herself a nurse –  Many nursing students nearing gradu-  blocks of health workforce strengthening
                                                                                                                                 agrees with this sentiment, saying:  ‘we  ation report feeling unprepared to care  for the nurse workforce: infrastructure
                         Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022?                                                                             cannot continue ill-equipping nurses,  for patients with HIV. This results from lack  improvement, curricula revision, clinical
                                                                                                                                 and should rather empower them to  of knowledge, which can perpetuate fear  skills development, in-service training,
                                                                                                                                 comfortably supervise the first 90, manage  and stigmatising attitudes towards PLHIV.   faculty  development  and  building
                                                                                                                                 the second 90 and jointly monitor the third                            partnerships for policy and regulation
                                                                                                                                 90 in collaboration with partners’.   Also, with the introduction of task-shifting,  to increase the quality and quantity of
                                                 Dr Sandile Buthelezi                                                                                               and nurse-initiated management of  the nursing and midwifery workforce.
          Previously: CEO of the South African National AIDS Council Trust; Currently: Director General for Health, South Africa  As the field of HIV treatment and  antiretroviral therapy (NIMART) in the  Moreover, the HIV workforce is aging,
                                                                                                                                 prevention  is  evolving  rapidly,  new  public  sector  that  enabled  the  country  and there is a ‘need to bring in the new
                                                                                                                                 therapies have transformed HIV into a  to rapidly expand its HIV treatment  guard of primary care providers’.
                                          South African nurses currently support  virally suppressed. Progress has been          chronic disease, while the use of such  programme, the need for easy  access
                                          an estimated 7.5 million people living  made in the prevention of mother-to-child      preventive strategies as pre- (PrEP) and  to HIV and tuberculosis (TB) information  National nurse associations have an
               What is                    with HIV in South Africa and 4.7 million  transmission of HIV (PMTCT) – recorded       post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) are  increased. Challenges stemming from  important role in informing, advising,
                                          people on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in
                                                                              at <1% nationally.
                                                                                                                                 providing effective options for reducing  a  shortage  of  human  resources,  a  lack  encouraging and supporting nurses
                                          the public health sector. Nurses are at the                                            the risk of HIV infection. These medical  of suitable materials to use when caring  in their  work. These associations must
            90-90-90?                     frontline of the biggest ART programme   Despite  these  achievements,    HIV          breakthroughs have enabled more  for  HIV-positive  patients, unconducive  continue to work with government, and
                                          in  the world  and  the  fifth-largest  TB
                                          programme in the world. Through the   prevalence remains  high (20.4%)                 people living with HIV (PLHIV) to reach  environments in which nurses are working,  others, to strengthen the health system
                                                                                                                                 older adulthood, but also mean that  as well as high workload, low staff  and create the conditions necessary
                                                                              among the general population, and
            90% of people living          implementation of the HIV, TB and STIs   South Africa is lagging behind when it        nurses are seeing more PLHIV who have  morale and long working hours, have all  to maximise the contribution of nurses,
             with HIV know their          National Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022   comes to reducing new HIV infections,            been long-term on ART, and possess  fuelled nurses’ frustrations. Non-standard  including how nurses can fulfil the
          status; 90% of those who        (NSP), much progress has been made   especially among adolescent girls and             concurrent chronic conditions associated  training, long curricula and unsustainable  important role of helping to achieve the
                                          towards reaching the 90-90-90 targets.
           know their status are on                                           young women. An estimated 250 000                  with aging. Nurses play a critical role in  donor-funded HIV treatment programmes  NSP targets.
           treatment; and 90% of          The 2016 Human Sciences Research    people contract HIV every year, and of             caring for PLHIV and those at risk for HIV  have contributed to hindering the ability
                                                                              these almost 1 300 women between the
                                                                                                                                                                    of nurses to enhance patient management  The countdown towards an AIDS-free
           those on treatment are         Council HIV household survey suggested   ages of 15 and 24 years became HIV-                                              and ensure improved quality of care. Since  generation is on. The clock is ticking and
                                          that 85% of South Africans know their HIV
               virally supressed          status, with 4.5-million on antiretrovirals –   positive each week.  This scenario needs   To achieve the NSP targets, it is  nurses can also be infected with HIV, they  we are running  out of time. Each and
                                          the largest ART programme in the world   to look different by 2022: we need to         imperative that nurses working in the  encounter discomfort, as well as fear, that  every one of South African nurses can
                                          – and 86% of those on treatment are   have halved the number of people who             acute care setting are able to anticipate  their status will become known at work,  make a difference.

       HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 18                                                                                                                                            HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 19
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