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current issues
dependence, and a core element of harm facing people with opioid dependence. range of psychosocial interventions References
reduction for people who use opioids. Local responses included the provision of (including access to housing) to support i Medicine, University of Pretoria), Prof. Monique Marks (Urban Futures 16. Moos RH. Iatrogenic effects of psychosocial interventions for 32. Versfeld A, Scheibe A, Shelly S, Wildschut J, Versfeld A,
Personal communication with Prof. Jannie Hugo (Department of Family
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a draft OST Implementation Plan and has interests compounded by insufficient support, and not punish people. 4. Puhl RM, Heuer CA. Obesity stigma: Important considerations 22. Scheibe A, Makapela D, Brown B, dos Santos M, Hariga 37. Management Sciences for Health, World Health Organization.
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draft OST Clinical Guidelines. A handful understanding of the nature of opioid 5. Nutt DJ, King L., Phillips LD. Drug harms in the UK: A multicriteria F, Virk H, et al. HIV prevalence and risk among people who International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2014 Edition.
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of tertiary hospitals have OST clinics, dependence and the effectiveness of Conclusion decision analysis. Lancet. 2010;376:1558–1565. S095539591600027X 38. NACOSA, TB HIV Care, SANPUD. Status of OST medication
where clients are required to pay for their OST. [24, 40] To date there has been little 6. Transform Drug Policy Foundation. Count the costs. 50 years of 23. Weich L. ‘ Defeating the dragon ’ – can we afford not to treat in SA. Submission to Stop Stock Outs. Cape Town: NACOSA;
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patients with heroin dependence? South African J Psychiatry.
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Substances: When science was left behind. Geneva: Global
medications being the main reason for opioids, the broader community or from that are linked to drug use. The Commission on Drug Policy; 2019. p. 55. 24. Scheibe A, Marks M, Shelly S, Gerardy T, Domingo A, Hugo J. restrictions and increased risk of overdose for street-based
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people dropping out of this service. [24] healthcare professionals. criminalisation of people who use drugs, 8. Lines R. ‘Deliver us from evil’? – The Single Convention on substitution therapy as part of comprehensive services for people 2020;110(6):434.
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Narcotic Drugs, 50 years on. Int J Hum Rights Drug Policy.
Most OST is provided by civil society drug-related stigma, and the challenges 2010;1(7515):3–14. 25. Bateman C. The drug-addicted doctor - Who dares to care? 40. Marks M. Opioid substitution therapy. Ment Heal Matters.
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organisations and academic institutions, Other harm reduction of our times, contribute to the high levels 9. UNODC. World Drug Report 2019. Executive Summary. 26. Hughes CE, Stevens a. What Can We Learn From The 41. Belackova V, Salmon A. Overview of International Literature.
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Supervised injecting facilities and drug consumption rooms.
mostly funded by international donors, interventions of harms related to drug use. Changes 10. Scheibe A, Shelly S, Versfeld A, Howell S, Marks M. Safe Portuguese Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs? Br J Criminol. 2010 Sydney: United Medically Supervised Injecting Centre; 2017.
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The City of Tshwane is the only local There are many other examples of harm generations to change. In the interim, 11. Shelly S, Broughton I, Mcbide A, van Hofmeyer Z, Medeiros N, reduction? A position statement from the International Harm p. 144.
Reduction Association. London: International Harm Reduction
government municipality to fund OST as reduction services that improve the there is a need to embrace alternative van Staden C, et al. Every single person looks at us bad. Cape Association; 2010. 43. Dasgupta N, Beletsky L, Ciccarone D. Opioid Crisis: No Easy
Town: South African Network of People Who Use Drugs; 2017.
Fix to Its Social and Economic Determinants. Am J Public Health.
p. 1–43.
maintenance. Prescription by private lives of people who use drugs and their approaches that can have immediate 12. Dada S, Harker-Burnhams N, Erasmus J, Lucas W, Parry C, 28. Marlatt GA. Harm reduction: Come as you are. Addict Behav 2018;108(2):182–186.
practitioners also takes place, but rarely communities. Safe consumption sites, or effect. Harm reduction is an option that Bhana A, et al. SACENDU. Monitoring alcohol, tobaccoe and 29. World Health Organization. Consolidated Guidelines on HIV
other drug use trends (South Africa): July – December 2018. Vol.
in the context of a structured programme. injecting sites, are spaces for the safe and is ethical and evidence-based. Harm Phase 45. Cape Town: MRC; 2018. Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations.
Geneva: WHO; 2016.
hygienic use of drugs. Safe consumptions reduction is more than giving people who 13. UNODC. World Drug Report 2019 data. World Drug Report 30. Wilson DP, Donald B, Shattock AJ, Wilson D, Fraser-Hurt
2019. Vienna; 2019.
There are only single (but different) sites significantly reduce the risk of death inject drugs clean injecting equipment, 14. UNAIDS. Do No Harm. Health, human rights and people who N. The cost-effectiveness of harm reduction. Int J Drug
Policy. 2015;26(S1):S5–S11.
suppliers of methadone and bupre- from overdose and increase uptake or increasing access to OST for people use drugs. Report. Geneva: UNAIDS; 2016. http://search. 31. UNODC, INPUD, UNAIDS, UNFPA, WHO, USAID, et al.
norphine in South Africa. The lack of of substance use treatment services. with an opioid dependency. It is a shift in 17&lang=tr&site=ehost-live Implementing Comprehensive HIV and HCV Programmes with
People Who Inject Drugs. Practical guidance for collaborative
competition has led to unethically high Community distribution of naloxone philosophy that recognises the complexity 15. Haysom S. Hiding in plain sight. Heroin’ s stealthy takeover of inteventions. (IDUIT). Vienna: UNODC; 2017. p. 1–175.
South Africa. Policy Brief. Pretoria: ENACT; 2019.
prices of these medications. Methadone to manage overdoses among people of life, and prioritises the needs of people,
in South Africa costs ten times more than who use opioids is another important, and supports them on their journey to
in other middle-income settings. [37] Single effective service that saves lives. A reach their goals. Most importantly, harm
supply also poses a risk to supply chain reduction saves lives.
management. A methadone stockout
took place in November 2019. The threat
of the stockout resulted in anxiety for over
1 000 people on OST across the country A few recommendations to consider
and distrust of the health service. The
largest OST service in Johannesburg ran 1. Reflect on your views around drugs and people who use them
out of methadone for 2 weeks, with almost 2. Avoid judging people and use non-stigmatising language when speaking
all of their 36 clients (several of whom about, or with, people who use drugs
were on antiretroviral therapy) at that time 3. Empower yourself with accurate information about drugs and treatment.
reverting back to injecting drugs. Read and use the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society’s Harm
Reduction Guidelines due for release in the last quarter of 2020
During South Africa’s response to the 4. Explore ways to provide access to sterile injecting equipment for people
COVID-19 pandemic, large temporary who inject drugs and provide mechanisms for safe disposal in your
shelters were established for homeless practice
people. For people with opioid depend- 5. Demand increased access to OST
ence, a break in access to heroin triggered 6. Advocate for the decriminalisation of drug use and policy that supports
withdrawal and the likely loss of tolerance human rights and evidence-based public health interventions relating to
to opioids – increasing risk of overdose drug use.
should opioids be used at a later stage.
Several municipalities recognised the risk
HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 16 HIV Nursing Matters | October 2020 | page 17