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Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              On 21 May 2018, after the completion of this study, the FDA   High Care for filing all the congenital abnormality report
              issued a warning that women treated with dolutegravir in   forms and permitting access to them, and Ms. T Mulder,
              the first trimester of pregnancy are at higher risk for NTDs.    Faculty of Health Sciences, UFS, for reviewing the document
              This report also indicated that the National Institutes of   and editing it for publication.
              Health has launched an international study to compare the
              safety and efficacy of three  ARV treatments for pregnant   This research was conducted for the fulfilment of the MMed
              women with HIV.                                       in Paediatrics (NT) and supervised by BDH.

              A recent study highlights the need for proper data surveillance   Competing interests
              and recording of congenital disorders to accurately
              demonstrate the contribution thereof to the burden of disease   The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
              on our health care system.  The Congenital Disorder
              Surveillance was already implemented in SA in 1980 with   Authors’ contributions
              several changes to the system in 2001 namely, the Birth Defect
              Notification Tool of the National Department of Health, and   All authors contributed equally to this work.
              a coding classification added in 2006. It was found in the
              study performed by Lebese et al.  that the implementation of   Funding information
              these systems was poor. When compared to expected     The  research was funded  from  the research  funds of  the
              congenital disorder notifications, there was an underreporting
              of more than 99%. Kwa-Zulu Natal recorded the highest   Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, UFS, and the
              number of congenital disorders per year (total of 7219 over 9   Division Clinical Genetics, UFS.
              years) whilst the FS only recorded 744 cases during the same
              period. This highlights the need for training of healthcare   Data availability statement
              providers as well as coordinators to report congenital defects   Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
              so that relevant health policies can be developed. The poor   were created or analysed in this study.
              data availability in this study highlighted the same limitations
              and issues.
              Conclusion                                            The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of

                                                                    the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
              There is a clinical impression that the incidence of NTDs is   position of any affiliated agency of the authors.
              increasing. The data obtained in this study appear to support
              this impression, but no significant statistical difference could
              be proven.                                            References
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