Page 432 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 432

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

                                                                    The referrals from outside UH were classified according to
                           5                      1. Dual therapy (3%)
                      4              1            2. HAART (19%)    the municipal healthcare districts where the baby was born.
                   3                              3. 2nd line HAART (1%)  Most referrals were from the Mangaung area as expected
                                                  4. Not on ARVs (1%)  from the population distribution of the FS.  See Figure 2.
                                                  5. Unknown (1%)
                                                                    The demographics of the NTD cases in this study contradicted
                                                                    most  of  the  other  studies  done  in  SA.  Both  the  study
                                                                    performed in Cape Town over 20 years ago  and a study
                                                                    performed in Gauteng  that looked at the profile of NTD
                                                                    cases showed that it was more prevalent in females than
                                                                    males, whereas this study had an equal female to male ratio.
                                                                    The birth order also differed from the study performed in
                                                                    Gauteng  where the firstborn and lastborn infants were more
                                                                    at risk of NTDs, whereas it was the second-born infants who
                              2                                     were mostly affected in this study. A possible explanation for
                                                                    the contradictions would be our small sample size.
              FIGURE 6: Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment of mothers who are HIV positive.
                                                                    The distribution of the type of NTD is in keeping with other
              pregnancy-related NTD. Neural tube defects in the extended   studies. 2,10,11,22   A study performed in Tunisia  also showed
              family were absent in the 17 cases where the data were   that spina bifida was the most common defect, followed by
              recorded.                                             anencephaly. The difference between the two was much
                                                                    smaller, however, (38.9% for spina bifida, 22.8% for
              One mother of seven with known data had used folic acid   anencephaly) and this can be accounted for by the fact that
              during her pregnancy. It was unknown whether any of the   most anencephaly patients are probably not referred from the
              mothers used folic acid during the peri-conception period.  peripheral hospitals due to the poor prognosis.
              Discussion                                            When interpreting the maternal data, it is important to note

                                                                    that the data available for the mothers were poor. They were
              This study determined the incidence of NTDs in the FS from   collected from the neonatal and obstetric summaries found in
              2012 to 2016 and looked at the maternal and foetal profiles of   the electronic data-keeping system as well as the UH
              the babies with these defects.  According to the authors’   admission books, which were often incomplete. Most of the
              knowledge, this is the first study to determine the incidence   summaries regularly did not include the family history of
              of NTDs in the FS. Other available data in SA are for rural   NTDs  or  whether  the  mother  used  supplements  before  or
              Transkei (6.1 NTDs/1000 births in 1980–1984)  and Cape   during pregnancy. The data for the mother’s medication
              Town (1.3/1000 in 1994) . Sayed et al.  used only the number   history and other chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus)
              of births at UH and PH, and the number of babies with an   that could be risk factors were also poorly represented. It is,
              NTD born in these sentinel sites to obtain an incidence of   thus, not possible to draw definitive conclusions. If the data
              1.03/1000 for the FS and an incidence of 0.98 for SA using   were not recorded in the summaries, these were probably not
              sentinel sites in three other provinces.              considered whilst the patient was admitted to the hospital
                                                                    and the mother was, thus, also not properly counselled
              Compared to the above incidences, the FS incidence of   regarding recurrence and prevention in future pregnancies.
              0.34/1000 found in this study is low.  As only the cases   This should be addressed by the different departments to
              referred to UH were captured, it can be postulated that this   optimise patient care.
              incidence is a false representation of the actual situation.
              Babies may die before referral or not been referred to as in the   The HIV data were captured for most mothers. HIV status
              case of anencephaly, or the cases with spina bifida occulta   was known for 94.8%. The prevalence of HIV-positive
              may have been missed. An attempt was made to supplement   mothers in this study was 34.3%. This is higher than the
              the data with data from the DHIS where the causes of death   prevalence in pregnant females in the FS from 2009 to 2013
              are captured. This was unsuccessful. The entries were either   which ranged between 29.8% (2013) and 32.5% (2011)
              not made or wrongly entered as searches indicated one death   according to ‘The 2013 National  Antenatal Sentinel HIV
              per year due to NTDs.                                 Prevalence Survey South Africa’.  The overall HIV prevalence
                                                                    in pregnant females in SA in 2013 was 29.7%, which is also
              Comparing the incidence for UH and PH to the Sayed et al.    lower than the prevalence found in this study. These
              data indicated an increase in the incidence of NTDs from   differences were, however, not statistically significant.
              1.03/1000 in 2004/2005 (shortly after food fortification with
              folic acid was introduced) to 1.21/1000 in 2012 to 2016. This   The type of ARVs and the duration of ARV use were also
              tends to support the impression that there is a resurgence in   poorly captured in the data sources. It is, therefore, not
              the number of NTD cases in the FS, but this was not   possible to say whether a specific type of ARV or a certain
              statistically significant.                            treatment regimen contributed to a higher rate of NTDs.

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