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                                                       Page 1 of 1  Reviewer Acknowledgement t
                                        Acknowledgement to reviewers
                                        The editorial team of the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine recognises the value and importance of
                                        peer reviewers in the overall publication process – not only in shaping individual manuscripts, but also in
                                        shaping the credibility and reputation of our journal.
               In an effort to facilitate the
               selection of appropriate
               peer reviewers for the   We are committed to the timely publication of all original, innovative contributions submitted for
               Southern African Journal   publication. As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and interest in the
               of HIV Medicine, we ask   topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely, productive peer review
               that you take a moment   process.
               to update your electronic
               portfolio on https://    We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following reviewers who participated in shaping
      for our   this volume of the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine. We appreciate the time taken to perform your
               files, allowing us better   review(s) successfully.
               access to your areas of   Abdulsalam M. Yakasai                Kim Roberg
               interest and expertise,   Admire T. Chikandiwa                 Lauren Jankelowitz
               in order to match        Adri Williams                         Lauren Jennings
               reviewers with submitted   Alex Welte                          Lee Fairlie
                                        Anandan A. Moodley                    Leigh F. Johnson
                                        Ashraf Hassen Coovadia                Leon Levin
               If you would like to     Ava Avalos                            Louise Gilbert
               become a reviewer, please   Bianca Da Costa Dias               Lucas Hermans
               visit the journal website   Billy M. Tsima                     Mark Cotton
               and register as a reviewer.
                                        Brian van Wyk                         Matthew F. Chersich
                                        Busisiwe Nkosi                        Michael T. Boswell
               To access your details on   Candice Fick                       Michelle Venter
               the website, you will need   Carolina E. Nel                   Mina Hosseinapour
               to follow these steps:
                                        Catherine Orrell                      Naomi Hill
                                        Cleophas Chimbetete                   Nicolette P. Naidoo
               1. Log into the online   Cloete van Vuuren                     Pauline Howell
               journal at https://      Coceka N. Mnyani                      Pieter Ekermans
                                        David Moore                           Pooja Balani
                                        Evan Shoul                            Prudence Ive
               2. In your ‘user home’   Francois Venter                       Rachael Rawlinson
               [  Frasia Oosthuizen                     Rannakoe Lehloenya
               za/index.php/hivmed/     Gary Maartens                         Rubeshan Perumal
               user] select ‘edit my    Gert van Zyl                          Saajida Mahomed
               profile’ under the heading   Gillian Hunt                      Sarah E. Hill
               ‘my account’ and insert   Gillian Sorour                       Sean Wasserman
               all relevant details, bio   Godfrey M. Rwegerera               Shaun Barnabas
               statement and reviewing   Hannes Mouton                        Shayne Loubser
                                        India Butler                          Shenaaz Pahad
                                        Jade C. Mogambery                     Shobna Sawry
               3. It is good practice as a   Janan J. Dietrich                Siphamandla B. Gumede
               reviewer to update your   Jeremy S. Nel                        Stuart A. Ali
               personal details regularly   Joana Woods                       Susan J. Randall
               to ensure contact with   Jonathan Stadler                      Talitha Crowley
               you throughout your      Kagiso Motse                          Tammy Meyers
               professional term as     Kapila Hari                           Thozama Dubula
               reviewer to the Southern   Karl Technau                        Tom H. Boyles
               African Journal of HIV   Katayoun Tayeri                       Vhudzani Tshisevhe
                                        Katherine M. Gill                     Violet M. Awori
                                        Kathleen M. Powis                     Virginia Zweigenthal
               Please do not hesitate to   Kerusha Govender                   Zainab Mohamed
               contact us if you require
               assistance in performing
               this task.

               [email protected]
               Tel: +27 21 975 2602
               Tel: 086 1000 381

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