Page 430 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              Methods                                               this study was also obtained from the Free State province
                                                                    Department of Health. The information of each patient was
              This was a retrospective cross-sectional study set at UH,   managed with strict confidentiality. The hospital numbers of
              Bloemfontein, which is the referral hospital in the FS for the   each patient and mother and the date of birth were transcribed
              treatment of all NTDs as well as antenatal diagnoses of   onto a separate list and a specific research number was allocated
              congenital defects. All babies with NTDs (including stillbirths,   for each mother and baby (e.g. M1, B1). On the data-sheet
              late terminations and live births) from pregnancies reaching   and the Excel spread-sheet, only these research numbers were
              viability born in UH or referred to UH from 2012 to 2016 were   used to ensure confidentiality. These data-sheets were kept in a
              included in this study. At UH, viability is defined as later than   locked cabinet at the Department of Paediatrics.
              28 weeks’ pregnancy duration or more than 800 g birth weight.
              The Department of Health Information Systems (DHIS)
              defines a delivery later than 28 weeks as a birth, and not a   In total, 77 cases of NTDs were captured from 2012 to 2016 at
              miscarriage. Early miscarriages or termination of pregnancy   UH. The number of cases per year indicated that most were
              before 28 weeks’ gestation were excluded to enable    born in 2013 and 2014, with 10 in 2012, 19 in 2013, 19 in 2014,
              comparison with the Sayed et al. study.  Patients referred   15 in 2015 and 14 in 2016. See Figure 1.
              from outside the FS were also excluded.
                                                                    Twenty-six (26; 33.8%) of the cases were born in UH, and 51
              Measurement                                           in other hospitals. The highest number of referrals was from
                                                                    the Mangaung area (32.7%). This is displayed in Figure 2.
              Neural tube defect cases were identified and data were
              collected retrospectively from the following sources:  The incidence of NTDs was calculated using the number of
              •  Surveillance of Birth Defects reporting forms – UH.  births in the FS per year as well as the number of NTDs per
              •  MEDITECH records: the Electronic system for patient   year, as shown in Table 1. Thus, over the 5 years, the incidence
                 data capturing at UH.                              of NTDs was 0.34/1000 births.
              •  Hospital  records  from  the  Neonatal  unit  and  Obstetric
                 unit, including admission registers as well as the records-  Data for UH and PH were calculated separately from data of
                 archive of UH.                                     the rest of the FS as both had been sentinel sites for the Sayed
              •  Number of births in the FS for 2012 to 2016 – DHIS.  et al. study.  There were 27 222 births from 2012 to 2016 and
              •  The birth data for UH and Pelonomi Hospital (PH) were
                 collected from the specific maternity wards and calculated   20
                 separately to that from the rest of the FS.

              Once the NTD cases were identified, data from their
              summaries on MEDITECH as well as hospital files were    Number of neural tube  defect cases  15  19  19
              collected and entered into a data collection sheet. Each case                           15      14
              was given a unique research number for the information of   5    10
              the mother and the baby to maintain the confidentiality of the   0
              patients. The data collection sheets were then entered into an   2012   2013   2014    2015    2016
              Excel  spreadsheet.                                                            Year
                                                                    FIGURE 1: Number of neural tube defect (NTD) cases per year at Universitas
              The first three cases were used for the pilot study to test the   Hospital.
              data collection sheet. The data-sheet was adapted to include
              the gender and the weight of the baby. These three cases were
              included in the study.
                                                                                            FEZILE DABI
              Analysis of data                                                               488 036
              The University analysed the data. The results were               LEJWELEPUTSWA      THABO MOFUTSANYANA
              summarised as frequencies, percentages (categorical              16.32%             26.53%
              variables) and medians (numerical variables due to skew          627 626            736 238
              distributions). Ninety five per cent confidence intervals
              (95% CI) and appropriate hypothesis testing were used for            MANGAUNG
              comparison with other studies.                                          747 431
              Ethical consideration                                           146 259
              Approval to undertake this study was obtained from the
              Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee of the University   FIGURE  2:  Referrals  from  outside  of  Universitas  Hospital  (%)  by  municipal
              of the Free State (HSREC 53/2016) and permission to conduct   district  and population in 2011. 20
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