Page 423 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 423

Page 4 of 8  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of adolescents retained in antiretroviral therapy at Metropole District Health Service facilities in the Western Cape,
              2013–2015 (N = 220).
              Characteristics         Total              Month 4               Month 12              Month 24
                                  n        %        n       %     p       n      %       p       n      %       p
              10–14 years         41      18.6      36     87.8  0.003*   33     80.5  < 0.001*   28    68.3  < 0.001*
              15–19 years         179     81.4      115    64.2    -     78      43.6    -      52      29.1    -
              Male                38      17.3      32     84.2  0.023*   25     65.8  0.038*   20      52.6  0.022*
              Female              182     82.7      119    65.4    -     86      47.3    -      60      33.0    -
              Source of income
              Employed            15       9.4      12     80.0  0.063    6      40.0   0.077    5      33.3  0.052
              Family and friends  129     80.6      80     62.0    -     60      46.5    -      41      31.8    -
              Grant               16      10.0      14     87.5    -     12      75.0    -      10      62.5    -
              Type of dwelling
              Informal dwelling   69      36.1      47     68.1  0.243   34      49.3   0.817   23      33.3  0.395
              Formal house        116     60.7      76     65.5    -     54      46.6    -      39      33.6    -
              Hostel              4        2.1      1      25.0    -      1      25.0    -       0       -      -
              Other               2        1.1      2      100     -      1      50.0    -       0       -      -
              Yes                 182     87.1      127    69.8  0.272   97      53.3  0.008*   70      38.5  0.044*
              No                  27      12.9      16     59.3    -      7      25.9    -       5      18.5    -
              Alcohol/drug use
              Yes                 27       15       22     81.5  0.059   10      37.0   0.401    6      22.2  0.279
              No                  153      85       96     62.7    -     70      45.8    -      50      32.7    -
              CD4 count
              < 200 cells/mm 3    42      19.3      30     71.4  0.742   23      54.8   0.634   18      42.9  0.218
              200–349 cells/mm 3  109     50.0      77     70.6    -     57      52.3    -      43      39.4    -
              ≥ 350 cells/mm 3    67      30.7      44     65.7    -     31      46.3    -      19      28.4    -
              WHO stage
              I                   99      46.5      59     59.6  0.021*   39     39.4  0.024*   24      24.2  0.008*
              II                  48      22.5      34     70.8    -     29      60.4    -      24      50.0    -
              III                 51      23.9      43     84.3    -     31      60.8    -      23      45.1    -
              IV                  15       7.0      10     66.7    -      9      60.0    -       6      40.0    -
              Yes                 84      38.2      47     56.0  0.001*   30     35.7  0.001*   18      21.4  < 0.001*
              No                  136     61.8      104    76.5    -     81      59.6    -      62      45.6    -
              On IPT
              Yes                 15       6.8      9      60.0  0.346    7      46.7   0.407    4      26.7  0.658
              No                  165     73.2      111    67.3    -     80      48.5    -      60      36.4    -
              ART regimen
              TFE                 157     71.4      100    63.7  0.010*  65      41.4  < 0.001*   44    28.0  < 0.001*
              T3E                 27      12.3      17     63.0    -     15      55.6    -      10      37.0    -
              A3E                 34      15.5      32     94.1    -     29      85.3    -      25      73.5    -
              Z3E                 1        0.4      1      100     -      1      100     -       0       -      -
              T3L/rit             1        0.4      1      100     -      1      100     -       1      100     -
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; WHO, World Health Organization; IPT, isoniazid preventive therapy.
              *, Statistical significance at p < 0.05.
              †, Disclosure entailed adolescents disclosed to and those who disclosed.
              TFE (Tenofovir + Emtricitabine + Efavirenz); T3E (Tenofovir + Lamivudine + Efavirenz); A3E (Abacavir + Lamivudine + Efavirenz); Z3E (Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Efavirenz); T3L/rit (Tenofovir +
              Lamivudine + Lopinovir/ritonavir).

              I at baseline also showed significantly lower RiC rates at   Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the survival curves of the study
              24  months post-initiation of  ART, compared with those   participants. The overall person-time at risk of being LTFU
              who  were at WHO stage II (RR = 1.52, 95% CI: 1.24–1.69)   was 3303 months, with  an incidence  of 119/3807 (4/100)
              and WHO stage III (RR = 1.46, 95% CI: 1.15–1.66) at baseline.   person-months. The hazard ratio for males compared with
              At 24 months post-initiation of ART, adolescents who were   females was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.41–1.26). The hazard ratio for
              classified as WHO stage II (RR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.09–1.53) and   those aged 15–19 years compared with those aged 10–14
              those who were WHO stage III (RR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.10–1.53)   years was 2.53 (95% CI: 1.30–4.91).
              at ART initiation had a 35% greater risk of RiC, compared
              with those who were WHO stage I at ART initiation. Those   Discussion
              adolescents who were classified as WHO stage IV at ART
              initiation showed better RiC rates at months 4, 12 and 24 post-  In 2014, the UNAIDS set a global ART target of 90-90-90. This
              initiation, but none of these reached statistical significance.  includes the goal that 90% of persons who test HIV-positive

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