Page 421 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 421

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              However, routine monitoring of HIV treatment programmes   TABLE 1: Facilities in the Western Cape rendering antiretroviral therapy services
              does not report RiC and treatment outcomes for adolescents   (N = 256).        Rural   Metro    Total
                                                                    Facility type
              (10–19 years); they report only for children (0–14 years) and   Clinic (including satellite clinics)  138  26  164
              adults (15 years and older).  In this way, adolescent problems   Mobile clinics  8       0       8
              with RiC and treatment outcomes remain undetected in the   Community day centre  17     29       46
              monitoring of HIV programmes. It is argued that because of   Community health centre  0  9       9
              the general  adherence  problems faced by adolescents   District hospital        4       6       10
              globally, specific analysis is needed to report outcomes for   TB hospitals      4       2       6
              this age group at a health-systems level.             Regional hospitals         0       4       4
                                                                    Correctional centres       8       1       9
              Objectives                                            Total                     179     77      256
                                                                    TB, tuberculosis.
              This article reports on the RiC of ALWH aged 10–19 years
              who were newly initiated on ART in public health facilities in   are  designated  as  paediatric  or  adult.  Adolescent-specific
              the Western Cape Metropole, SA, in 2013, and the risk factors   ART services are not yet part of standard care being offered at
              associated with remaining in care at 4, 12 and 24 months   all  ART facilities. Those that do are limited to services
              post-initiation on ART.
                                                                    initiated and/or supported by tertiary hospitals or non-profit
              Methods                                               organisations.
              Design                                                Data source

              We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of adolescents   Two data sources were used for this analysis: the Three
              aged 10–19 years, who were initiated on ART in 2013 in the   Interlinked Electronic Registers.Net (TIER.Net),  an electronic
              Western Cape Metropole.                               ART database developed by the University of Cape Town’s
                                                                    Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research,
              Study context                                         and patients’ folders accessed at the treating facilities. Tier.Net
                                                                    is used operationally in the public health facilities of SA to
              The Western Cape’s ART programme has been in existence   monitor baseline clinical care and client outcomes over time.
              for over 10 years. The 2013 version of the ART guidelines   It is also the platform on which HIV tests are electronically
              was updated in 2016, and had consolidated adult,      captured in the public sector. 15
              adolescent, paediatric and prevention of mother-to-child
              transmission of HIV  guidelines.  In the province of   We first visited the platform to obtain data on all
              the  Western Cape, most adults  and  children access  ART   those who met the inclusion criteria. With the use of our data-
              services at primary healthcare facilities, such as clinics,   capturing form, we searched for the relevant information
              community day centres and community health centres. At   from the platform. Where information was missing,
              the end of June 2017, this province had 237 285 patients on   we accessed the patient’s folder to confirm the availability of
              ART, of whom 229 171 were aged ≥ 15 years and 8114 were   the required information.
              aged < 15 years. The Cape Town Metropole accounts for
              74.3% (167 833) of the total number of ART patients in the
              Western Cape, that is 162  092 aged  ≥  15 years and 5741   Study participants
              aged < 15 years.   Antiretroviral therapy services are   Data were found for  332 ALWH  newly registered on ART
              rendered at the various Western Cape facilities, as outlined   from 29 facilities across the Western Cape Metropole and
              in Table 1. 13                                        extracted from the provincial register. Only 220
                                                                    participants were included in the final analysis. Of the 112
              However, services rendered at these facilities vary. Some   excluded, for 68, folders could not be found in spite of making
              provide only adult ART services. Others offer both adult and   numerous attempts to trace these documents at the various
              paediatric support. Some facilities offer  ART daily, whilst   facilities. Furthermore, 28 patients were incorrectly captured
              others provide ART only on certain days of the week. Human   as new patients when they had been transferred in from other
              resource capacity also varies. Not all facilities have resident   facilities; 4 patients were not adolescents, and their birth
              medical officers or clinical nurse practitioners. Hence, the   dates had been incorrectly captured; and 12  patients had
              need for outreach support arises. The capacity to care for   been incorrectly captured as having initiated ART in 2013.
              adults  in  the  Western  Cape  has  improved  with  the
              implementation of the nurse-initiated management of   Main outcome measures and analysis
              antiretroviral treatment (NIMART) programme, whereby
              nurses are trained and receive structured mentorship and   We extracted data on sociodemographic characteristics
              accreditation to initiate first-line ART. A challenge in the rural   (age, sex, source of income, type of dwelling, disclosure to
              areas is the irregular access to competent and skilled clinicians   significant other and reported alcohol or other drug use) and
              to manage paediatric patients and complicated adult and   clinical characteristics  (CD4 count, WHO stage, pregnancy
              adolescent patients. As previously stated, most ART services   and ART regimen).

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