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Page 8 of 10  Original Research

              Strengths and limitations                             the main author. C.L.-C. was the primary supervisor and
                                                                    M.E. the secondary supervisor. All authors commented on
              Most previous studies in the field of OPLWH have defined them   drafts  of  the  article  and  approved  the  final  version  to  be
              to be aged ≥ 50 years. However, seeing as assumptions of life   published.
              expectancy without HIV and total fertility rates were estimated
              to be 61.5 years for males and 67.7 years for females in 2019, it
              was imperative to assess older age groups and exclude those still   Funding information
              eligible to work for future planning of care interventions for   This  research  received  no  specific  grant from any  funding
              these individuals. This is one of the first local studies to use this   agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
              novel approach. Also, a paucity of data was available on the
              subject in the NWP according to the researcher’s knowledge,   Data availability statement
              and this is the first study to begin to address this gap. Most
              previous studies published about OPLWH have compared their   Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
              response since ART initiation to younger cohorts. The current   were created or analysed in this study.
              study did not address this. The sample was chosen conveniently
              and thus could have introduced selection bias.  Also, the   Disclaimer
              retrospective design has disadvantages. Previous prospective
              studies on the subject could compare baseline characteristics   The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of
              and outcomes in terms of ART initiation and follow-up. This   the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
              approach was not possible in the current study due to time   position of any affiliated agency of the authors.
              constraints in terms of data collection, and there were many
              missing data (e.g. files and blood results) which could have   References
              influenced study findings. The sample size was small and this
              could perhaps be seen as a pilot study for future studies in   1.  UN.World Population Ageing 2019: Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/430) [homepage on
                                                                      the Internet]. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division,
              OPLWH in the NWP. Generalisability was affected by limited   New York: The United Nations; 2019 [cited 2019 Dec 03]. Available from: https://
              patient numbers and the exclusion of a more rural cohort.   PopulationAgeing2019-Highlights.pdf
              Unmeasured covariates could have resulted in hidden bias.   2.  SASSA.  Grants  for  older  persons  [homepage  on  the  Internet].  South  African
                                                                      Department  of  Social  Development;  n.d.  [cited  2019  Oct  23].  Available  from:
              Conclusion                                            3.  UN.  World  Population  Ageing  2015  (ST/ESA/SER.A/390)  [homepage  on  the
                                                                      Internet].  Department  of  Economic  and  Social  Affairs,  Population  Division,
              To our knowledge, this was the first study to assess    New York: The United Nations; 2015 [cited 2019 Dec 03]. Available from: https://
              characteristics and outcomes in older PLWH in the NWP.   WPA2015_Report.pdf
              Older men and women living with HIV need to be approached   4.  WHO. World report on ageing and health [homepage on the Internet]. Geneva:
              using different strategies, tailored to their specific needs.   World Health Organisation; 2015 [cited 2019 Dec 03]. Available from: https://
              There is an urgent need for South  African clinicians  to   ssionid=564128D768AA8195EA13923FA66A80CB?sequence=1
              consider the implementation of standardised CGA in all   5.  NDoH. Implementation of the universal test and treat strategy for HIV positive
                                                                      patients and differentiated care for stable patients [homepage on the Internet].
              OPLWH, as this has the potential to improve outcomes of   Pretoria: South African National Department of Health; 2016 [cited 2019 Mar 03].
              older patients after hospital admission. Chronic kidney   Available  from:
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                                                                      AIDS. 2012;26(Suppl 1):S85–S91.
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              Acknowledgements                                      10. Dawood H, Hassan-Moosa R, Zuma N-Y, et al. Mortality and treatment response
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              The authors would like to thank Professor Olufemi Omole   in  South  Africa.  BMC  Infect  Dis.  2018;18(168):1–9.
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              in writing this article.                              14. NDoH.  National  consolidated  guidelines  for  the  prevention  of  mother-to-child
                                                                      transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and the management of HIV in children, adolescents
                                                                      and adults [homepage on the Internet]. Republic of South Africa: South African
              Authors’ contributions                                  Department of Health; 2015 [cited 2019 Dec 05]. Available from: https://sahivsoc.
              This article was submitted by M.R as a requirement for   15. Osler M, Hilderbrand K, Hennessey C, et al. A three-tier framework for monitoring
                                                                      antiretroviral therapy in high HIV burden settings. J Int AIDS Soc. 2014;17(1):18908.
              partial fulfilment of the MMed (Family Medicine). M.R. was

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