Page 278 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 6 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 3a: Relationships between patient characteristics and outcomes.  Older men also reported low condom use during their last
              Outcome      Alive  Dead  Chi-square/  Logistic regression  sexual encounter. These factors may explain why men are
                                      Fisher exact
              Characteristic  N   n     p value   p    OR 95% CI    more likely to become HIV infected when they are older. On
              Hospitalised in the   6  2  0.009  n/a†   -  -        the other hand, women are known to test for HIV more
              past year                                             readily than men and are more aware of their status, which
              Haemoglobin < 12 g/dL  3  4  0.017  n/a†  -  -        could increase their HIV incidence. This was reiterated in
                                                                    the report.  Efforts relating to HIV screening and testing, as
              TABLE 3b: Relationships between patient characteristics and outcomes.  well as condom distribution amongst older men, need to be
              Outcome   VL ≤ 400   VL > 400   Chi-square/  Logistic regression  scaled up to ensure they do not continue spreading the
                        copies/mL  copies/ml  Fisher exact
              Characteristic  N   n       p value  p  OR  95% CI    infection to their older and younger female sexual partners.
              Current CD4 ≥   115  20     0.034  0.037 2.3 1.05–5.02  Another intervention strategy could include a mass medical
              350 cells/mm 3                                        male circumcision campaign, aimed specifically  at  older
              Post-herpetic   0   2       0.032   n/a†  -  -        men.
                                                                    The majority of this study cohort had been on ART for ≤ 10
              TABLE 3c: Relationships between patient characteristics and outcomes.  years. It was evident from the file reviews that changing
              Outcome  CD4 < 350   CD4 ≥ 350  Chi-square/  Logistic regression
                       cells/mm³  cells/mm³  Fisher exact           treatment guidelines over the years has had an influence on
              Characteristic  N   n       p      p    OR  95% CI    ART initiation in this population, as they were more likely to
              Patient on   35    116    0.023   0.041  2.78 1.04–7.42  be initiated in line with their CD4 cell count values at a later
              first-line ART                                        stage of infection. Dates of HIV diagnoses were unavailable
              Patient on   19    83     0.007   0.009  3.15 1.34–7.40
              ART > 5 years                                         for many participants, which made it impossible to report on
              Baseline CD4   8   54     0.002   n/a†  -    -        the timeline from receiving a diagnosis of HIV and initiating
              ≥ 350 cells/                                          treatment. In the era of UTT, ART should be initiated as soon
              mm 3
              Female      19     89     0.001   0.059   2.24 0.97–5.18  as possible for all those who qualify for it, especially in
              gender                                                OPLWH. This could potentially negate a poor immune
              Current     4       1     0.018   n/a†  -    -        reconstitution effort and improve the overall clinical status
              Creatinine ≤   23  96     0.012   0.277   1.67 0.66–4.18  for OPLWH. Moreover, this could limit the spread of the
              99 µL/L                                               disease to their sexual partners. This may also empower
              OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; VL, viral load; ART, antiretroviral therapy.  them to learn more about the disease and educate their
              †, Cells contain ≤ 10 observations, thus findings were omitted from the logistic regression
              model.                                                families about it.
              outcomes and patient characteristics. In this cohort, a   It may be challenging to comment on the current  ART
              suppressed VL was associated with a good CD4 cell response.   regimen  of  this  cohort,  as  it  was  unclear  if  and  when
              A good CD4 cell response was also associated with first-line   regimens were changed from a stavudine-based regimen for
              ART and longer treatment duration.                    those taking treatment for longer, as per evolving guidelines.
                                                                    It was clear, however, that an NNRTI-based regimen was the
              Participants  60–69  years  old  and  female  participants   most common treatment regimen prescribed for these
              comprised the largest proportion of this study’s sample.   participants in line with guidelines used at the time. The
              Female gender seemed to predominate in South  African   tenofovir component was not included in 16.2% of
              studies evaluating OPLWH from the age of 50 years old. 10,16,17    participants’  ART and 6.8% of the cohort had renal
              Interestingly, the only other study in SSA that showed  a   dysfunction. Only 3.7% of the cohort was classified with
              female predominance was a recent Ugandan study.  Studies   CKD. One explanation for the low prevalence of CKD may
              from other countries in SSA painted a slightly different   be that renal function improved when tenofovir was
                                                                    substituted with an agent that is known to be renal protective,
              picture. Auld et al.  pooled data from seven SSA countries.   and these participants were subsequently not classified as
              Male participants aged ≥ 50 years formed the majority of the   having CKD, but this does not explain the higher percentage
              cohort in six of the seven countries that were studied. Nigeria   of renal dysfunction in this cohort. Another explanation may
              was the marginal exception, where 51% of participants   be that primary care clinicians simply did not diagnose or
              ≥ 50 years old were female participants. A male predominance   document CKD in this cohort. The prevalence of CKD was
              was also evident in Burkina Faso  and Malawi.  Both studies   one in five PLWH ≥ 60 years old in a study conducted in 12
              used the age of ≥ 50 years to define older adults.    French hospitals and was independently associated with an
                                                                    increased 5-year mortality.  These findings may warrant
              In 2012, the SA National HIV prevalence incidence and   more rigorous screening and documentation of kidney
              behaviour survey reported a higher HIV prevalence in   function in our setting, especially in light of the fact that
              female participants aged 55–60 years, but male participants   CKD  is  a  known  risk  factor  for  adverse  cardiovascular
              still predominated in the age categories of 50–55 years and   outcomes.
              ≥ 60 years, in contrast to our findings. In the aforementioned
              survey, the proportion of men who reported having more   Knowing the nutritional status of a patient might affect
              than one sexual partner was eight times that of women.   21% – 82% of treatment decisions,  with poor nutritional
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