Page 276 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 4 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Demographic, treatment, clinical and laboratory characteristics.
              Demographics                                       n      N       %     Minimum  Maximum  Median  IQR
              Female                                             111    191     58.1     -       -       -      -
              Male                                               80     191     41.9     -       -       -      -
              Marital status
              Married/Partner/Cohabitation                       53     191     27.8     -       -       -      -
              Single/Widowed                                     39     191     20.4     -       -       -      -
              Unknown                                            99     191     51.8     -       -       -      -
              Previously defaulted treatment                     18     191     9.4      -       -       -      -
              Male                                                9     18      50       -       -       -      -
              Single/Widowed                                      5     18      27.8     -       -       -      -
              Still receiving first-line ART                     18     18      100      -       -       -      -
              VL < 400 copies/mL                                 13     18      72.2     -       -       -      -
              Transferred out                                     8     191      4.2     -       -       -      -
              ART regimen
              ART first line (usual): Tenofovir/emtricitabine/efavirenz  158  191  82.7  -       -       -      -
              ART second line (usual): Zidovudine/lamivudine/lopinavir/ritonavir  10  191  5.2  -  -     -      -
              ART first line (alternative): Abacavir or zidovudine/lamivudine/efavirenz  21  191  11  -  -  -   -
              ART first line (alternative): Tenofovir/emtricitabine/nevirapine  2  191  1.1  -   -       -      -
              Hospitalised in the previous 12 months              8     191     4.2      -       -       -      -
              CD4 cell count < 200 cells/mm³                      2      8      25       -       -       -      -
              Current TB                                          1      8      12.5     -       -       -      -
              Co-morbidity                                        7      8      87.5     -       -       -      -
              Co-morbidity noted†                                123    191     64.4     -       -       -      -
              Current                                             6     191     3.2      -       -       -      -
              Previous                                            5     191     2.6      -       -       -      -
              Hypertension                                       106    191     55.5     -       -       -      -
              Creatinine ≥ 100 µmol/L                            18     92      19.6     -       -       -      -
              eGFR ≤ 50 mL /min/1.73m³                            5     92      5.4      -       -       -      -
              Diabetes Mellitus                                  15     191     7.9      -       -       -      -
              Creatinine ≥ 100 µmol/L                             1     14      7.1      -       -       -      -
              eGFR ≤ 50 mL /min/1.73m³                            0     14      0.0      -       -       -      -
              Chronic Kidney Disease                              7     191     3.7      -       -       -      -
              Creatinine ≥ 100 µmol/L                             5      7      71.4     -       -       -      -
              eGFR ≤ 50 mL /min/1.73m³                            4      7      57.1     -       -       -      -
              Hypercholesterolaemia                              18     191     9.4      -       -       -      -
              Age (years)
              60–69                                              167    191     87.4     -       -       -      -
              ≥ 70                                               24     191     12.6     -       -       -      -
              Duration on ART (months)
              12–60                                              76     191     39.8     -       -       -      -
              61–120                                             66     191     34.6     -       -       -      -
              ≥ 121                                              39     191     20.4     -       -       -      -
              Unknown                                            10     191     5.2      -       -       -      -
              Weight (kg)
              < 40                                                5     191     2.6      -       -       -      -
              40–59                                              68     191     35.6     -       -       -      -
              60–79                                              78     191     40.8     -       -       -      -
              ≥ 80                                               33     191     17.3     -       -       -      -
              Unknown                                             7     191     3.7      -       -       -      -
              VL (copies/ml)                                                            LTDL   394 143  20    0 ̶ 157.5
              < 400                                              154    191     80.6     -       -       -      -
              400–999                                            16     191     8.4      -       -       -      -
              ≥ 1000                                             18     191     9.4      -       -       -      -
              Unknown                                             3     191     1.6      -       -       -      -
              Initial CD4 cell count (cells/mm³)                                         6      1118   279.5  167 ̶ 433
              < 200                                              67     191     35       -       -       -      -
              200–349                                            54     191     28.3     -       -       -      -
              350–499                                            26     191     13.6     -       -       -      -
              ≥ 500                                              37     191     19.4     -       -       -      -
              Unknown                                             7     191     3.7      -       -       -      -
                                                                                               Table 1 continues on the next page →

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