Page 229 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 11  Review Article

              200 to 350 cells/mm . In addition, all pregnant women and
              persons with Stage 3 and 4 infection were offered ART.  In       Records obtained through database search Google
                                                                                 scholar = 89, Ebscohorst = 101, Cochrane 9,
              2010, the threshold was raised to CD4 < 350 c/mm  for all   Iden fica on  Embase 23 and PubMed = 71 (n = 293)
              irrespective of clinical stage.  By June 2013, the threshold
              was further increased to CD4 < 500/cells/mm  for all children
                                                                                                 Records remained a€er 79
              > 5 years and adults irrespective of stage/symptoms.  In      Total records obtained  duplicates removed (n = 214)
              2015,  the WHO and numerous international organisations   Screening  (n = 293)
              removed  the CD4 threshold and recommended ART to all
              regardless of CD4 cell count and clinical stage.  Data from                      Records excluded on the basis of
              two highly influential randomised controlled clinical trials,                       tles and abstracts (n = 187)
              the START and TEMPRANO studies, underpinned this        Eligibility  Ar cles remaining a€er  tle
              decision. Both demonstrated survival advantage to those on   and abstract screening (n = 27)
              ART irrespective of clinical stage or CD4 count.  This led to                      Ar cles excluded because
              the introduction by all international agencies, including the                        they  focused on drug
              WHO, of the policy of ‘universal test and treat (UTT)’. The   Inclusion  Full texts ar cles included in  regimen changes not policy
              WHO estimates that if these recommendations are adopted        final review (n = 16)  implementa ons changes a€er
                                                                                                 reading manuscripts (n = 11)
              globally, 21  million  deaths and 28 million new infections
              could be prevented by 2030. 10                        FIGURE 1: Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis
                                                                    flow diagram showing the process of selecting articles included in the review.
              The rate at which countries have aligned their national ART
              programmes  and  implemented  WHO  guidelines  since  2002   included: duplicates, articles not centered on the WHO
              has varied. Most SSA countries took ± 2 years to implement   and  ART  initiation  guidelines  or  their  adoption  and
              the  WHO’s 2010  ART guidelines.  From December 2015 to   implementation. Exclusion was based on the screening of the
              May 2017, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Malawi,    title and abstract.
              Zimbabwe and South Africa revised national ART eligibility
              guidelines to align with the WHO’s 2015 guidelines.  On   The search process is illustrated in Figure 1. Seventy-nine (79)
              average, this integration took 12 months (range, 6–23 months).    duplicate articles were removed, which were identical in
              The implementation of the WHO guidelines in resource-  Google Scholar and PubMed. Fewer articles dealt with the
              constrained countries is complex. Consequently, it has  not   topic in Cochrane and Embase. The articles in PubMed were
              always been possible to implement the guidelines timeously   more detailed,  easier to search and free to access. We also
              where ART is most needed and where access to health services   excluded 187 articles because they did not specifically
              is limited.  In this review, we sought to determine how different   address implementation based on CD4-threshold changes.
              SSA countries adapted to the WHO’s  ART-initiating CD4-  Another 11 were excluded because they focused on only
              threshold changes over time and how WHO guidelines have   regimen change. Only 16 articles remained. These covered
              impacted ART in the region.
                                                                    quantitative and qualitative synthesis of how SSA countries
              Methods                                               adopted the WHO and ART initiation guidelines between
                                                                    2000 and 2019 and its impact on the management of HIV.
              Search strategy and selection criteria
              We carried out a systematic electronic literature search on   Data extraction and synthesis
              PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane, Embase and EBSCO    The following information was extracted from selected
              host for the period, 2000–2019 (Figure 1). The databases were   studies using a template: publication details, country of
              selected based on our inclusion criteria and the availability of   study, objective(s) of the study, study design, summary
              free full-text articles and papers. In this review, we used the   of  findings and theme (Table 1). Two review authors
              preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-
              analysis (PRISMA) as described by Moher et al., to identify   independently assessed the eligibility of the studies
              an evidence-based dataset and to provide transparency in the   identified in the search. Articles with different study designs
              selection process of the articles. 12                 and objectives were selected to reduce the risk of bias. We
                                                                    used different high-impact databases to search for articles
              The search was based on the combination of the following   and global authors. The study designs were divided into five
              terms and Boolean operators: WHO-ART guidelines or ART-  groups: cross sectional, cost-effectiveness, retrospective,
              initiation guidelines and changes in CD4-initiation guidelines   randomised trial and observational studies. We did not
              and  implementation  of  WHO guidelines  or  adoption  of   subject the reviewed articles to this quality process because
              WHO-ART guidelines. We also applied a manual country   this is a scoping review. For synthesis, extracted information
              filter to limit our search to SSA.  Articles published in a   was grouped into themes derived from the articles in line
              language other than English and articles focusing on ART   with the review objectives and different study designs. The
              regimen-change were excluded. The study included articles   themes identified were: how different SSA countries adopted
              that focused on CD4-threshold changes and were published   WHO and ART initiation policy guidelines at country level,
              between  2000  and  2019.  The  following  articles  were  not   timely implementation levels of the policies by different SSA

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