Page 234 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 234

Page 7 of 11  Review Article

                           Strength/weakness of design  The strengths of this study include the large  and representative cohort; the 31 033  HIV-infected ART-naive adults included in  this analysis represent 24% of all adult  patients enrolled in care in Rwanda  between 2005 and 2010. Patients in the  analysis came from 41 different health  facilities ranging in size from primary health  clinics to large district hospitals and were  located in both rural and urban areas. The  use of routinely collected

                           Major outcomes of study  There were higher rates of ART  initiation within 3 months amongst  patients who were ART eligible at   enrollment. From 2006 to 2011, earlier initiation  of ART after eligibility was observed  likely reflecting improved programme   quality. The Rwanda National HIV Care and  Treatment Programme have achieved  significant success in scaling up ART  with 94% of eligible patients  receiving treatment in 2012. Rwanda was also one of the first  countries in

                           Study location  Rwanda           Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)   Swaziland

                               The study examined time to   ART eligibility amongst  adult patients (≥ 15 years   of age) and time to ART  initiation amongst eligible  patients receiving care at  health facilities in Rwanda   Study estimated the total   number of patients who  would need ART if Ethiopia   guidelines, the number of  patients needing ART based  on current guidelines were   added to the number of   asymptomatic patients  enrolled in pre-ART with a   CD4+ count > 200 but   The study measure

                           Study focus   from 2005 to 2010   according to WHO   guidelines.  adopted the 2010   ≤ 350 cells/mm 3 .  implementing UTT,   retention and viral   patient per year.

                           Type of study  Retrospective   study  Retrospective   and   prospective   medical chart   reviews  Prospective   3-year   stepped-  wedge   randomised   control study

                           Study objectives  Determine time to   ART initiation amongst   patients eligible at   enrollment compared  with those ineligible or of   indeterminate eligibility   who become eligible   during follow-up  The study assessed the   implications of  implementing the WHO’s   2010 guidelines for ART   initiation in adults and   adolescents with   HIV-infection compared  with the earlier threshold.   The study was designed to  determine the feasibility,  acceptability, affordability

                         TABLE 1 (Continues...): Summary of studies.  Theme identified  Guidelines   year  Timely implementation of   2006 and   WHO and ART initiation   2010 policy guidelines at country   level Adoption of WHO and ART  initiation policy guidelines at   national level Barriers and facilitators to  WHO policy implementation  Timely implementation of   2010  WHO and ART initiation  policy guidelines at country   level Adoption of WHO and ART  initiation policy guidelines at   country leve

                            and year
                                   Paper 14
                                                                Paper 15
                                                             et al. 23
                                et al. 22
                                  226  Open Access  Walsh   et al. 24  2017  Paper 16
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