Page 231 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 231

Page 4 of 11  Review Article

                  Strength/weakness of design  The data were collected from various field  experts, comprising HIV clinicians,  researchers, country HIV programme  managers, guideline methodologists,  partners from the United Nations or other  development agencies and nominated  representatives of civil society and/or  networks of people living with HIV  (selected on the basis of four criteria:  technical knowledge, constituency and  regional representation, previous  experience with guidelines developm

                  Major outcomes of study  The findings of these community  consultations have reinforced the  importance of community  representation, involvement, and  participation in normative guidelines   development. For the effective scale-up of ART  programmes, it is critical to have a  nuanced appreciation for the  different ways in which people  interact with certain services, and the  role of communities and civil society   in service delivery.  Mortality risk and risk for AIDS  appear to be

                  Study location  Malawi and Uganda.  South Africa, Zambia, Angola,  Kenya, Uganda, Lesotho and   Nigeria  43 Sub-Saharan African   countries  Kenya, Uganda and Zambia.

                  Study focus  The study focused on  evaluating community and   HCW values and  preferences on key topics to  inform the development of  the 2013 WHO consolidated  guidelines for antiretroviral   therapy in low- and  middle-income countries.  Clinical outcomes and   benefits of early ART  initiation at CD4 cell count   500 and below.  Questionnaires were sent  to countries identified by  WHO as requiring special   attention for developing   HIV-therapeutic and  preventive health services

                  Type of study  Cross-  sectional   e-survey and   e-forum   discussion,   FGDs  Observational   Study  Observational   Study   Observational   analysis.

                  Study objectives  The study assessed   adaptation and   implementation of the  2013 WHO guidelines at  country level and suggests   how to optimise  community engagement   to inform future   guidelines.  The study assessed   differences in clinical   benefits between   individuals starting  treatment at CD4 counts   ≥ 500 cells/mm 3  (early  initiation) as compared   with < 500 cells/mm 3    (deferred initiation).  The study investigated the  existence of national ART   guidelines in S

                TABLE 1 (Continues...): Summary of studies.  Theme identified  Guidelines   year  Timely implementation of   2013 WHO and ART initiation  policy guidelines at country   level Adoption of WHO and ART  initiation policy guidelines   at national level Barriers and facilitators to  WHO-policy implementation  Adoption of WHO and ART   2015 initiation policy guidelines   at national level Barriers and facilitators to  WHO-policy implementation  Timely implementation of   2002  WHO and ART init

                                           Song et al. 16
                      Hsieh et al. 6
                                                            Beck et al. 3
                   and year
                                              Paper 5
                                                              Paper 6
                        Paper 4
                                  223  Open Access  Duber   et al. 17  2015  Paper 7
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