Page 158 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 5 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Distribution of baseline characteristics of N = 509 HIV-negative, sexually active adult men who underwent voluntary medical male circumcision according to the
              availability of sexual behaviour data at 3 months post-voluntary medical male circumcision and association of these characteristics with data availability.
              Baseline characteristics (n with data)                     Sexual behaviour data at 3 months Post-VMMC, †
                                                               Available (n = 368)  Not available (n = 141)  OR  95% CI
                                                               N         %        N        %
              Age (n = 509) (years)
               18–24                                           110       30       53       38        1        ref.
               25–29                                           123       33       50       36       0.84    0.53–1.34
               30–34                                           76        21       22       16       0.60    0.34–1.07
               35–49                                           59        16       16       11       0.56    0.30–1.07
              Relationship status (n = 509)
               Single‡                                         71        19       26       18        1        ref.
               Dating and living together                      72        20       24       17       0.91    0.48–1.73
               Dating but not living together                  196       53       76       54       1.06    0.63–1.78
               Married                                         29        8        15       11       1.41    0.66–3.05
              Religious affiliation (n = 508)
               No religious affiliation                        21        6        5         4        1        ref.
               Any religious affiliation                       346       94       136      96       1.65    0.61–4.47
              Highest level of education completed (n = 492)§
               Secondary or less                               168       47       44       34        1        ref.
               Higher than secondary                           193       54       87       66       1.72    1.13–2.61
              Employed or self-employed (n = 509)              263       72       96       68       0.85    0.56–1.30
              Household size (n = 507)
               0–2                                             98        27       52       37        1        ref.
               3–4                                             124       34       39       28       0.59    0.36–0.97
               5–6                                             79        22       31       22       0.74    0.43–1.26
               ≥ 7                                             65        18       19       14       0.55    0.30–1.02
              Electricity in household (n = 509)               314       85       121      86       1.04    0.60–1.81
              Refrigerator in household (n = 509)              282       77       112      79       1.18    0.73–1.89
              Household use of wood as cooking fuel (n = 509)  61        17       23       16       0.98    0.58–1.66
              Circumcision knowledge and beliefs
              Reasons for circumcision (n = 509)
               HIV protection                                  180       49       61       43        1        ref.
               Personal hygiene                                98        27       55       39       1.66    1.07–2.57
               Other                                           90        25       25       18       0.82    0.48–1.39
              Knowledge of HIV risk
               Correct knowledge: VMMC partially reduces HIV risk for men (n = 509)  311  85  112  79  0.71  0.43–1.16
               Correct knowledge: VMMC does not impact HIV risk for women (n = 506)  40  11  15  11  0.97   0.52–1.81
              Risk compensation scale, mean (SD)¶
               Condom use is not necessary if the man is circumcised (n = 509)  4.35  1.00  4.28  1.26  0.94  0.79–1.12
               If I am circumcised, sex is safe without a condom (n = 509)  4.42  0.90  4.35  1.13  0.94    0.77–1.14
               Being circumcised means a man can worry less about HIV (n = 508)  3.79  1.46  3.91  1.42  1.06  0.93–1.22
               If a man is circumcised, he can have more sexual partners (n = 509)  4.51  0.73  4.47  1.03  0.95  0.75–1.19
              Alcohol consumption (n = 509)                    224       61       88       62       1.07    0.72–1.59
              Age at first sexual intercourse (n = 501) (years)
               < 18                                            104       28       45       32        1        ref.
               18–20                                           164       45       65       46       1.09    0.69–1.72
               ≥ 21                                            93        25       31       22       1.40    0.82–2.38
              ≥ 2 partners, past 1 month (n = 461)             148       44       59       47       1.11    0.74–1.68
              ≥ 2 partners, past 12 months (n = 466)           201       60       78       61       1.06    0.70–1.61
              Number of partners, lifetime (n = 505)
               1 partner                                       33        9        18       13        1        ref.
               2–4 partners                                    150       41       52       37       0.64    0.33–1.22
               5–10 partners                                   122       33       47       34       0.71    0.36–1.37
               11 or more partners                             60        16       23       16       0.71    0.33–1.49
              Exchanged money for sex, past 12 months (n = 468)  23      7        10        8       1.17    0.54–2.53
              VMMC, voluntary medical male circumcision; OR, odds ratio; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SD, standard deviation.
              †, Data are n (column %) unless otherwise noted. Values may not total to 100% because of rounding.
              ‡, Category includes single, separated, divorced and widowed participants.
              §, Category includes participants reporting no school attendance, non-formal schooling, primary education and secondary education.
              ¶, Median (25th, 75th percentile) of Likert scale (range 0–5 with 0 and 5 denoting ‘strongly disagree’ and ‘strongly agree’, respectively).

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