Page 396 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 396

Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
              ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
                                                       Page 1 of 7  Original Research

                      Vaginal practices among women at risk for HIV

                                 acquisition in Soweto, South Africa

               Authors:                 Background: Vaginal practices (VP) may adversely affect normal vaginal flora and mucosal
               Erica Lazarus            integrity, and increase acquisition risk of HIV and other genital tract infections.
               Kennedy Otwombe   1
               Janan Dietrich   1       Objective: The aim of this study was to describe self-reported VP, changes in the reported
               Michele P. Andrasik   2
               Cecilia A. Morgan        number of VP over time and factors associated with VP in a cohort of young Sowetan women
               James G. Kublin   2      enrolled in the HVTN 915 observational study.
               Glenda E. Gray 1,2,3
               Abby J. Isaacs   4       Method:  We longitudinally assessed self-reported VP in 50 young women at risk of
               Fatima Laher   1         HIV acquisition aged 18–25 years in a prospective study over 3 months in Soweto, South
                                        Africa. Interviewer-administered HIV behavioural risk questionnaires were completed. No
               1 Perinatal HIV Research   intervention to reduce VP was specified per protocol, but clinicians provided education
               Unit, Faculty of Health   at  their discretion. The generalised estimating equation with inverse probability weights
               Sciences, University     assessed VP over time.
               of the Witwatersrand,
               Johannesburg, South Africa  Results: The mean age at screening was 22 years; women reported multiple sexual partnerships
                                        with a mean of one main and 2 casual partners in the last 30 days. Consistent condom use was
               2 HIV Vaccine Trials Network,   2% (n = 1), 25% (n = 12) and 43% (n = 3) with main, casual and new partners, respectively.
               Fred Hutchinson Cancer
               Research Center, Seattle,   Commonly reported VP included washing the vagina with water (44%) and using fingers (48%).
               United States            VP decreased significantly over time (p < 0.001). Women who used condoms inconsistently or
                                        whose last sex was with a casual partner were 3 times more likely to report VP ( p = 0.001).
               3 South African Medical
               Research Council, Cape   Conclusion: Despite the high incidence of HIV in our setting, VP are still common and are
               Town, South Africa       associated with other behavioural risks for HIV. Further study is needed to assess whether
                                        clinician education may reduce VP and therefore should be included in HIV risk reduction
               4 Statistical Center for HIV/AIDS   counselling.
               Research and Prevention,
               Seattle, United States   Keywords: Vaginal hygiene; Vaginal practices; HIV risk; Young women; Soweto; South Africa.

               Corresponding author:
               Erica Lazarus,
               [email protected]     Introduction
               Dates:                  In 2016, an estimated 17 million women aged 15 years and older were living with HIV.  In Eastern
               Received: 04 May 2018   and Southern  Africa, women aged 15–24 years accounted for 26% of new infections.  In
               Accepted: 14 Feb. 2019  South Africa, the sub-Saharan African country with the highest number of people living with HIV,
               Published: 20 June 2019
                                       HIV prevalence among 20–24-year-olds was 16%. 3
               How to cite this article:
               Lazarus E, Otwombe K,   Young women in South Africa are twice as likely to acquire HIV compared with their male peers.
               Dietrich J, et al. Vaginal   Various biological, social and behavioural factors increase the susceptibility of women to HIV
               practices among women            4,5
               at risk for HIV acquisition in   acquisition. Vaginal practices (VP) have been shown to increase the acquisition risks of HIV in
               Soweto, South Africa. S Afr J   women.  While all intravaginal washing increased the risk of HIV, women who washed
               HIV Med. 2019;20(1), a866.   intravaginally with soap or other substances were at higher risk than those who washed with
       water alone.  In addition, VP increased the risk of other genital tract infections (GTIs) that
                                       themselves are associated with increased HIV acquisition risk, including Herpes Simplex Virus
               Copyright:              type 2,  Human Papillomavirus  and bacterial vaginosis. 9,10,11,12,13  Furthermore, VP may also reduce
               © 2019. The Authors.    the effectiveness of HIV prevention methods like microbicides. 14
               Licensee: AOSIS. This work
               is licensed under the
               Creative Commons        Vaginal practices (VP) include a range of practices, such as washing the external genitalia,
               Attribution License.    vaginal washing with water alone or with water and soap, 8,9,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22  which may be
                                       performed with or without a cloth. 10,13,23,24  In addition, insertion of substances for enhancement of
               Read online:            sexual pleasure, particularly vaginal drying, has also been reported by women from as young as
               Read online:
                        Scan this QR
                        Scan this QR   16 years of age. 9,21,25,26
                        code with your
                        code with your
                        smart phone or
                        smart phone or
                        mobile device   Vaginal practices are commonly self-reported by women in African communities.  Among female
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                                       sex workers in Kenya, 86% – 100% of women report VP. 10,12,19,20,27  In the KwaZulu-Natal Province
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