Page 399 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 399

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Screening sexual risk and substance use behaviours (in the last 30 days).
              Sexual risk behaviour       Main partner (n = 49)      Casual partner (n = 48)     New partner (n = 7)†
              variable by partner type  N      %       s.d.       N        %       s.d.       N       %       s.d.
              Number of sexual partners (vaginal or anal)
              Mean                     1        -       0.3       2        -       0.8        1        -       0.0
              Range                   1–3       -       -         1–4      -        -        1–1       -       -
              Age of sexual partner (years)
              Mean age of partner     27.0      -       3.3       26.0     -       4.6       26.8      -      3.9†
              Range                   21–35     -       -        17–37     -        -        22–32     -       -
              Number vaginal sex acts
              Mean                    15.3      -       7.7       10.0     -       8.6       3.6       -       2.0
              Range                   3–31      -       -        1–38      -        -        1–7       -       -
              Frequency of condom use
              Never                    44      89.8     -         12      25.0      -         2       28.6     -
              Sometimes                4       8.2      -         24      50.0      -         2       28.6     -
              Always                   1       2.0      -         12      25.0      -         3       42.9     -
              Transactional sex
              Yes                      7       14.3     -         20      41.7      -         4       66.7     -
              No                       42      85.7     -         28      58.3      -         2       33.3     -
              Partner having other concurrent vaginal or anal sex partners
              Yes                      10      20.4     -         28      59.6      -         3       42.9     -
              No                       3       6.1      -         0        0        -         0        0       -
              Don’t know               36      73.5     -         19      40.4      -         4       57.1     -
              Substance use behaviour
              Alcohol use
              Yes                      39      78       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              No                       11      22       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              How often did you drink alcohol?
              Less than once a week    13      33       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              1–2 times a week         18      46       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              3–4 times a week         8       21       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              On the days that you drink alcohol, how many drinks do you usually have?
              2–3 drinks               1        3       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              4–5 drinks               9       23       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              6 or more drinks         29      74       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              Did you inject any non-prescription drugs?
              Yes                      0        0       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              No                       50      100      -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              Did you take any non-injected drugs?
              Yes                      20      40       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              No                       30      60       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              How often do you use cigarettes or tobacco products?
              Never                    30      60       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              Once a week              1        2       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              Every day                16      32       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              2–3 times a week         2        4       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              4–5 times a week         1        2       -          -       -        -         -        -       -
              s.d., standard deviation.
              †, One participant had no entry for age of new sexual partner or transactional sex, but had entries for number of new partners, number of times they had vaginal sex, condom use and partner’s
              concurrent partners.

              TABLE 2: Vaginal practices at screening† and at month 3.  12  (24%)  C. trachomatis, 1 (2%) trichomoniasis and 7 had
              Vaginal practices‡         Screening   Month 3  p     markers of bacterial vaginosis (6 [12%] positive pH and
                                          n  %    n  %              1 [2%] had both a positive pH and whiff test). Only 9 (18%)
              Number of respondents      50  -    46      -         women reported a symptomatic GTI at enrolment.  All
              Washed vigorously the outside of vagina  5  10.0  5  10.9  1.00  9  reported vaginal discharge and none reported lower
              Washed with water inside vagina  22 44.0  6  13.0  < 0.001  abdominal pain, genital ulcer syndromes or other GTIs.
              Washed with something else besides water   16 32.0  2  4.0  < 0.001
              inside vagina                                         The  difference between laboratory-confirmed GTIs and
              Used fingers to wash inside vagina  24 48.0  2  4.3  < 0.0001  symptomatic GTIs was significant (p = 0.0184).
              Used something else to wash inside vagina  14 28.0  1  2.2  < 0.001
              Put or kept traditional medicines inside vagina  1  2.0  0  0  n/a  Factors associated with vaginal practices
              Used a tampon               4  8.0  1  2.0  0.08
              Any vaginal practice       21 42.0  8  17.4  0.0143   As shown in  Table 3, women who reported inconsistent
              n/a, not applicable.                                  use  of condoms at enrolment compared to consistent
              †, Screening recall period: last 30 days; month 3 recall period: last 7 days.  condom use (odds ratio [OR]: 3.39, 95% confidence interval
              ‡, Participants reporting engaging in the practice once a week, 2–3 times per week, 4–5
              times per week or every day.                          [CI]: 1.70–8.78) and those who last had sex with a casual

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