Page 403 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 403

Page 1 of 1  Reviewer Acknowledgement

                                        Acknowledgement to reviewers

                                        The editorial team of the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine  recognises the value and
                                        importance of peer reviewers in the overall publication process – not only in shaping individual
               In an effort to facilitate the   manuscripts, but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of our journal.
               selection of appropriate
               peer reviewers for the   We are committed to the timely publication of all original, innovative contributions submitted
               Southern African Journal   for publication. As such, the identification and selection of reviewers who have expertise and
               of HIV Medicine, we ask
               that you take a moment   interest in the topics appropriate to each manuscript are essential elements in ensuring a timely,
               to update your electronic   productive peer review process.
               portfolio on https://
      for our   We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following reviewers who participated in
               files, allowing us better   shaping this volume of the Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine. We appreciate the time taken
               access to your areas of
               interest and expertise,   to perform your review(s) successfully.
               in order to match
               reviewers with submitted   Adri Williams            Joana Woods               Nomathemba Chandiwana
               manuscripts.             Anandan A. Moodley         Joel Francis              Nontokozo Langwenya
                                        Andrew Black               Jonathan Stadler          Nosisa Sipambo
               If you would like to     Ashraf H. Coovadia         Julia Turner              Pauline Howell
               become a reviewer,       Brian G. Williams          Kagiso Motse              Philip J. Smith
               please visit the journal   Busisiwe Nkala-Dlamini   Kapila Hari               Phumla Sinxadi
               website and register as a   Busisiwe Nkosi          Karen Koch                Prudence Ive
               reviewer.                Candice Fick               Karl Technau              Rachael Rawlinson
                                        Carolina E. Nel            Katherine M. Gill         Rannakoe Lehloenya
               To access your details on   Catherine Orrell        Kathleen M. Powis         Remco Peters
               the website, you will need   Christopher Gilpin     Kerry Gordon              Renate Strehlau
               to follow these steps:   Clara Schutte              Kim Roberg                Samanta Lalla-Edward
                                        Cleophas Chimbetete        Lee Fairlie               Samantha Potgieter
               1. Log into the online   Cloete van Vuuren          Leigh F. Johnson          Sarah E. Hill
               journal at https://      Coceka N. Mnyani           Leon Levin                Shafiya Coovadia
              Colin Menezes              Lucas Hermans             Shenaaz Pahad
                                        Corinna M. Walsh           Maia Lesosky              Shobna Sawry
               2. In your ‘user home’   David Boulware             Mark Cotton               Siphamandla Gumede
               [  David Moore                Matthew F. Chersich       Sipho Dlamini
               za/index.php/hivmed/     David Stead                Michael T. Boswell        Siraaj Adams
               user] select ‘edit my    Eitzaz Sadiq               Michelle Venter           Sudhir Sharma
               profile’ under the heading   Francois Venter        Michelle Wong             Susan J. Randall
               ‘my account’ and insert   Gary Maartens             Mitch Matoga              Talitha Crowley
               all relevant details, bio   Gary Reubenson          Moeketsi Mathe            Tammy Meyers
               statement and reviewing   Gert van Zyl              Moira Beery               Theresa M. Rossouw
               interest(s).             Gillian Hunt               Myra Taylor               Thozama Dubula
                                        Gillian Sorour             Naomi Hill                Tim Tucker
               3. It is good practice as a   Herculina S. Kruger   Nataly Woollett           Tivani P. Mashamba-Thompson
               reviewer to update your   India Butler              Nathan Geffen             Tom H. Boyles
               personal details regularly   Jade C. Mogambery      Nelly Sharpley            Tshegofatso Maimela
               to ensure contact with   James J.C. Nuttall         Nicola Wattrus            Violet M. Awori
               you throughout your      Janan J. Dietrich          Nicolette du Plessis      Virginia Zweigenthal
               professional term as     Jeremy S. Nel              Nicolette P. Naidoo
               reviewer to the Southern
               African Journal of HIV

               Please do not hesitate to
               contact us if you require
               assistance in performing
               this task.
               [email protected]
               Tel: +27 21 975 2602
               Tel: 086 1000 381

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