Page 392 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 392

Page 5 of 8  Original Research

              TABLE 4: Socio-economic indicators in 82 participants and their association with   the 44% and 56% at the 50 copies/mL and 400 copies/mL
              viraemia (transient or persistent) and full or partial adherence, as indicated by
              the self-assessed visual analogue scale.              thresholds shown in other South African studies in pregnant
              Indicator            N   %   Association   Association with   patients. 25,29  Retesting was preceded by adherence counselling
                                          with viraemia adherence (VAS)  without a change in treatment regimen, suggesting that
              Highest educational level     p = 0.88  p = 0.86      initial viraemia may be at least in part a result of non-
              Primary              18   21.9
              Secondary            35   42.7                        adherence.
              Tertiary             29   35.4
              Employment status             p = 0.74  p = 0.72      Eight  of  our  participants  (9.8%)  remained  persistently
              Currently employed or studying  36   43.9             viraemic, of whom five (63%) showed LLV below 400 copies/
              Current unemployed   46   56.1                        mL, and three (38% of the persistent group, 6% of the total
              Marital status                p = 0.33  p = 0.81      cohort) had a VL exceeding 1000 copies/mL, suggesting
              Single               51   62.2                        virological failure. Cragg et al. reported a persistent viraemia
              Married, stable relationship or   31   37.8           rate of 3% at a threshold of 400 copies/mL,  whereas Myer
              Consistent condom use  12   15                        et al. reported that 22% of pregnant patients receiving ART
              Adverse socio-economic factors  p = 0.79  p = 0.11    remained persistently viraemic at a threshold of
              0 factors            13   15.9                        50copies/mL.  It is concerning that the rate of viral
              1 factor             21   25.6                        suppression reported for patients on ART in South Africa
              2 factors            26   31.7                        does not appear to have improved in the past decade. Three
              3 factors            16   9.5                         studies concluded in or before 2008 reported viraemia rates
              4 factors            6   7.3                          of  12%  –  16%  in  patients  on  ART, 31,41,42   not  significantly
              VAS, visual analogue scale.
              The adverse socio-economic factors are overcrowding, food insecurity, failure to complete   different to our findings or to the other recent studies we
              secondary schooling and unemployment.                 quote. This is contrary to expectation. Current first-line ART
                                                                    regimens have better side-effect and toxicity profiles than
              planned. Viraemia at presentation was associated with non-  previous regimens, which included stavudine and
              adherence, as evidenced by low VAS scores for viraemic   zidovudine, and the current pill burden of one pill per day in
              patients  compared  to  those  who  were  virally  suppressed.   first-line ART is much lower than the burden of five or more
              Knowledge, socio-economic status and previous PMTCT   pills of earlier regimens. Both these factors might be expected
              exposure were not associated with viraemia.           to improve adherence. Secondly, wider use of  ART at
                                                                    community level could be expected to result in lower rates of
              The proportion of clinic attendees on  ART is higher than   reinfection in patients on ART as a result of lower levels of
              those reported in earlier studies at 35% – 38%, 5,29  in keeping   viraemia in HIV-positive sexual partners.  Indeed, 69% of
              with  increasing  ART  coverage  in  the  South  African   our participants’ partners who were reported to be HIV-
              population. Most of our participants were unmarried, had   seropositive partners were themselves on ART.
              had an unplanned pregnancy and booked later than
              recommended.  The  mean age was 30 years, which  is   Recent reports have suggested a high prevalence of drug
              consistent with data from South African ANC populations on   resistance in Southern African patients with ART failure on
              ART. A significant number had not disclosed their HIV status   first-line regimens that contain tenofovir. This is frequently
              to their partners. The unemployment rate at 56.1% is   associated with the presence of thymidine analogue
              consistent with findings in other South  African studies of   mutations and is frequently associated with resistance to
              both antenatal populations and general HIV-positive   other ARV drug classes as well. 44,45  Numerous associations
              populations, 31,36,37   and it  may  reflect  relative  disadvantage   with viraemia in pregnant patients receiving ART have been
              among the HIV-positive population. 38                 reported in studies from Africa. These include ART duration,
                                                                    younger  age,  previous  exposure  to  PMTCT,  single  status,
              We found the prevalence of baseline viraemia to be 11.0%   non-disclosure  of  HIV  status  to  their  partner,  illiteracy,  a
              (CI 5.9% – 19.6%) at a threshold of 400 copies/mL and 18.3%   lower CD4+ count, concurrent TB treatment, ART commenced
              (CI 11.4% – 28.0%) at 50 copies/mL. This is broadly consistent   in third trimester of pregnancy and previous treatment
              with experience in the general South  African population of   default. 26,29,46  Studies in higher-income countries, where the
              patients on ART and with the rates reported in South African   incidence of viraemia is lower, have found that vulnerable
              studies of pregnant women on PCART, where prevalences of   and disadvantaged populations are more likely to present
              22% – 23% have been reported at a threshold of 50 copies/mL 34,39    with viraemia.  Burch et al. found an association between
              and of 13% – 14% at a threshold of 400 copies/mL. 24,29    viraemia and poor socio-economic circumstances, including
              Interestingly, Hoffmann et al.  have shown that resuppression   unemployment, lack of university education, financial
              may be noted even where patients harbour drug-resistant virus.  constraints and lack of stable housing in a British patient
                                                                    population.  None of these associations were demonstrated
              Most of those who were initially viraemic showed a lower VL   in our study. The data from South Africa are conflicting. Azia
              at the follow-up visit four weeks later (Table 1). Eighty per   et al. found economic constraints to be a barrier to adherence,
              cent had a VL below 400 copies/mL and 47% a VL below   while others 31,41  failed to identify socio-economic challenges
              50 copies/mL. Our rate of viral resuppression is similar to   as barriers to good  ART outcomes. That socio-economic

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