Page 389 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 389

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              Transient viraemia is defined as an episode of LLV that occurs   Preconception antiretroviral therapy (PCART) is more
              in the presence of effective ART and is confirmed by viral   effective than ART commenced after conception in reducing
              suppression before and after the period of viraemia, with   MTCT, and it is associated with substantial decreases in
              measurements taken at least 30 days apart. 10,11   Although   MTCT. 27,28  Recently, zero transmission rates have been
              transient viraemia has been attributed to immune activation   reported from South Africa  and Burkina Faso.  Although
              of latently infected cells, resulting in release of HIV RNA   Omole et al. reported a significantly higher rate of viraemia
              particles with ongoing replication of both antiretroviral-  in pregnant South  African women compared with non-
              sensitive and antiretroviral-resistant virus,  recent studies   pregnant women in the period 2007–2008,  current opinion
              suggest that immune activation may in fact be established   holds that pregnancy itself does not impact adversely on VL,
              before ART initiation and persist during viral suppression   whether via physiological or socio-behavioural mechanisms,
              and is therefore not responsible for LLV.  High pretreatment   including adherence. 23,32,33
              VL has been associated with higher incidence of transient
              viraemia as viral reservoirs tend to be higher.  Transient   No single study has prospectively followed South African
              viraemia is associated with increased risk of viral resistance   patients on PCART, differentiated transient from persistent
              and eventual virological failure, particularly if recurrent. 11,14,15  viraemia and attempted to correlate these with factors such
                                                                    as adherence and socio-economic indicators. This study was
              The United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS set a goal of   therefore undertaken to quantify the rate of HIV viraemia in
              90% of viral suppression in patients receiving ART by 2020. 16,17    pregnant women on PCART, to determine the proportion of
              Current South African performance falls short of this. Recent   women with transient viraemia versus persistent viraemia,
              prospective studies of patients receiving  ART have found   to determine factors associated with viraemia and to
              LLV rates varying from 18% to 31%. 7,17,18  Approximately half   determine birth HIV status of children born to women on
              of these patients with LLV eventually develop virological   PCART.
              treatment failure.  When maternal viraemia is completely
              suppressed  throughout pregnancy, the rate of MTCT is   Methods
              reduced to below 0.5%,  whereas the rate of transmission in
              the absence of therapy lies between 15% and 45%. 7,20  Study design
                                                                    We conducted a cross-sectional observational study where
              In the mother receiving  ART, higher perinatal transmission   we studied a group of pregnant HIV-positive women who
              rates occur with LLV than when the VL is below 50 copies/mL,    attended the  ANC of a primary healthcare facility in the
              and the risk is increased where episodes of viraemia occur   semirural  KwaDukuza  District  of  KwaZulu-Natal.
              during the pregnancy.  Adequate VL suppression reduces the   Participants  were  enrolled  between  November  2016  and
              MTCT risk during vaginal delivery to a level where caesarean   April 2017. Pregnant women aged 18 years of age or older
              section offers no advantage. 22                       who had received ART for a minimum of 24 weeks before
                                                                    conception and whose gestational age did not exceed
              Data from low, middle and high-income countries show that   30 weeks were invited to participate. Patients on second-line
              by 2011, only about 72% of pregnant women achieved the   ART were excluded.
              desirable adherence of 80% to  ARVs, with adherence
              deteriorating  in the  post-partum period. 8,23,24  Though   On the assumption that the proportion of patients with
              previous studies of viraemia in pregnant South  African   viraemia at first presentation is 13%, as previously reported
              women receiving  ART were cross-sectional, Myer et al.   in Cape Town,  we predicted that a sample size of 89 patients
              studied a group of pregnant HIV-positive women initiated   was necessary to determine the prevalence of viraemia in
              on ART  prospectively.  They reported that 23% failed to   our participants with a 95% confidence level and an error
              achieve viral suppression during pregnancy. Of the 77% who   margin of 7%.
              were initially suppressed, 6% subsequently developed
              viraemia, half of whom proved transient whereas the other   Data collection
              half developed virological treatment failure. The study noted
              a  striking  loss  of  suppression  in  the  post-partum  period.   A blood sample for baseline VL was drawn at the first
              Only 70% of the original cohort that started on ART during   antenatal booking visit. Data were collected by questionnaire,
              pregnancy maintained consistent viral suppression up to   administered by the primary researcher (VN), who is fluent
              12 months post-partum. 26                             in Zulu, which facilitated the process as all participants were
                                                                    first-language Zulu speakers. Questions were designed to
              Reported rates of detectable VL at the time of delivery in   cover past  ART history, past PMTCT treatment exposure,
              patients on ART vary. Cragg et al. reported a rate of 3% in   sexual history, partner’s HIV status and exposure to ART,
              women who enter ANC already on ART,  while Myer et al.   reproductive health history and a range of socio-economic
              reported a rate of 27% in patients who initiated ART during   indicators. The questionnaire was piloted by the researcher. A
              pregnancy.  A South African study has shown a correlation   structured self-adherence questionnaire adapted from the
              between maternal VL at birth and transmission, with the risk   AIDS Counselling and Treatment Group baseline adherence
              being 0.25%, 2% and 8.5%, respectively, with VLs lower than   questionnaire  with a visual analogue scale (VAS) was
              50, of 50–1000 and more than 1000 copies/mL. 25       administered  as  a  measure  of  adherence.  All  participants

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