Page 391 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 391

Page 4 of 8  Original Research

                  100000                                               16

                  10000                                                12
                Measurements  1000                                    Frequency  8 6

                    100                                                 4
                    10                                                   10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32
                           Baseline VL         Follow-up VL                             Knowledge Score
                                       Viral load
                                                                    FIGURE  2:  Distribution  of  knowledge  scores  among  82  participants.  The
              VL, viral load.                                       maximum obtainable score is 32.
              FIGURE 1: Evolution of viral load in 15 participants who were viraemic at the
              initial visit over the subsequent 4 weeks. The lower, middle and upper red lines
              represent viral load measurements of 50, 400 and 1000 copies/mL, respectively.  importance or relevance. We found knowledge to be generally
                                                                    good, with a median score of 23 of a possible 32 points
              TABLE 2: Outcome of pregnancy in the study cohort.    (IQR  19–26, range 10–32) (Figure 2). The most poorly
              Variable       All     No      Transient    Persistent    answered questions dealt with condom use, specifically the
                            (n = 82) viraemia (n = 67) viraemia (n = 7) viraemia (n = 8)  appropriate response to condoms breaking, negotiation of
              Live           62      49        6         7
              Infant PCR positive  0  0        0         0          condom use when planning to conceive, responding to
              Infant PCR negative  62  49      6         7          missed treatment doses, the relevance of VL monitoring and
              Spontaneous abortion  4  4       0         0          the development of antiretroviral drug resistance. We found
              Stillbirth      1      1         0         0          a positive correlation of knowledge score with VAS score
              Outcome unknown  15    13        1         1          (r  = 0.36,  p  =  0.0009). Patients with full VAS compliance
                                                                    scored higher than those with partial compliance (median 24
              TABLE 3: Correlation between self-reported adherence on initial visual analogue   [IQR 21–26] vs. 20 [IQR 18–23],  p  = 0.002). We found no
              scale and viraemic status.                            correlation between knowledge score in the viraemic group
              Adherence        Persistent    Transient   No
                                viraemia   viraemia   viraemia      (median score 22 [IQR 19.3–24.7]) versus the fully suppressed
                              n     %     n   %      n    %         group (median score 23 [IQR 21–25], p = 0.36).
              Full (100%)     3    37.5   3   50.0  46    69.7
              Partial (< 100%)  5   62.5  3   50.0  20    30.3      We aggregated a number of questions in our questionnaire to
              Not reported    0     -     1    -     1     -        produce four indicators of social deprivation. Thirty-seven
                                                                    (45.1%) involuntarily slept with more than three persons in a
              persistent viraemia (50%) reported submaximal follow-up   room, nine (11.0%) had involuntarily gone without food for
              VAS scores, while all six patients of the transient viraemia   two or more days in the preceding six months, 18 (22.0%) had
              group (100%) scored themselves at 100. Pill counts proved   not  completed  secondary  school  and  46 (59.1%)  were
              unreliable, given that only 15 participants (18.3%) consistently   currently unemployed. Only 13 (15.9%) of our sample had
              brought their pills for counting. However, viraemic patients   not experienced any of these challenges, and most participants
              reported more missed doses in the preceding month than did   had experienced multiple challenges (Table 4). However,
              those who were suppressed: the difference approached but   none of these indices correlated significantly with either
              did not reach statistical significance ( p = 0.08).   adherence or viraemia.

              We assessed HIV knowledge by asking standardised      We found no association between such parameters as
              questions on HIV disease, condom use and ART. We scored   gestational  age,  time  on  ART,  previous  PMTCT  exposure,
              each of the 16 questions at 0, 1 or 2 points based on whether   prior exposure to other  ARV drugs, behavioural factors
              the participants showed no understanding, partial     including condom use, alcohol use, disclosure and knowledge
              understanding or adequate understanding, respectively. We   of partner status, and either adherence or viraemia (data not
              defined adequate understanding as recognition on the part of   shown).
              the participant of the importance of the knowledge item in
              self-management of HIV infection, as well as insight into the   Discussion
              reasons for its importance, while no understanding implied   We found that 54% of the pregnant women seeking antenatal
              either ignorance of the item or a lack of awareness of its   care at the study facility were receiving ART. Of women who
              significance. Partial understanding was intermediate, with   booked on PCART, 18% presented with viraemia, and 47% of
              some awareness of the knowledge item but no insight into its   the viraemia was transient. Only 28% of pregnancies were

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