Page 35 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
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Page 6 of 26  Guideline

                                   % of Pa ents with a confirmed         Trajectory of CARE        AIDS-defining event; life-
                                       infec ous Disease                                          threatening inter-current
                                      diagnosis (n = 741)                                         condion; end-organ failure;
                               0    5  10  15  20  25  30                                         overwhelming infecon.
                       Pulmonary TB
                   Acute gastroenteri s                                HIV-infected:Not
                                            Data analysis of a 6-month  diagnosed, not on
                       Abdominal TB         review of in-pa ent        ART, or on ART but
                                            consulta ons on the
                                            infec ous diseases service  failing ART, or with        Death
                     Viralogical failure                               co-morbid disease
                                            of the Helen Joseph Hospital,
                             PJP            N = 741 pa ents of whom
                                            n = 691 were HIV-posi ve,  Source:  Adapted  from  Lunney  JR,  Lynn  J,  Foley  DJ,  Lipson  S,  Guralnik  JM.  Patterns  of
                            CAP             viz., 93%  of those whose  functional decline at the end of life. JAMA. 2003;289:2387–2392.
                                            HIV status was tested and  jama.289.18.2387; and, Gawande, Atul. Being Mortal. Chapter 2. pg.25., London:  Profile
                                                                    Books Ltd., Wellcome Collection, 2014; p. 25
                    Chronic Hepa  s B       known.                  ART, antiretroviral therapy.
                                            Of the 20 most typical  FIGURE 3: The HIV-infected patient, no palliative care.  12,13
                    Other TB diagnosis
                                            infec on-related
                Clinical diagnoses   Cryptococcal meningi s  variety of its manifesta ons  ART started  Intermi ent periods of need  End-of-life care
                                            consulta ons, TB in a
                                            was the most common.
                                            Nevertheless, this list of
                                            diagnoses illustrates the
                                            wide range of addi onal
                  Chronic gastroenteri s
                                            condi ons that lead to the     Diagnosis: Improvement on ART      Death
                                            HIV-sick seeking
                     TB lymphadeni s                                    Time:       Months    years (decades)
                                            hospitalisa on in
                                            South Africa’s public sector.   Drug toxicity  Mostly well. Intermi ent Issues: Drug toxici	es and treatment
                       TB meningi s                                 Drug       changes; Ageing and co-morbid disease, e.g. cancer, metabolic
                                            Abbrevia ons: TB,
                  Infec ous disease NOS     Tuberculosis; DILI, drug-  interac ons  (diabetes mellitus), cardiovascular and end-organ disease, for
                                                                               example, renal, liver and central nervous system (CNS)
                                            induced liver injury;              impairment.
                        Candidiasis         PJP, Pneumocys s
                                            jirovecii pneumonia; CAP,      Intermi ent periods of need: Infec	on including TB, community-
                           HAND             community-acquired             acquired pneumonia (CAP); drug-related toxicity; chemotherapy,
                                            pneumonia; NOS, not            radiotherapy (cancer); non-adherence; etc.
                       MAC infec on         otherwise specified;
                                            HAND, HIV-associated
                      Pleural effusion       neurocogni ve disorder;  ART, antiretroviral therapy.
                                            MAC, Mycobacterium avium  FIGURE 4: Palliative care during periods of need.
                                                                    end of life  (see Figure 4). Illness increases in importance and
              Source:  Richards  L.  Unpublished  data  collected  and  tabulated  for  the  Degree  of  M.Med
              (Internal Medicine) from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. 2018  frequency with the ageing of HIV survivors as does its
              FIGURE  2:  Medical  diagnoses  of  a  6-month  review  of  in-patient  infectious   complexity and costs.
              disease  consultations  at  the  Helen  Joseph  Hospital,  Johannesburg,  2015–
              2016. 11
                                                                    Integrated palliative care for people with
              undiagnosed prior to admission, although the patient has   progressive co-morbid disease
              been admitted to hospital acutely ill. Although the risk of   Chronic lung disease (CLD) is a problem for long-term
              death is often high, palliative care is not offered nor is it   survivors of HIV-infection. 15,16  Infection from birth, inadequate
              integrated with acute care. Suffering is not adequately   or intermittent  viral control  and inter-current respiratory
              relieved and patients and their families often feel abandoned   tract infections characterise  a group of adolescents with
              by the public healthcare system. This model of care is the   advanced and irreversible small airways disease. 17,18  Chronic
              usual experience of the HIV-sick at this time in SA (for   lung disease also affects HIV-infected adults on ART, many of
              additional comments, see Appendix 1).                 whom are smokers, often men and frequently domicile in
                                                                    high-income countries.  In this model of HIV, people with an
              Intermittent palliative care given during periods     active comorbid condition, such as chronic obstructive
              of need: The HIV-infected patient on                  pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic renal failure, heart
              antiretroviral therapy with long-term viral           disease et cetera, experience a slow but progressive downhill
              control and immune reconstitution                     trajectory. Each new episode of disease or hospital admission
              In this model, the  patient on  ART initially improves but   compromises organ function further and moves the
              requires assistance to cope with drug toxicities and possible   patient towards the end of life.  The model in Figure 5 also
              drug interactions. Over time, the need for both acute curative   applies to other chronic diseases experienced by the
              and palliative care is encountered during periods of serious   HIV-infected, namely, non-AIDS-defining cancers, progressive
              comorbid disease, failure of ART, re-introduction of active   neurocognitive impairment, autoimmune conditions and bone
              ART and, finally, during special health needs towards the   and joint diseases.

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