Page 39 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 39

Page 10 of 26  Guideline

              Tests to confirm the diagnosis are important but must not be   line oral treatment of chronic HIV-associated neuropathic
              allowed to delay the treatment of the pain, which works best   pain (the authors note that somnolence occurs in 80% and
              when given by an interdisciplinary team. Ideally, the team   can be problematic). The serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake
              should offer, in addition to good medical and nursing care,   inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and pregabalin
              most or all of the following:                           received only weak or moderate support.
                                                                    •  Despite the absence of RCTs in HIV-related pain
              •  physical rehabilitation
              •  exercise therapy                                     syndromes, Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) received support for
              •  cognitive restructuring that emphasises self-management,   neuropathic pain treatment in view of its confirmed role
                 self-efficacy  and  resourcefulness,  that  is,  activity  rather   in diabetic neuropathy, a condition that also targets the
                 than passivity, reactivity, dependency and hopelessness  peripheral nerves.
              •  behavioural  treatment, for  example, relaxation and/or   •  Opioid analgesics are not indicated for first-line control of
                 engagement in activities that enhance functionality  neuropathic pain or chronic pain syndromes. Tramadol, a
              •  vocational rehabilitation if long-term survival is not in   combination opioid, that is, a serotonin + noradrenaline
                                                                      reuptake inhibitor + a µ-opioid agonist, received support,
              •  drug management – in particular, the avoidance or    however, for use in several non-cancer pain syndromes,
                                                                      including osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and the neuropathic
                 reduction of opioid dependency.  Nota bene  evidence-  pain syndromes.
                 based support for opioids as improvers of chronic pain
                 and functionality is weak; therefore, their use must be
                 measured against their risks, for example, addiction,   Opioid therapy
                 hypogonadism, falls and fractures, depression, overdose   Opioid therapy  is often the treatment of choice for patients
                 and death.                                         with cancer and those having moderate to severe pain. 38,39
                                                                    Although the WHO analgesic ladder recommends different
              It is common to treat pain in a stepwise manner, starting with   opioids for different levels of pain, for example, codeine for
              non-opioid medication such as paracetamol (acetaminophen),   moderate pain and morphine for severe pain, cautious dose
              aspirin and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs   escalation using the initial opioid may avoid an unnecessary
              (NSAIDs) and ending with the opioids or combinations of   switch. 38,40   Morphine can be given by several routes and
              opioids and non-opioids 37,38  (Table 2).             subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injection
                                                                    should be considered for those unable to swallow. Fentanyl is
              The 2017 Chronic Pain Guideline of the HIV Medicine   given  by injection  and transdermal  skin patch  but is  not
              Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of  America   widely available to public sector patients in SA. Unwelcome
              (IDSA) provides an evidence-based evaluation of pain and its   respiratory  complications  can be avoided with careful
              management in the HIV-infected people. In this assessment,   monitoring of opioid dose increases, which is particularly
              only the following aspects of pain care received unanimous   important where patients and families have expressed a
              – ‘strong quality, high level’ – support:             desire for a pain-free yet lucid end to life.
              •  Any ‘new pain’ in a patient with previously controlled   Drug–drug interactions are important to note. Many drugs
                 pain needs fresh re-assessment.                    used in pain control, for example, opioids, benzodiazepines,
              •  Acetaminophen and NSAIDs are the first-line agents for   antidepressants and sedatives,  are  substrates of the
                 the treatment of musculoskeletal pain in persons living   cytochrome P450 (CYP450) family of enzymes. Strong
                 with HIV.                                          inducers or inhibitors of CYP450 will reduce (inducers) or
              •  Topical capsaicin is indicated for chronic HIV-associated   potentiate (inhibitors) serum levels (efficacy and toxicity) of
                 peripheral neuropathy in conjunction with additional   these drugs. Several antiretrovirals (ARVs) – especially the
                 analgesics and supportive therapies and adequate viral   non-nucleoside  reverse  transcriptase  inhibitors  (NNRTIs –
                 control.                                           usually inducers), protease inhibitors (PIs – inhibitors) and
              •  Screen all with chronic pain syndromes for depression,   drugs commonly used in the management of the HIV-sick,
                 that is, direct questioning, via a depression questionnaire   for example, rifampicin (inducer) for TB, carbamazepine and
                 and/or through a psychiatric referral.             phenytoin sodium (inducers) for seizures, will influence the
                                                                    activity of substrates of this enzyme pathway (see Appendix 6,
              Additional  remarks  that  scored  well  (viz.  for  their  strong   Table 2-A6 and Table 3-A6).
              quality of evidence) but did not secure unanimous support
              from reviewers included:                              The non-medical use of prescription opioids, which has become
              •  The re-evaluation of pain among those with a ‘changing   a major public health issue in the United States and Europe,
                 experience of pain’.                               should not be withheld from people in need in low- and middle-
              •  The ‘immediate or early’commencement of ART in those   income countries (LMICs), for example, Africa and Asia. The
                 with a sensory polyneuropathy believed to be caused by   authors of a recent Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and
                 HIV infection.                                     Pain Relief provide data to show that this happens:
              •  Gabapentin, with dose escalation up to a maximum of 2400   The fact that access to such an inexpensive, essential and effective
                 mg daily po in divided doses, is recommended as the first-  intervention – opioid use for pain relief – is denied to most

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