Page 37 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 37

Page 8 of 26  Guideline

              suppression, namely, previous TB, recurrent bacterial and   discontinuation of active care. In every circumstance, the
              other infections and unexplained weight loss.  Despite   patient must be treated with dignity and respect and every
              adherence to therapy, INRs remain at an  increased  risk of   attempt made to correct the underlying life-threatening
              disease and death notwithstanding years of documented   process and to offer where possible, life.
              viral suppression.  No dependable treatment currently
              reconstitutes the blood compartment with CD4 cells in this   Mortality indicators: Assessment tools
              group of patients.  Attempts to address this situation by
              changing  background  ART  in  those  who  are  virologically   Karnofsky score
              suppressed have not been successful and this is mainly   Although scores of ≤ 50% are often used as a qualifier for
              discouraged. Where the patient’s usual medication may   hospice admission, scores  of < 60% are significant and
              be  incriminated, for example,  AZT or trimethoprim-  should trigger consultation with the palliative care team. 28
              sulfamethoxazole, alternative drugs should be tried.   However, given the potential for ART to reverse underlying
                                                                    disease in the HIV-infected – the Lazarus effect – the
              Prevention, such as commencing ART as soon as possible after   absolute score must be viewed with caution. The usefulness
              the start of HIV infection when CD4 cells are likely to be   of the Karnofsky score as a measure of impending mortality
              abundant and the thymus is functional, is the therapeutic   in this group of patients has not been established (see
              safeguard against immune non-response to ART.         Appendix 3 for more details).

              In addition to this group are those HIV-infected with   The Support and Palliative Care Tools
              identifiable causes of immune suppression, for example,   The Support and Palliative Care Tools (SPICT ) are used in
              steroid use, alcohol abuse, herbs such as the ‘African potato’,   the United Kingdom and have been applied to patients with
              chemotherapy, infections such as TB and Mycobacterium avium   HIV and cancer. The tool is not specific to HIV and does not
              complex (MAC), malignancies and rheumatological conditions   consider  the  role  of ART  and  the  curative  potential  of  the
              such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid   treatment in several life-threatening infections, for example,
              arthritis and drugs that are used to control these conditions.   sulfonamides  in  cerebral  toxoplasmosis  and  Pneumocystis
                                                                    jiroveci pneumonia (PJP), TB drugs in disseminated TB,
              Management of the comorbid condition or removal of the   antifungals in cryptococcal meningitis (CM), et cetera.
              offending toxin,  for  example, alcohol or  steroids,  may
              improve the immune response of these patients. The    •  General indicators:
              likelihood of cannabinoid use influencing the human immune     ß  Increasing physical and/or mental regression or
              system either negatively or positively is currently unknown.   dependency        2
              If these agents are indicated for the palliation of symptoms, it     ß  A low BMI (viz. < 18 kg/m  and/or 5% – 10% loss of
              seems reasonable to continue to monitor CD4 response as per   body weight)
              the usual intervals recommended in current ART guidelines.     ß  Ongoing and troublesome symptoms
                                                                         ß  Plea for supportive and palliative care or the wish to
              Morbidity and mortality risk from HIV infection:           die.
              General indicators
                                                                    Assessment:  Two or more ‘general’ indicators = unmet
              While all should be able to access the costlier components of   supportive and palliative care needs = qualify for palliative
              a palliative care service, for example, admission to hospice   care benefits.
              and home nursing, it is acknowledged that the capacity of
              palliative care services in SA is limited. Who are in greatest   •  Clinical indicators:
              need? No randomised, controlled palliative care trial      ß  Worsening  frailty  and  cognitive/neurological,
              addresses this  question  directly. Nevertheless,  several   cardiovascular and/or respiratory status
              observational  studies have  identified associations  that     ß  Worsening of cancer
              provide some answers (see  Appendix 2); these indicators     ß  Onset of life-threatening end-organ failure.
              change and their significance may diminish or reverse with
              time on ART. The following baseline characteristics in a large   Assessment:  One or more ‘clinical’ indicators = unmet
              South  African observational study influenced mortality in   supportive and palliative care needs = qualify for palliative
              the first year after starting ART: WHO stage, body mass index   care benefits (see Appendix 5 for more details).
              (BMI), haemoglobin level, CD4 cell count, HIV plasma VL
              and symptoms. Yet, once on long-term ART, only CD4 cell   The Veterans Aging Cohort Study index
              count, BMI, haemoglobin level and a suppressed VL retained   This scoring system (Veterans Aging Cohort Study – VACS
              survival significance. Another observational study that   index)  was developed in North  America and Europe,
              included  data  from  South, Central  and  West Africa  found   focuses on the HIV-infected and uses seven clinical or
              that age, gender and baseline CD4 cell count continued to   laboratory indices that assist with the long-term (viz. 6 years)
              predict death at 6, 12, 24 months and beyond while taking   prediction of survival (death) following  the start of ART.
              ART.  These factors indicate the need of palliative care but   Although the data reflect the experience of high-income
              are not to be used to define ‘therapeutic futility’, that is, the   countries and examine the risk of death in patients already

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