Page 209 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 209

Page 3 of 6  Original Research

              HIV and other comorbidities                           Of the 47 patients who died during hospitalisation, nine
                                                                    (19.0%) were HIV-positive.
              Of the patients, 1045 (69.0%) had tested negative for HIV at
              the time of hospitalisation or during the preceding three   There was no significant difference in mortality between the
              months,  while  288  (19.1%)  of  the  patients  did  not  have  a   HIV-negative group and the HIV-positive group (p = 0.39).
              documented valid test at the time of hospitalisation, that is,
              no test had been performed or the last test was performed   There was a significant correlation between the type of
              over three months prior. Further, 11.9% of the patients had a   surgery and HIV status. HIV-positive patients were more
              positive HIV test or were known to be HIV-positive.
                                                                    likely to undergo surgery for hysterectomy because of
                                                                    suspected  cancer,  laparotomy because  of  suspected
              For further statistical analysis we excluded all patients   gastrointestinal malignancy or procedures for abscesses and
              without a valid test. In the group of patients between 15 and   plastic surgery. In contrast, this group was less likely to
              49 years of age, 110 (23.3%) were HIV-positive. This group,   undergo surgery for cerebral shunts, prostatectomy or BLO
              usually  defined  as  the  adult  reproductive-aged  group  by   (Figure 3; Table 2).
              UNAIDS and WHO, accounted for 62.0% of all HIV patients
              in this cohort. Four children (2.8% of all children) were HIV-
              positive. In the group of adults over 49 years, 63 (10.3%) were   HIV and malignancies
              HIV-infected.                                         Thirty-seven (20.2%) of the patients with histologically
                                                                    proven malignancies were HIV-positive. When only patients
              In the paediatric group, 43.4% did not have a valid HIV test,   in the group aged 15–49 years were analysed, 19 (46.3%) of
              compared to  9.3%  and 17.9%  in the  adult  group  and  the   those with malignancies were HIV-positive. Twelve (63.2%)
              group over 49 years of age, respectively.             of the patients with cervical cancer were HIV-positive, 14
                                                                    (51.9%) of the patients with squamous cell carcinoma were
              Twenty-one patients were newly diagnosed with HIV     HIV-positive and three (13.6%) of the patients with
              because of provider-initiated testing and counselling (PITC),   adenocarcinoma were HIV-positive. In contrast 9 (4.1%) of all
              although  this approach  was not  fully initiated  at Karanda   patients with prostate cancer were HIV-positive.
              Mission Hospital until the beginning of 2017. Seven (33.0%)
              of these patients were started on ART before discharge and 18                           HIV status
              (90.0%) were started on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.                                        Nega ve  Posi ve
              Of the HIV-positive patients, 156/177 (88.1%) were receiving
              ART; in two cases it was impossible to establish whether ART
              was part of the patient’s treatment. Five (2.8%) of the patients   80.0
              were on second-line  treatment. Moreover, 88.1% of the
              patients were taking cotrimoxazole prophylaxis.  A recent   60.0
              CD4+ count was available for 117 of the 177 patients (66.0%).   Percentage
              The  mean  value  was  413  cells/µL  (range  0  cells/µL–1510   40.0
              cells/µL, median 371 cells/µL, SD 287 cells/µL). Thirty-one
              (26.5%) had a CD4+ count below 200 cells/µL.              20.0

                 150                                                         Abscess Cataract              Hernia  Other
                                                                      Orthopedics other  Gynecological other Hysterectomy symptoma c Prostatectomy  VP shunts Fractures
                                                                                               Abdominal tumour
                                                                                             Other urology
                                                                                 Cosme c
                                                                                   Orthopedic infec ous
                                                                                     Hysterectomy tumour
                Number of cases  50                                 FIGURE 3: HIV status by type of surgery.
                                                                                         Type of surgery

                                                                    TABLE 2: Association between HIV and certain types of surgeries.
                                                                    Type of surgery  Rate of HIV  Likelihood to be   p  Mean age
                                                 Undifferenated Ca
                  Prostate-Ca  Benign  Adeno-Ca Cervix-Ca Ductal-Ca Sarcoma  Serous papillary Ca Chorio-Ca  Basal cell Ca  Hysterectomy tumour  15  41.7   HIV-positive   < 0.001  51.14
                       Not classified
                                                                    Gastrointestinal tumour
                                   Type of histology                Abscess         13  26.0   1.75-fold  0.018  36.44
                                                                    Cerebral shunts   2  3.7   0.26-fold  0.02  4.96
              Ca, cancer; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma;  HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; NHL, non-Hodgkin
              lymphoma.                                             Prostatectomy    5   5.9    0.4-fold  0.019  70.09
              FIGURE 2: Type of histology.                          Bilateral orchidectomy  4  4.3   0.3-fold  0.004  71.26
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