Page 208 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 208

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of HIV   once  to the hospital: one patient underwent surgery three
              in  surgical inpatients and the extent of  ART coverage, as   times and the remaining 50 patients were admitted twice.
              well  as  assess  any  differences  between  HIV-positive  and   Eight hundred and ninety patients (61.0%) were male.
              HIV-negative patients in type of surgery undergone and   The  average age was 46.2 years (range 1–97, median 49).
              in-hospital mortality at Karanda Mission Hospital, Mount   Forty-seven patients (3.1%) died in hospital.
              Darwin, Zimbabwe.
                                                                    We established 32 different categories of surgery (Figure 1).
              Methods                                               Hernia  repair  was  the  most  common  procedure  (216
                                                                    cases;  14.3%), followed by fracture repairs (179; 11.9%),
              Karanda Mission Hospital is a 150-bed rural community   orchidectomies as palliative therapy in metastasised prostate
              hospital in northern Zimbabwe where over 4000 surgeries   cancer (129;  8.0%) and other urology cases and prostatectomies
              are performed annually.
                                                                    (107, 7.1%, and 104, 6.9%, respectively).
              A retrospective chart review of surgical inpatient records
              from 01 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 was conducted   Histology
              to collect clinical and demographic data including age, sex,   Histology was usually not performed for the bilateral
              type of surgery performed, HIV status, CD4+ counts and,   orchidectomy (BLO) cases. The diagnosis of metastasised
              if patient was HIV-positive, whether he or she was taking   prostate cancer was therefore either based on clinical
              ART. In addition, histological information was collected   presentation and PSA levels and/or on histology provided
              from a separate record that contains pathology results   by the patient. Two hundred and sixty-eight cases for
              provided by Lancet Laboratories Harare, Zimbabwe.     histology were sent to Lancet Laboratories Harare. The most
              Missing  CD4+  counts were extracted from the locally   common findings were benign (N = 109) or not classifiable
              available  IT system  at Karanda  Mission Hospital.  All   (N = 59). Including the BLO cases, prostate cancer was by far
              inpatient surgeries performed on children (defined as those   the most common malignancy, accounting for 129 cases
              below 15 years of age) and adults, excluding maternity   (58.4%), followed by squamous cell carcinomas (all sites 27;
              cases, were included. Each visit corresponded to a separate   12.2%),  adenocarcinoma  (all  sites  26; 11.8%)  and  cervical
              entry in the study.                                   cancer (19; 8.6%) (Figure 2).

              Before analysing the data, all cases were anonymised.
              General  descriptive statistical analysis and further testing   250
              for statistical significance with cross tables, chi-square, phi
              and Cramer’s V was performed.  Additionally, we used     200
              Monte Carlo simulation and univariate analysis. All statistical   150
              analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Statistics 22.     Number of cases

              Ethical consideration                                    100
              There is no local institutional ethics committee; thus, ethics
              approval for this retrospective chart review was granted by   0
                                                                                         VP shunts
                                                                                               Hysterectomy tumour
                                                                                                        Orthopedic tumour
              the administrators at the hospital.                        Hernia Fractures Other urology Orthopedics other Gynecological other Abdominal tumour  Cosme c Breast tumour  Other
              Results                                                           Hysterectomy symptoma c Orthopedic infec ous
              Patient characteristics
                                                                                         Type of surgery
              A total of 1510 surgical inpatient cases were identified
              (Table  1).  Fifty-one  patients  (3.4%)  presented  more  than   FIGURE 1: Type of surgery.
              TABLE 1: Patient characteristics.
              Variable                    HIV+                         HIV-               Status unknown (test not performed)
                                n      %     mean    s.d.    n      %     mean    s.d.    n      %     mean    s.d.
              Age (years)     45.56    -     1–87   14.62   48.9    -     1–96   24.67   39.76   -     1–97    31.35
              Total            177    43.5†   -       -     1044   61.9†    -      -     288    70.1†    -      -
              Children (< 15)   4     75.0†   -       -     140    67.1†    -      -     114    71.9†    -      -
              Adult (15–49)    110    35.5†   -       -     356    46.6†    -      -      41    70.7†    -      -
              Older adults (> 49)  63   55.6†   -     -     548    70.4†    -      -     133    68.4†    -      -
              Diabetes          3     1.7     -       -     53      5.1     -      -      7      2.4     -      -
              HTN              17     9.6     -       -     215    20.6     -      -      46    16.0     -      -
              RPR performed    118    66.8    -       -     238    22.8     -      -      19     6.6     -      -
              Positive          4     2.5     -       -     22      2.4     -      -      5      1.7     -      -
              RPR, rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis; HTN, arterial hypertension; s.d., standard deviation.
              †, male.

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