Page 398 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 398

Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Characteristics of the cohort of 503 neonates with confirmed human immunodeficiency virus infection.
              Variable                          Pre-birth EID (2013–2015) (n = 150)  Post-birth EID (2016–2017) (n = 353)  p
                                                n                  %                n              %
              Gender (female)                   101               67.3             217            61.5        0.450
              Number of initiations             135                90              333            94.3        0.081
              Age at start of ART (days)†       5.00             0.00–16.8         7.00          0.00–15.3    0.598
              Baseline CD4 T-lymphocyte counts†  228             141–375           229          0.685–558     0.002
              Pre-treatment viral load†        558 000          969–1040 000       124          46.0–3440     0.046
              Died (number or %)                 7                 4.7              9             2.5         0.226
              Lost to follow-up (number or %)   72                 48              124            35.1        0.0067
              Transferred (number or %)         19                12.7              48            13.6        0.779
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; EID, early infant diagnosis.
              †, Median (interquartile range).
                                       % tested  % ini ated  % Suppressed
                                      90:90:90                      In this retrospective analysis of all HIV-infected neonates
                                                       99           diagnosed within the first 4 weeks of age and initiated on ART
                  100                          72 72    90          in eThekwini  district over 5 years, we found a significant
                % of HIV-exposed infants  70  15 14  12 10  38 33   ART with the introduction of routine birth EID; however, viral
                                                                    increase in the percentage of neonates diagnosed and initiating
                                                                    suppression at 1 year after ART initiation remained low.
                                                                    Achieving the WHO 90:90:90 targets for the infant treatment
                                                                    infants. Because of a lack of evidence, the WHO conditionally
                       2013 0  2014 0  2015 2  2016 6  2017 10      cascade is vital for improving the outcomes of HIV-infected
                                                                    recommends the addition of birth testing to existing EID
                                                                    strategies to identify HIV infection in HIV-exposed infants. In
              FIGURE  1:  Graph  representing  the  numbers  of  patients  tested  for  human   a study modelling the impact of the implementation of birth
              immunodeficiency virus, initiated on treatment and suppressed at 1 year of age
              from 2013 to 2017 in eThekwini district.              EID, a positive impact on both uptake and timing of ART
                                                                    initiation in HIV-infected infants was predicted.  Several
              Viral suppression in patients with a VL available at 1 year   studies have reported both increases in the number of HIV-
              remained low in both periods, with 6 (0.8%) versus 19 (4.6%)   exposed infants tested and earlier age of HIV diagnosis in
              infants who were retained in care having a VL  of < 1000   programmes that have implemented birth HIV testing. 28,29
              copies/mL in the T-EID and R-EID periods, respectively
              (p < 0.005). Similarly, 7 (1.0%) versus 34 (8.0%) infants who   In this study, we found a significant increase in the percentage
              were retained in care had a VL of < 50 copies/mL in the T-EID   of infants infected during the peripartum and intrauterine
              and R-EID periods, respectively (p < 0.005).          period following the implementation of R-EID compared
                                                                    with during the T-EID in KZN. The prevention of mother-to-
              By using the Division of AIDS (DAIDS) Table for Grading the   child transmission (PMTCT) guidelines in South  Africa
              Severity of Adult and Paediatric Adverse Events, we found   changed in 2013 with the implementation  of Option  B+
              12 infants with a low haemoglobin level, eight with grade 3   resulting in more HIV-infected women maintained on ART
              and two with grade 4. Four infants had grade 1 alanine   and retained in the PMTCT cascade.  However, Option B+
              aminotransferase levels during the study period.      was consistently implemented throughout the study period
                                                                    and would not account for the differences noted. Targeted
              The DAIDS toxicity table is internationally recognised. It   birth EID for high-risk HIV-exposed infants is challenging to
              contains parameters or adverse events with severity grading   implement programmatically, because of the complexity in
              guidance. 26                                          stratifying according to risk profile in often busy and under-
                                                                    resourced facilities.
              On the basis of the estimated number of HIV-infected
              neonates born in eThekwini district during the study   Earlier diagnosis of HIV, through the R-EID approach,
              period, there was a significant increase in the percentage of   facilitates improved linkage to care and higher rates of ART
              neonates tested (20.7% vs. 85.7%, p < 0.001) and initiated   initiation. In KZN, the majority of deliveries occur in
              on ART (90.0% vs. 94.3%, p < 0.001) between the T-EID and   healthcare facilities with labour wards where birth PCR is
              R-EID periods (Figure  1). In 2017, the percentage of   performed. In contrast, infant follow-up occurs in well-baby
              neonates tested and initiated on ART had reached above   clinics, often at different facilities. Linkage to care is vitally
              90%; however, the percentage of infants with viral    important, and the process starts with obtaining patient
              suppression (HIV VL < 1000 copies/mL) at 1 year remained   contact details in an HIV PCR register when performing the
              low at 10%.                                           birth  PCR  following  delivery,  providing  a  linkage  form  to

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