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Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
              ISSN: (Online) 2078-6751, (Print) 1608-9693
                                                       Page 1 of 5  Original Research

                     Impact of routine birth early infant diagnosis on

                       neonatal HIV treatment cascade in eThekwini

                                              district, South Africa

               Authors:                 Background: Early infant diagnosis (EID) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and early
               Vidya Kalawan            initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV-infected infants can reduce the risk of mortality
               Kevindra Naidoo   3      and  improve  clinical  outcomes.  Infant  testing  guidelines  in  KwaZulu-Natal,  South Africa,
               Moherndran Archary
                                        changed from targeted birth EID (T-EID) only in high-risk infants to a routine birth EID (R-EID)
               Affiliations:            testing strategy in 2015.
               1 Department of Paediatrics
               and Children Health,     Objectives: To describe the impact of the implementation of R-EID on the infant treatment
               University of KwaZulu-Natal,   cascade.
               Durban, South Africa
                                        Method:  A retrospective analysis of a facility-based clinical database for the eThekwini
               2 King Dinizulu Hospital,   district and the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) was conducted. All data on
               Durban, South Africa     neonates (< 4 weeks of age) diagnosed with HIV between January 2013 and December 2017
                                        (T-EID [2013–2015] and R-EID [2016–2017]) were extracted including follow-up until 1 year
               3 Maternal Adolescent and   post-diagnosis.
               Child Health (MatCH),
               University of the        Results: A total of 503 neonates were diagnosed HIV-infected, with 468 (93.0%) initiated on
               Witwatersrand,           ART within a median of 6 days. There was a significant increase in the estimated percentage of
               Johannesburg, South Africa
                                        HIV-infected neonates diagnosed (21% vs. 86%, p < 0.001) and initiated on ART (90% vs. 94.3%,
                                        p < 0.001) between the T-EID and R-EID periods. Despite achieving over 90% of HIV-infected
               4 King Edward VIII Hospital,
               Durban, South Africa     neonates diagnosed and initiated on ART in 2017, retention in care and viral suppression
                                        remained low.
               Research Project Registration:
               Project Number: BE023/18  Conclusion: Implementation of R-EID in eThekwini district improved diagnosis and initiation
                                        of ART in HIV-infected neonates and should be recommended as part of diagnostic guidelines.
               Corresponding author:    These gains are, however, lost because of poor retention in care and viral suppression rates and
               Moherndran Archary,      therefore required urgent attention.
               [email protected]
                                        Keywords: early infant diagnosis; birth HIV testing; HIV PCR; treatment cascade; paediatrics;
               Dates:                   LMIC.
               Received: 05 Mar. 2020
               Accepted: 19 Mar. 2020
               Published: 02 June 2020
               How to cite this article:
               Kalawan V, Naidoo K,    Early  infant  diagnosis  (EID)  of  human immunodeficiency  virus (HIV)  and initiation  of
               Archary M. Impact of routine   antiretroviral therapy (ART) are essential in reducing morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected
               birth early infant diagnosis on   infants. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  In 2018, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) reported
               neonatal HIV treatment
               cascade in eThekwini district,   that 89% of HIV-exposed infants were tested before 8 weeks of age. However, only 63% of HIV-
               South Africa. S Afr J HIV Med.   infected children under 14 years were on ART in South Africa.  Strategies to increase the uptake
               2020;21(1), a1084. https://  of EID and linkage to ART care are essential in achieving the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets for testing,
       treatment and viral suppression.
                                       In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended an HIV nucleic acid polymerase
                                       chain reaction (PCR) assay at 4–6 weeks of age, or at the earliest opportunity for EID in resource-
                                       limited settings, although birth HIV PCR testing was a conditional recommendation.  Despite the
                                       improved capacity for EID, only half of all HIV-exposed infants were tested within 2 months of
                                       life in the 21 African Global Plan countries.  Multiple factors contribute to the low rates of early
                                       testing of HIV-exposed infants, including the lack of testing and/or sample collection sites, stock-
                                       outs of HIV testing commodities at facility and central laboratory levels, poorly functioning
               Read online:            sample transport networks, and delays and gaps in returning results to carers. 14,15,16,17,18  Access to
               Read online:
                        Scan this QR
                        Scan this QR
                        code with your   timely HIV diagnosis for HIV-exposed infants is a critical step to close the treatment coverage gap
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                        smart phone or   and reduce HIV-associated mortality for children. 19
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                                       Copyright: © 2020. The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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