Page 397 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 397

Page 2 of 5  Original Research

              South Africa’s  national  HIV  management  guideline  was   The database was de-identified prior to analysis. The NHLS
              revised  in  June 2015, with  the  change  in  the  EID   performed all laboratory tests as part of the standard of care
              recommendation from targeted birth EID (T-EID) testing in   by using standard commercial laboratory kits.
              high-risk infants to a routine birth EID (R-EID) testing for all
              HIV-exposed neonates, in addition to virological testing at   eThekwini district is the largest district in KZN with a
              10  or  18  weeks.   High-risk  infants  include  all  premature   population of 3.7 million and includes urban, peri-urban and
              (born  before  37  weeks’  gestational  age),  low-birth-weight   semi-rural populations. An estimated 1.9 million people are
              (LBW < 2500 g) or symptomatic HIV-exposed neonates, or   living with HIV in KZN, with 34% living in eThekwini
              those born to women who were un-booked or received a late   district.  Categorical variables were described by
              diagnosis of HIV or received < 4 weeks of ART, or had viral   percentages, and continuous variables were described by
              loads (VLs) of > 1000 copies/mL.  Universal birth testing of   medians and interquartile ranges (IQRs). Univariate analysis
              all HIV-exposed infants is simpler to implement than   of characteristics associated with HIV diagnosis,  ART
              targeted birth testing.  Within 1 year of implementation of   initiation and viral suppression was performed by using
              birth testing, the national birth testing coverage exceeded   Fisher’s exact test or the Mantel–Haenszel test for categorical
              90%. 22                                               variables. The analysis was stratified into T-EID (from 2013 to
                                                                    2015) and R-EID (from 2016 to 2017) periods. p values < 0.05
              eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), has used an   were considered significant. All two-way interactions were
              electronic data management system (Tier.Net) to record all   evaluated by using STATA IC version 15.
              patient  data  at  a  facility  level  to  monitor  HIV  and  ART
              services and provides a system of monitoring and      The estimate of the number of HIV-infected neonates in
              evaluating the ART programme. A retrospective analysis of   eThekwini was calculated by using the total number of live
              routinely collected data from the Tier.Net database over the   births  in  the  respective  years  from  Statistics  South  Africa
              period of January 2013–December 2017 was carried out.   with 41% of these neonates being HIV-exposed based on the
              The aim was to determine the proportion of infants with a   HIV antenatal seroprevalence survey, and an in-utero HIV
              positive  HIV  PCR  who  are  successfully  initiated  on ART   transmission rate of 0.9%. 24,25
              and to evaluate the time taken to ART initiation before and
              after the initiation of birth EID in eThekwini district, South   Ethical consideration
              Africa. This study also evaluated the immunological and
              virological response and outcomes at 12 months after ART   A patient consent waiver was obtained for this study because
              initiation.                                           of the retrospective nature of the database audit. Ethical
                                                                    approval for the study was obtained from the University of
              Methods                                               KwaZulu-Natal Biomedical Research Ethics Committee
                                                                    (BREC Ref No: BE023/18), and it was approved by the
              The databases of the facility-based patient management   KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health (HRKM Ref: 183/18,
              system (Tier.Net) and the National Health Laboratory   NHRD Ref: KZ_201805_010) and eThekwini district (Ref:
              Services (NHLS) were retrospectively analysed to identify all   22/02/18).
              infants diagnosed HIV positive at birth or less than 4 weeks
              of  age between  January  2013  and  December  2017 at  any   Results
              facility  in  eThekwini  district.  Date  of  ART  initiation  and
              clinical and laboratory investigations for the first year after   During  the study period, 4049 HIV-infected infants were
              ART initiation were further extracted.                captured from the Tier.Net database in eThekwini district,
                                                                    and 503 were less than 4 weeks of age at diagnosis. There was
              The Tier.Net system is a facility-based patient management   a female predominance within the R-EID infants (318/503,
              system implemented in 2011 by the South African National   63.2%). A total of 468 (93%) neonates were initiated on ART in
              Department of Health to monitor patients accessing  ART   the first month of life. Of the 224 (44.5%) infants who initiated
              from public health facilities. Data on all infants (< 1 year of   ART within the first month of life and those remained in care
              age) diagnosed and/or initiating  ART during the study   at 1 year of age, 91 (40.6%) infants had a documented HIV
              period were extracted onto a password-protected Excel   VL. Fifty-six (61.5%) infants had a VL of <1000 copies/mL
              spreadsheet from Tier.Net.                            and 25 (27.5%) infants had a VL of < 50 copies/mL.

              The Tier.Net data were first filtered to include neonates and   Differences between the T-EID and R-EID periods are shown
              then compared with the NHLS EID district report by the   in Table 1. The number of neonates initiating ART increased
              investigator to ensure accuracy and to remove duplications.   from 135 (90%) in  the T-EID  period to 333 (94.3%) in the
              The database included demographic information (e.g. age, sex   R-EID (p = 0.081). Median age at ART initiation was at 6 days
              and facility), age at ART initiation, CD4 T-lymphocyte count   of life (IQR 0–16) overall. In the R-EID period, the HIV VL
              and HIV VL results from 1 year after  ART initiation. In   was significantly lower and fewer patients were lost to
              addition, all biochemical laboratory test results were collected.   follow-up (Table 1).

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