Page 293 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 293
Page 3 of 10 Original Research
TABLE 1: Socio-demographic and treatment-taking characteristics disaggregated by virological status of second-line participants in five health facilities in the Johannesburg
inner city.
Variable Total N = 149 (100) Virological status p
Total patient or participants recruited
Suppressed (VLS), Unsuppressed (VLF),
78 (52.3) 71 (47.7)
n % n % n %
Facility 0.001*
Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital 32 21.5 19 24.4 13 18.3
Hillbrow Community Health Centre 86 57.7 43 55.1 43 60.6
South Rand Hospital 21 14.1 16 20.5 5 7.0
Primary Healthcare Clinics (Malvern Clinic Yeoville Clinic†) 10 6.7 0 0.0 10 14.1
Sex 0.300
Female 103 69.1 51 65.4 52 73.2
Male 46 30.9 27 34.6 19 26.8
Age, Median (42, IQR: 35–47) (years) 0.152
< 30 11 7.4 3 3.9 8 11.3
30–39 52 34.9 24 30.8 28 39.4
40–45 43 28.9 25 32.1 18 25.4
45+ 43 28.9 26 33.3 17 23.9
Country of birth 0.085
South Africa 91 61.1 42 53.9 49 69.0
Zimbabwe 49 32.9 32 41.0 17 23.9
Other 9 6.0 4 5.1 5 7.0
Home language 0.893
Zulu 62 41.6 32 41.0 30 42.3
Ndebele 36 24.2 21 26.9 15 21.1
Xhosa 12 8.1 6 7.7 6 8.5
Sotho 12 8.1 5 6.4 7 9.9
Other 27 18.1 14 18.0 13 18.3
Relationship status 0.310
Married 45 30.2 28 35.9 17 23.9
Cohabiting 38 25.5 16 20.5 22 31.0
Single 57 38.3 30 38.5 27 38.0
Other 9 6.0 4 5.1 5 7.0
Highest education level completed 0.737
Never went to school 7 4.7 4 5.1 3 4.2
Secondary or high school 130 87.2 69 88.5 61 85.9
Tertiary 12 8.1 5 6.4 7 9.9
Employment status 0.613
Employed 65 43.6 37 47.4 28 39.4
Unemployed 68 45.6 33 42.3 35 49.3
Other‡ 16 10.7 8 10.3 8 11.3
Religion 0.098
Christian 131 87.9 67 85.9 64 90.1
Ancestral/traditional 8 5.4 7 9.0 1 1.4
Other 10 6.7 4 5.1 6 8.5
Comorbidity 0.859
Yes 43 28.9 23 29.5 20 28.2
No 106 71.1 55 70.5 51 71.8
Distance travelled to the facility, 0.764
Median (5, IQR: 2–15)
5 km or less 86 57.7 45 57.7 41 57.8
6 km – 10 km 21 14.1 12 15.4 9 12.7
11 km – 20 km 23 15.4 10 12.8 13 18.3
Above 20 km 19 12.8 11 14.1 8 11.3
Who was the first person to whom you disclosed your HIV status? 0.228
Partner 70 47.0 33 42.3 37 52.1
Family or relative member 77 51.7 43 55.1 34 47.9
Friend 2 1.3 2 2.6 0 0.0
How long did it take you to disclose your HIV status? 0.306
1 week 94 63.1 48 61.5 46 64.8
1–2 weeks 8 5.4 4 5.1 4 5.6
3–4 weeks 4 2.7 4 5.1 0 0.0
More than 4 weeks 42 28.2 22 28.2 20 28.2
Never disclosed 1 0.7 0 0.0 1 1.4
Table 1 continues on the next page → 285 Open Access