Page 256 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 4  Scientific Letter

              Immunological non-responders                          CD4 test recorded. Considering that amongst those who did
                                                                    access CD4 testing, CD4 count was below 200 cells/mm  in
              Amongst virally suppressed patients on ART for more than 4   20% of patients on ART ≤ 2 years, a considerable number of
              years, 20.0% (n = 18  556) were INRs. Median CD4 count
              amongst INRs was 259 cell/mm  (interquartile range 127),   patients with low CD4 counts are being missed. These
              with  29.5% having  a  CD4  count  ≤  200 cells/mm .   patients would not receive  ACC interventions,  including
              Immunological non-response was significantly more likely   CPT, which may contribute to higher morbidity and
              amongst second- or third-line ART patients compared with
              first-line (odds ratio [OR] 1.85 and 1.54, respectively),   Immunological non-response was found in 20.0% of virally
              amongst older patients compared with those aged 15–25   suppressed patients in this cohort, in line with reported rates
              years (OR 1.12, 1.49 and 1.93 in patients aged 25–35, 35–45   of 10% – 40%. 3,5,7  There is an ongoing need for CD4 count
              and ≥ 45 years, respectively), in males (OR 2.45) and amongst   monitoring subsequent to ART initiation in order to identify
              patients with TB (OR 3.57; Table 1). The odds of immunological   INRs who require extra clinical care. Efforts should focus on
              non-response were significantly lower amongst patients with   older patients, males and those starting  ART with low
              baseline CD4 > 350 cells/mm  compared with CD4 ≤ 350 (OR   baseline CD4, as has been previously demonstrated, 3,4,5,6,7  as
              0.32). In multivariate analysis, INR remained significantly   well as PLHIV with TB coinfection. It is concerning that low
              more likely amongst patients on second-line ART (adjusted   baseline CD4 is significantly associated with immunological
              OR [aOR] 1.79), those aged 35–45 and ≥ 45 years (aOR 1.15   non-response, as a notable proportion of patients initiating
              and 1.50, respectively), males (aOR 2.28) and patients with   ART in South Africa do so with low CD4 counts.  In particular,
              confirmed  TB  (aOR  2.49).  The  odds  of  INR  also  remained   older patients and males are more likely to present late for
              significantly less likely amongst patients with higher baseline   HIV care with low baseline CD4,  which may contribute to
              CD4 (aOR 0.35).
                                                                    the poor CD4 recovery of these patients. Continued
              Discussion                                            engagement with communities,  particularly with men and
                                                                    older clients, is required to emphasise the importance of
              This study of routine data from four South African districts   engaging with ART services before CD4 counts have dropped
              demonstrates  poor implementation of CD4  testing     substantially. The association between INR and second- or
              subsequent to  ART initiation and a notable proportion of   third-line regimens may be because of prolonged viral non-
              patients with low CD4 counts even after initiating  ART.   suppression associated with treatment failure. It is possible
              Amongst patients on  ART for 12–18 months who should   that low CD4 counts are a result of delayed switching from a
              have  received  a  routine  12-month  CD4  test  according  to   failing to effective regimen, which would need to be further
              national guidelines,  less than one quarter had a post-baseline   investigated.
              TABLE 1: Characteristics of immunological non-responders (CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/mm ) compared with immunological responders (CD4 count > 350 cells/mm ) amongst
              patients with a suppressed viral load who had been on ART for more than 4 years.
              Variables       Immunological non-responder,    Immunological responder,    Unadjusted OR  Adjusted OR†
                                    n = 18 556          n = 74 134
                                 n         %          n        %          OR (95% CI)  p-value    OR (95% CI)   p
              Last ART regimen
              First line        13 615     18.3     60 709     81.7         Ref                     Ref
              Second line       2208       29.5      5282      70.5     1.85 (1.76–1.96)  < 0.001  1.79 (1.68–1.91)  < 0.001
              Third line         34        26.6      94        73.4     1.54 (1.04–2.28)  0.031  1.41 (0.85–2.35)  0.188
              Unassigned         22        22.5      76        77.6     1.22 (0.76–1.97)  0.403  0.83 (0.44–1.59)  0.581
              Age at ART start, years
              15–25             1104       15.4      6073      84.6         Ref                     Ref
              25–35             5836       16.9     28 748     83.1     1.12 (1.04–1.20)  0.001  0.99 (0.90–1.09)  0.886
              35–45             6662       21.1     24 851     78.9     1.49 (1.39–1.60)  < 0.001  1.15 (1.05–1.27)  0.003
              ≥ 45              4954       25.5     14 462     74.5     1.93 (1.80–2.08)  < 0.001  1.50 (1.37–1.66)  < 0.001
              Female            9902       15.3     54 749     84.7         Ref                     Ref
              Male              8654       30.9     19 385     69.1     2.45 (2.37–2.53)  < 0.001  2.28 (2.19–2.38)  < 0.001
              Baseline CD4, cells/mm 3
              ≤ 350             13 831     21.6     50 266     78.4         Ref                     Ref
              > 350              664       8.0       7669      92.0     0.32 (0.29–0.34)  < 0.001  0.35 (0.32–0.38)  < 0.001
              TB status
              None/unknown      18 393     19.9     73 955     80.1         Ref                     Ref
              Confirmed TB       163       47.7      179       52.3     3.57 (2.88–4.42)  < 0.001  2.49 (1.81–3.43)  < 0.001
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; Ref, reference; TB, tuberculosis.
              Data are n (%). Total value differs between variables because of missing data.
              Statistically significant differences are shown in bold.
              †, Mixed effects logistic regression for characteristics of immunological non-responders, adjusting for random effects at the district level. Fixed effects covariates include ART regimen level, age at
              ART start, gender, baseline CD4 count and TB status.

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