Page 243 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 5 of 9  Review Article

              TABLE 2: Comparative summary of community antiretroviral therapy initiation models identified.
              Step in HIV care   Home initiation and   Same-day home   On-site ART initiation,   On-site ART initiation   On-site ART initiation   Same-day home
              cascade    immediate referral to   initiation and   some community-based  and community-based   and community-based   initiation and
                         healthcare facilities for   immediate referral to   ART monitoring and   ART monitoring and   ART monitoring and   community-based
                         ART monitoring and   healthcare facilities for   referral to facilities for   resupply for FSWs in   resupply in Uganda and  ART monitoring and
                         resupply in Malawi   ART monitoring and   ART monitoring and   Tanzania (Tun et al. )  South Africa – DO ART   resupply and
                         (MacPherson et al. ) 4  resupply in Lesotho   resupply in Nigeria   study (Barnabas 6,7,13 )  clinic-based
                                        (Labhardt et al. 3,12 )  (Oladele et al. )                   laboratory evaluation
                                                                                                     in Lesotho – VIBRA
                                                                                                     study (Amstutz et al. )
              Demand creation Counsellors promoted   Mobile outreach teams   Community mobilisation  Brochures and   Following community   Campaign teams visit
                         HIVST and home   offered HTS to all   and community   announcements at   sensitisation,   rural villages to offer
                         initiation during   household members   outreach services.  targeted healthcare   participants will be   HTS and multidisease
                         door-to-door visits.  and offered same-day    facilities and peer   recruited through   screening and
                                        ART initiation to clients      support groups.  community-based HIV   prevention.
                                        who tested positive.                          testing and counselling
                                                                                      (HTC) and HIV clinics.
              Patient access   Clients self-presented to  Mobile outreach teams   Mobile outreach teams   Mobile outreach teams   Lay counsellors conduct   Lay counsellors provide
              for HTC    collect HIVST kits and   conducted door-to-door  conducted door-to-door  conducted community-  community-based HTC   home-based HTC.
                         report test results. If   testing and service   testing and service   based HTC in FSW   at home or through a
                         positive, study nurses   provision. If positive,   provision including   hotspots; as well as   mobile van.
                         conducted home visits   study nurses conducted   immediate ART initiation  return to care
                         for ART preparation and  home visits for ART   and some follow-up.  campaigns for FSWs
                         home initiation.  preparation and home        living with HIV but not
                                        initiation.                    yet on ART.
              Providers  Counsellors marketed   Counsellors provided   Mobile outreach teams   Mobile outreach teams   Mobile outreach teams   Mobile teams consist of
                         HIVST and home   home-based HIV testing  included clinicians   included clinicians,   include nurses and lay   nurses and lay
                         initiation and linked   and linked positive   (medical officers,   nurses and peer   counsellors.  counsellors.
                         positive clients for home  clients for same-day   nurses), lay counsellors,   educators.
                         initiation by study   home initiation by study  pharmacists and/or
                         nurses. Nurses   nurses. Nurses   other cadre licensed to
                         dispensed 2 weeks of   dispensed 1 month   dispense ART.
                         ART if client was eligible. supply of ART if client
                                        was eligible.
              Laboratory   Clinical evaluation and   Clinical evaluation by   Clinical evaluation by   Clinical evaluation   Clinical evaluation
              and clinical   CD4 cell count (venous   study nurse; laboratory   mobile team physician;   done by using a   (medical history and
              evaluation  blood for laboratory   evaluation including CD4  laboratory evaluation by   clinical questionnaire;   physical examination)
                         testing) conducted at   cell counts, creatinine   using POC equipment or   laboratory evaluation   done by using a
                         first home visit.  levels and haemoglobin   sample referral. Same   by using POC testing for   checklist; laboratory
                                        by using point-of-care   day results.         CD4 count, pregnancy   evaluation by using POC
                                        (POC) equipment.                              and creatinine.  testing for CD4 count,
                                                                                                     haemoglobin and
              Adherence   Adherence preparation   Clients received pre-ART  Clients completed three  Standard three   Study nurse conducts a
              preparation  at first and second home  counselling directly after  sessions at identification  sessions of adherence   one-on-one structured
                         visits, if client was   testing, plus a leaflet   in the community. Case   counselling at   education and
                         eligible for ART.  that summarised the key  managers assigned for   community-based HIV   counselling session
                                        points of ART   immediate follow-up   testing and counselling   by using a leaflet
                                        adherence.     starting same day.  (CBHTC) sites.            (5–10 min).
              Place and time   Within the client’s   Within the client’s   At point of identification  At CBHTC sites, after   At the point of   Within the client’s
              of ART initiation  home, at the second   home, at the first visit   within the community.   completing three   identification within   home, at the first visit
                         home visit if client was   (same day).  ART initiated   sessions of adherence   community. ART   (same day).
                         eligible.                     immediately after   preparation.  commenced
                                                       completing three               immediately based
                                                       sessions of adherence          on clinical and
                                                       preparation. Could take        eligibility assessment.
                                                       up to 3 h.
              Follow-up care   Clients provided with   Clients instructed to visit  Phone calls or SMS or   Drug pick-ups at client’s   Participants pick up their  Follow-up visits at
              (and enrolment)  completed ART   their health facility   home visits every 3 days  convenience at CBHTC   medication refills from   health facility (control
                         registration and follow-  within 2–4 weeks for   during the first 2 weeks.  sites. Peer educators   the mobile van and have  arm) or with the village
                         up appointment at their  their follow-up.  Follow-up visits to   ensured regular contact   all clinical monitoring   health worker (VHW)
                         nearest HIV care clinic.      community team at   with clients through text  conducted in the   (intervention arm) at
                                                       2 weeks and 1 month   messaging and   mobile van.  12–16 days based on
                                                       after ART initiation.   WhatsApp, as well as   patient preference.
                                                       Linked to fixed facility   through monthly    VHWs check adherence
                                                       for subsequent follow-  meetings to assess    and provide monthly
                                                       up after 1 month.  adherence and adverse      refills (intervention
                                                                       events, and provide           arm), with patients
                                                                       peer support.                 attending the clinic at
                                                                                                     6 and 12 months for
                                                                                                     laboratory assessment.
                                                                                                     Individually tailored SMS
                                                                                                     for adherence and
                                                                                                     based on VL results.
              HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; FSW, female sex worker; HIVST, HIV self-testing; HTS, HIV testing services; ART, antiretroviral therapy; SMS, short message service; VL, viral load; VIBRA, village-based
              refill of ART.
              (63.4/1000 person-months) than in the facility group   Viral suppression
              (53.5/1000 person-months) in unadjusted analysis. Labhardt   One  RCT  reported  on  viral  suppression  as  an  outcome.
              et al.  found that at 12 months, 12/137 (8.8%) of the same-day   Labhardt et al.  reported that  ART-naïve participants who
              community-based group and 10/137 (7.3%) of the facility-  were assigned to the same-day home-based ART initiation
              based care group were lost to follow-up. Retention in care   were more likely to remain in care at 12 months and
              since enrolment was significantly higher in the same-day
              community-based group (p = 0.009). Tun et al.  found that at   achieve  VL  suppression.  The  authors  reported  that  in  the
              6  months,  254/254  (100%)  of  the  intervention  group  and   11 to 14-month window after enrolment, 69/137 (50.4%) of
              171/180 (95%) of the comparison group remained in care and   the  same-day group and 47/137 (34.3%) of the facility-
              on ART.                                               based  care  group achieved documented viral suppression
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