Page 86 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 86

Page 2 of 3  Case Report

              TABLE 1: Drug resistance report at 12 months.
              Drug resistance interpretation: RT                                              ART initiation?   ART re-initiation
              NRTI Resistance Mutations  A62V, K65R, V75I, Y115F, M184V, K219E  1000 000
              NNRTI Resistance Mutations  L100I, K103N
              Other Mutations          V90I                             100 000
              Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors                10 000
              abacavir (ABC)           High-level Resistance
              zidovudine (AZT)         Susceptible                    HIV viral load (log)  1000
              emtricitabine (FTC)      High-level Resistance               100
              lamivudine (3TC)         High-level Resistance
              tenofovir (TDF)          High-level Resistance                10
              Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors               1
              doravirine (DOR)         Intermediate Resistance
              efavirenz (EFV)          High-level Resistance             01 June 2012  01 June 2013  01 June 2014  01 June 2015
              etravirine (ETR)         Intermediate Resistance              01 December 2012  01 December 2013  01 December 2014
              nevirapine (NVP)         High-level Resistance
              rilpivirine (RPV)        High-level Resistance
              Source: Adapted from the Stanford database 2                                    Date
              Note: The drug resistance profile reveals a mixed pattern consisting of the classic XTC-related   ART, antiretroviral therapy.
              mutation,  M184V/I;  two  TDF-associated  mutations,  Y115F  and  K65R;  one  accessory
              thymidine-associated mutation (TAM) related to decreased susceptibility to d4T and AZT,   FIGURE 1: HIV viral load results over time.
              namely K219Q/E; and two accessory mutations, A62V and V75I, that have been described
              with  K65R   but  mostly  occur  in  combination  with  the  multi-NRTI  resistance  mutation
              Q151M. The two NNRTI mutations, L100I and K103N, give broad-spectrum resistance to the   prior ART use had a baseline VL of < 400 copies/mL, and of
              NNRTI class, including intermediate resistance to the second-generation NNRTIs, while V90I
              is a polymorphic accessory mutation selected by NNRTIs and is associated with minimal   these,  39%  had detectable ART  levels  in  plasma.  A  study
              reduction in susceptibility to this class. 2
                                                                    from Khayelitsha reported that 23% of patients disengaged
                                                                    from care for at least 6 months and that ~50% of these
              TABLE 2: Mutation-penalty score for the reverse transcriptase inhibitors.              6
              Mutation Scoring: RT                                  returned  to  care  in  the  medium  term.  Almost  1/3  of
              NRTI        ABC     AZT     FTC    3TC     TDF        adults  restarting first-line  ART with prior  ART exposure
              A62V         5       5      5       5       5         harbour resistant virus with women twice as likely as men to
              K65R         45     -15     30      30     60         have resistance because of previous ART exposure during
              V75I         5       5      5       5       5         pregnancy.  Patients  with  multiple  treatment  interruptions
              Y115F        60      0      0       0      15         and/or pre-treatment drug resistance (PDR) are at an
              M184V        15     -10     60      60     -10        increased risk of virological failure. 8,9,10,11  This patient had
              K219E        5      10      0       0       5         seven different  laboratory numbers,  making linking her
              Total       135     -5      100    100     80         previous results complicated. Patients with prior ART may
              NNRTI       DOR     EFV     ETR    NVP     RPV        benefit from differentiated care with specialised adherence
              L100I        15     60      30      60     60         support, an early VL  (at 4 months), DRT in case of a
              L100I + K103N  15    0      0       0       0         suboptimal VL response and rapid change to a second-line
              K103N        0      60      0       60      0         regimen. The absence of a 6-month VL in this patient made
              Total        30     120     30     120     60         prompt action impossible. She had a number of risk factors
              Source: Adapted from the Stanford database 2          for treatment failure, namely previous  ART, high VL and
              Note: This combination of mutations leaves only AZT as a viable NRTI.
              RT,  reverse  transcriptase;  NRTI,  nucleoside/nucleotide  reverse  transcriptase  inhibitors;   previous adherence issues, which could have alerted the
              ABC, abacavir; AZT, zidovudine; FTC, emtricitabine; 3TC, lamivudine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil   astute clinician had this information been available.
              fumarate;  NNRTI,  non-nucleoside  reverse  transcriptase  inhibitor;  DOR,  doravirine;
              EFV, efavirenz; ETR, etravirine; NVP, nevirapine; RPV, rilpivirine.
              Discussion                                            The authors would like to thank Sr Eileen Thompson for

              This case study describes the rapid emergence of high-level,   assisting with patient recruitment.
              dual-class HIVDR in a patient with undisclosed prior ART
              use. Having nine  reverse transcriptase mutations within 12   Competing interests
              months is much faster than the reported rate of emergence.
              This together with the unsuppressed VL during 2012 and   The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
              2013 suggests prior HIVDR mutation selection, which waned   relationship(s) that may have inappropriately influenced
                                                                    them in writing this article.
              to below the detection threshold of population sequencing
              (±  20%) when DRT was performed in 2014. Thereafter, it
              rapidly re-emerged upon reintroduction of ART.        Authors’ contributions
                                                                    G.v.D. performed the laboratory work, namely Sanger
              Prior undisclosed use of ART is a common problem, requiring   sequencing, and interpretation of the results; T.M.R. accessed
              vigilance, especially in health sectors where patients are   and interpreted the clinical  information and prepared the
              mobile and do not have unique identifiers, as is the case in   first draft of the manuscript; G.v.Z. assisted with the
              South  Africa. Recent data from Botswana showed that   interpretation of the genotype. All authors contributed to and
              136/951  (14%)  HIV-infected  participants  who  reported  no   proofread the final manuscript.

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