Page 70 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 70

Page 5 of 7  Opinion Paper

              those  for  whom  oral  tenofovir-based  PrEP  is  not  an   exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Most data supporting the use of
              appropriate option, either on account of contraindications to   PEP are derived from animal transmission models, prevention
              the drug itself, or on account of other factors related to oral   of mother-to-child transmission trials, observational studies
              formulation  or the  requirement to  take  pills  regularly. For   of healthcare workers receiving PEP following occupational
              such individuals, alternative PrEP options are essential.  HIV exposure, and observational cohorts and case studies of
                                                                    PEP following potential sexual exposure.
              Early studies of long-acting rilpivirine (alone or in combination
              with a long-acting integrase inhibitor, cabotegravir) confirmed   Adherence to the full 28-day course of PEP has been shown
              the initial safety, acceptability and pharmacokinetic   to be poor, with only 56.6% (95% CI 50.9–62.2%; t 0.25) of
              characteristics of the formulation. 53,54  Plasma, rectal and   those eligible completing the course,  and lower in
              cervical fluid sampling and limited rectal and vaginal biopsies   adolescents than in adults. A significant proportion of PEP
              after single doses of 300 mg – 1200 mg long-acting rilpivirine   discontinuation is related to adverse events, indicating that
              in one of these studies demonstrated prolonged rilpivirine   better tolerated PEP regimens are needed.  A systematic
              exposure in plasma as well as the genital tract for 84 days. In   review of observational data concluded that tenofovir-based
              this study, one female participant subsequently experienced   PEP regimens were better tolerated than those using
              incident HIV-1 (wild-type virus) infection after a single episode   zidovudine, while the optimal third drug to use was a little
              of unprotected vaginal  intercourse approximately 41 days   less clear. While raltegravir was well tolerated, other factors
              after  she  received  the  300  mg  rilpivirine  injection.  Viraemia   such as twice daily dosing, availability and cost were
              peaked on day 115, and at this point, a mixed population of   identified as limitations to the use of raltegravir as the third
              101 K/E was detected and ART was initiated. Resistance was   drug, particularly in resource-limited settings. 61
              selected by high levels of viral replication in the face of low
              rilpivirine concentrations. The viral population reverted to   Subsequently, a number of PEP observational studies using
              predominantly wild-type by day 199. This incident infection   newer antiretrovirals have been undertaken. One single-arm
              illustrates the risk of subtherapeutic concentrations of long-  study and one observational cohort used rilpivirine for PEP.
              acting agents that are not high enough to prevent infection but   The single arm study used a STR of rilpivirine combined
              are sufficient to select for resistance. 56
                                                                    with TDF and FTC for 28 days in 100 HIV-uninfected
                                                                    men  who have sex with men. Post-exposure prophylaxis
              A subsequent phase 1 study enrolled 36 HIV-negative   completion rates were high at 92% and adherence rates
              participants  and alternately  assigned  them  to receive  one
              intramuscular dose of long-acting rilpivirine, either 1200 mg   at  98.6%  (standard  deviation  [s.d.],  2.4)  by  pill  count.
              or 600 mg. The safety and acceptability findings were in line   Discontinuations for adverse events were low (1%).  These
              with previous studies. These findings were confirmed in a   results are similar to the findings of a French observational
              multiple dose phase of this study. 57                 cohort study including 129 participants, which evaluated the
                                                                    safety, tolerability, adherence and efficacy of a 28-day course
              HPTN 076 is a double-blind, randomised study, which   of single-tablet RPV/TDF/FTC commenced within 48 hours
              compared the safety of long-acting rilpivirine1200 mg every 8   of potential exposure to HIV. 63
              weeks to placebo, following a 4-week run-in oral phase, for
              PrEP in low-risk, sexually active HIV-uninfected women. The   In these studies, adverse events were commonly reported by
              study demonstrated no significant differences between the   participants but were of low grade, and there were no
              two arms with respect to adverse events. It also showed that   seroconversions.  With  the  high  number  of  participants
              for 92% of participants, plasma rilpivirine concentrations were   completing their PEP regimens in these studies, rilpivirine is
              above the protein-adjusted IC . Currently, HPTN 076 study   an attractive option as a third drug for PEP regimens, offering
              has only reported safety, acceptability and pharmacokinetic   the advantages of cost and coformulation (although the
              findings, 58,59  and the long-acting rilpivirine will not be taken   coformulation is not available in many countries). With more
              forward into PrEP efficacy studies at this stage.     lower- and middle-income countries introducing dolutegravir
                                                                    into first-line ART, another potential advantage of rilpivirine-
              To date, no studies using rilpivirine oral formulations as PrEP   based PEP is the lack of overlapping resistance profiles
              have been conducted, except where it has been used as an   between rilpivirine and dolutegravir.
              initial run-in phase to establish tolerability prior to progressing
              onto the administration of injectable formulations.   Ethical consideration

              The role of rilpivirine in HIV                        This article followed all ethical standards for a research
                                                                    without direct contact with human or animal subjects.
              prevention: Post-exposure
              prophylaxis                                           Conclusion

              While a number of PrEP randomised controlled trials have   Many lower- and middle income countries use efavirenz-
              been conducted with various drug regimens, there are no   based regimens for first-line ART. Efavirenz has good efficacy
              randomised studies on antiretroviral regimens for post-  and relatively good tolerability, is available in fixed-dose

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