Page 69 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 69

Page 4 of 7  Opinion Paper

              neuropsychiatric  side  effects  on efavirenz,  alternatives  are   If confirmed, this signal will raise a dilemma regarding the
              currently limited. Nevirapine cannot be prescribed for   use of dolutegravir in women at risk of falling pregnant.
              women initiating ART with CD4+ counts above 250 cells/µL
              or men initiating ART with CD4+ counts above 400 cells/µL   Dolutegravir in combination with
              because of the risk of severe hepatotoxicity. In addition,   rilpivirine: A nucleoside-sparing
              nevirapine is associated with a higher frequency of severe
              adverse events, particularly treatment discontinuations,   treatment option
              than  efavirenz.   The  only  other  alternative  in  current   Recent data from the SWORD 1 and 2 studies of dolutegravir
              guidelines for patients with high CD4+ counts is to initiate   in combination with rilpivirine suggest that this dual therapy
              ritonavir-boosted lopinavir. As ritonavir-boosted lopinavir is   regimen may be effective maintenance regimens in
              used in second-line therapy, this limits future treatment   virologically suppressed patients.  The SWORD studies
              options. As rilpivirine has better tolerability than efavirenz,    randomised virologically suppressed participants with no
              a rilpivirine-based regimen would be a very useful alternative   history of virological failure to continue their current ART
              for patients with contraindications to efavirenz or treatment-  regimen or switch to dolutegravir and rilpivirine. Switching
              limiting toxicity once initiated on efavirenz-based ART.
                                                                    to the dual therapy regimen was found to be non-inferior to
              Role of rilpivirine as programmes                     continuing the initial regimen over 48 weeks. This is despite
                                                                    the inherent bias of the switch study design against the drug
              move to dolutegravir-containing                       being studied, where switching may result in adverse events
              first-line therapy                                    that could result in virological failure because of non-
                                                                    adherence.  In  addition,  observational  data  from  several
              Dolutegravir is newly included in current WHO guidelines as a   cohorts have demonstrated the efficacy of this regimen in
              recommendation for first-line ART and is starting to be rolled   achieving and maintaining virological suppression in
              out across several lower- and middle-income countries.   patients with varying degrees of antiretroviral experience. 47,48,49
              Dolutegravir has demonstrated robustness with a formidable   A fixed-dose combination of rilpivirine and dolutegravir was
              barrier to resistance, good tolerability and superiority to both   recently approved by the Food and Drug  Administration
              efavirenz and ritonavir-boosted lopinavir in clinical trials, in   (FDA),  based on the results of the SWORD studies. However,
              both antiretroviral-naïve and experienced patients. 33,34  In these   the inability to co-administer with rifamycin-containing TB
              studies, dolutegravir’s tolerability is likely to have contributed   treatment limits the usefulness of this coformulation in
              to the superior efficacy demonstrated. The main dolutegravir-  lower- and middle-income settings with high TB burdens.
              related treatment-emergent adverse event reported in these
              studies was insomnia. 33,34  Dolutegravir was found to be   Rilpivirine in long-acting injectable
              protective of discontinuations because of adverse events in a
              network meta-analysis that included 34 032 patients on first-line   antiretroviral regimens
              ART.  Dolutegravir was also shown to have superior efficacy to   The combination of long-acting rilpivirine and the integrase
              both efavirenz and rilpivirine in the network meta-analysis. 35  inhibitor cabotegravir is being studied in an injectable therapy
                                                                    for the treatment and prevention of HIV-1 infection. The phase
              Because of the relatively small number of carefully selected   2b LATTE 2 study randomised patients to oral cabotegravir
              participants included in registrational studies of newer   plus abacavir plus lamivudine and long-acting cabotegravir
              antiretrovirals, more information regarding the safety profile   plus rilpivirine injected 4 weekly, and found that the injectable
              may emerge only after registration, once the use of the   dual  therapy  regimen  was  well  tolerated  and  had  efficacy
              antiretroviral becomes more widespread. Since dolutegravir’s   similar to the oral regimen.  Further studies, such as first long-
              approval, observational cohorts have reported neuropsychiatric   acting injectable regimen (FLAIR) and  ART as long-acting
              adverse events, including depression, anxiety and suicidal   suppression (ATLAS), are currently underway to evaluate this
              ideation  in  patients  receiving  dolutegravir. 36,37,38,39   This  has   dual therapy injectable regimen. However, there is still
              been seen with other integrase inhibitors and has been   significant research needed before this regimen could be
              postulated as a possible class effect. 40,41,42,43  More recently, data   considered for programmatic use in lower- and middle-income
              have suggested  that dolutegravir may also be associated with   countries. This would need to include data on TB co-infected
              weight gain in a number of cohorts as well as clinical studies.   and pregnant patients.
              Potentially, rilpivirine could be used in people living with HIV
              who experience intolerance to dolutegravir as the transition to   The role of rilpivirine in HIV
              dolutegravir-based first-line ART rolls out.          prevention: Pre-exposure prophylaxis

              Furthermore, a prospective study was set up in Botswana to   Currently the only approved and WHO-recommended pre-
              quantify the incidence of neural tube defects with efavirenz   exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) option is oral tenofovir-based
              exposure. This cohort also considers other birth outcomes   PrEP,  which has demonstrated its efficacy in preventing
              and includes a number of patients on dolutegravir. It recently   HIV infection in multiple randomised controlled trials  and
              showed a worrying signal of increased incidence of neural   demonstration projects in different target populations, with
              tube defects with periconception use of dolutegravir.    more evidence continuing to accumulate. However, there are
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