Page 68 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 68

Page 3 of 7  Opinion Paper

              patients at risk of virological failure. There is a similar interaction   247 pregnancies (1.2%; 95% CI: 0.3%, 3.5%).  No specific
              with rifabutin.  This means that all patients on rilpivirine who   teratogenic concerns have emerged to date.
              develop rifamycin-sensitive tuberculosis would need to be
              switched to alternative  ART. This adds to programmatic   Affordability
              complexity, as well posing a risk to patients who may be
              switched to a less well-tolerated regimen, potentially  risking   In South Africa, rilpivirine currently has a ‘single exit’ price
              virological failure. However, this is not a problem unique to   of around ZAR 50.00 (around US $3.70) for a 30-day supply
              rilpivirine, as many ARVs require either a treatment change   versus ZAR 175.00 (around US $13.00) for efavirenz.
              (such as atazanavir) or a change in dose (such as ritonavir-  Efavirenz is unlikely to decrease in price any further and is
              boosted lopinavir and dolutegravir) when co-administered   therefore unlikely to achieve price parity with rilpivirine.
              with rifampicin. With the move to ‘test and treat’ resulting in   This  does  not  include  any  costs  related  to managing  side
              earlier ART initiation at higher CD4+ counts, and with increased   effects related to the use of efavirenz, which is associated
              rollout of various TB prevention therapies, this may become less   with higher adverse event-related discontinuations compared
              of an issue as incident TB rates are likely to decline.  to rilpivirine across several studies. 14
                                                                    Role of rilpivirine in programmes

              Fixed-dose combinations are preferred in large programmes, not   using efavirenz-based first-line
              only for their benefits in terms of adherence but also for the   therapy
              benefits they offer in terms of simplicity of supply chain,   Internationally, treatment guidelines have moved to
              distribution, stock management, storage and prescription.   recommending ART initiation irrespective of WHO clinical
              Internationally, both rilpivirine and efavirenz are available co-  stage or CD4+ count.  Benefits of ART initiation are modest
              formulated with either TDF and FTC, or tenofovir alafenamide   for those with earlier stage disease, and need to be weighed
              (TAF) and FTC. TAF is a prodrug of tenofovir, which is potentially   up against the potential harms, which include side effects
              associated with less bone and renal toxicity than TDF because of   and toxicity from  ART when initiated in asymptomatic
              lower plasma tenofovir exposure. 24,25  Unfortunately, none of the   patients at high viral loads.
              rilpivirine fixed-dose combinations, or formulations of either
              drug containing TAF, are currently available in South Africa.  A systematic review including 42 randomised controlled
                                                                    trials found that the relative risk for discontinuations because
              Paediatric formulations                               of adverse events was higher for efavirenz compared to most
                                                                    other first-line options, including low-dose efavirenz (400
              Currently, there are no specific paediatric formulations of   mg), rilpivirine, TDF, atazanavir and maraviroc, and that
              rilpivirine available and the adult formulation can only be used   neuropsychiatric adverse events were common with
              in children from 12 years and weighing 35 kg or more. Where   efavirenz.   Notably,  most  of  the  studies  included  were
              possible, within large-scale programmes, harmonisation of   conducted  in predominantly  white  populations.  Black
              adult and paediatric regimens is preferred. This is not currently   Africans have a much higher prevalence of efavirenz slow
              possible with rilpivirine.
                                                                    metaboliser genotypes than white people (17% vs. 3% in
                                                                    South Africa),  which may result in more frequent efavirenz-
              Safety in pregnancy                                   related neuropsychiatric adverse events.
              Pregnancy can affect rilpivirine concentrations by its effect
              on cardiac output, protein binding, volume of distribution   Efavirenz is superior to rilpivirine for programmatic use in a
              and cytochrome P450 3A4 activity.  Rilpivirine concentrations   standard first-line  ART regimen because it has higher
              are reduced during pregnancy, especially during the third   virological efficacy at high viral loads, is available in fixed-
              trimester, 26,27  as is seen with many other antiretrovirals. In   dose combination formulations, can be prescribed with
              two studies that investigated the pharmacokinetic     rifampicin and is safe in pregnancy. Rilpivirine cannot be
              characteristics of rilpivirine in pregnant women, nearly all   prescribed with rifamycin-containing TB treatment. Although
              the women had rilpivirine concentrations above the IC (the   rilpivirine is cheap, it has reduced efficacy at high baseline
              concentration of drug required to inhibit viral replication by   viral loads and cannot therefore be used for first-line therapy
              90%). This suggests that no dose adjustment is required   without pre-ART initiation viral loads. Pre-ART viral loads
              despite the reduced rilpivirine exposures during pregnancy.   are not routinely performed  in southern  African  ART
              In both studies, the women maintained virological     programmes and would considerably increase total cost to
              suppression and the infants were not HIV-infected. 26,27  the healthcare system of the first-line regimen. In addition,
                                                                    data on rilpivirine use in pregnancy are limited and the
              The  Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry (APR) still has   reduction in rilpivirine exposure during the third trimester of
              relatively low numbers of rilpivirine-exposed pregnancies.   pregnancy is concerning. 26,27,32
              For  first  trimester  exposures  to  rilpivirine,  there  was  one
              birth defect in 202 pregnancies (0.5%; 95% CI: 0.0%, 2.7%); for   However,  for patients  with  a  contraindication  to efavirenz
              second trimester exposures, there were three birth defects in   (e.g. history of psychosis) or who experience severe

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