Page 67 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 67

Page 2 of 7  Opinion Paper

              Rilpivirine for the management of                     suppression at 48 weeks compared to efavirenz (EFV)/TDF/
              HIV infection: Efficacy and tolerability              FTC (both administered as a single tablet regimen [STR]) in
                                                                    people living with HIV who were virologically suppressed
              The efficacy and tolerability of rilpivirine compared to   on a NNRTI-based regimen prior to randomisation. In
              efavirenz in antiretroviral-naïve individuals was explored in   the  SALIF study, there were more discontinuations and
              a phase 2b dose-finding study,  in the phase 3 ECHO  and   treatment-limiting adverse events in the rilpivirine arm. This
              THRIVE  studies (data from these two registrational studies   most likely reflects the effect of being switched to a new
              were pooled for analysis at weeks 48 and 96) 8,9,10,11  and the   rilpivirine-containing  regimen,  as opposed to continuing
              single-tablet regimen (STaR) study.  In all of these studies,   on  an efavirenz-based regimen (randomisation ensured a
              with the exception of the phase 2b dose-finding study,   balance of participants who were previously on nevirapine
              rilpivirine was associated with fewer adverse events leading   regimen across both arms, approximately 45%). 16
              to treatment discontinuation than efavirenz (including
              neuropsychiatric events, rash and dyslipidaemia).     Observational data from the Swiss HIV cohort followed up
                                                                    patients who were initiated on or switched to the RPV/TDF/
              The phase 2b study explored three different doses of   FTC STR for two years. The main reasons for switches were for
              rilpivirine  compared  to efavirenz  600  mg. The  rilpivirine   regimen simplification or efavirenz-related neuropsychiatric
              doses explored were 25 mg, 75 mg and 150 mg, and the study   adverse events. The study population were mainly
              was powered to detect a dose response across the arms at a   antiretroviral-experienced and  virologically suppressed.  At
              5% significance level.  The study was extended to follow   24  months, 96% of treatment-experienced and 100% of
              participants out to 192 weeks from 96 weeks and found   treatment-naïve  patients remained virologically suppressed.
              similar viral suppression and immunological efficacy across   Among those who were switched because of neuropsychiatric
              the rilpivirine and efavirenz arms, and the rilpivirine 25 mg   adverse events, 78.3% experienced improvement at 12
              dose was taken forward into phase 3.                  months.  These results were similar to those of other
                                                                    observational cohorts assessing switches to the STR. 18,19,20
              The ECHO and THRIVE studies demonstrated non-inferior
              efficacy of rilpivirine compared to efavirenz overall.   In summary, rilpivirine has lower efficacy than efavirenz in
              However, in these studies, which compared rilpivirine   patients with high viral loads at ART initiation. This limits
              25 mg with efavirenz 600 mg, both in combination with two   the usefulness of rilpivirine-based regimens in first-line ART
              nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), rates of   in resource-constrained settings. Most large programmes in
              virological failure  and emergence of viral  resistance   lower-  and  middle-income  countries  do  not  routinely
              were  higher in individuals with high baseline viral loads   quantify viral load at baseline, and adding this test in large
              (> 100 000 copies/mL) receiving rilpivirine than efavirenz at   programmes would add considerable treatment costs.
              both 48  and 96 weeks.  In the ECHO and THRIVE studies,   However, switch studies of virologically suppressed patients
              23/686 (3%) of participants taking rilpivirine discontinued   have shown good efficacy of rilpivirine in maintaining
              because  of  an  adverse  event,  versus  52/682  (8%)  taking   suppression. 16,17,18,19,20,21  Rilpivirine may therefore be a useful
              efavirenz.  In a systematic review of randomised clinical   option for patients needing to switch for tolerability issues,
              trials, comparing safety and neuropsychiatric adverse events   especially those relating to neuropsychiatric adverse events.
              of efavirenz with other agents, participants had double the
              risk of discontinuation because of adverse drug reactions   Rilpivirine for the management of
              with efavirenz-containing  ART regimens than with     HIV infection: Other important
              rilpivirine-containing regimens (RR: 2.0, 95% confidence
              interval [CI]: 1.0 to 3.8; RD: 4.1, 95% CI: 1.3 to 6.8).  Side   considerations for programmatic
              effects of rilpivirine were uncommon; the two most common   settings
              side effects were headache in 2% and insomnia in 2% of   Drug interactions
              participants. 15
                                                                    Rilpivirine is mainly metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4,
              In the STaR study, both rilpivirine and efavirenz were   rendering it vulnerable to the effects of drugs that are
              administered in combination with tenofovir disoproxil   cytochrome  P450 3A4 inhibitors  or inducers.  Its solubility
              fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine  (FTC) as single-tablet   and therefore absorption are pH dependent, requiring a low
              regimens. STaR stratified participants at randomisation   pH. Because of this, rilpivirine cannot be co-administered
              according to their baseline viral load (≤ or > 100 000 copies/  with proton pump inhibitors, and when prescribed with
              mL) and demonstrated superiority of the rilpivirine arm at   histamine-2 receptor antagonists and antacids, doses need to
              weeks 48 and 96 overall at viral loads below 100 000 copies/  be separated to allow rilpivirine absorption. 22
              mL (for  higher  viral  loads,  the  rilpivirine  arm  was non-
              inferior). 12,15                                      Rilpivirine cannot be administered with rifampicin-containing
                                                                    regimens, which are still the mainstay of tuberculosis
              The switching at low HIV-1 RNA into fixed-dose combinations   management in many lower- and middle-income countries
              (SALIF) study demonstrated non-inferior efficacy of   where the burden of tuberculosis is the highest. Rifampicin may
              rilpivirine (RPV)/TDF/FTC in maintaining virological   reduce the rilpivirine concentrations substantially,  putting
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