Page 60 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 60

Page 5 of 10  Review Article

                       # LTFU   (5 years)  -  -  -  -  -  -  22 604  1081  -  -  -  -  -  -  Two South African studies, both of which reviewed data from
                                                                    ± 2002 to 2007, estimated 13% LTFU at 1 year,  and 18.7% at a
                                                                    median of 2.4 years,  respectively. It is also important to note
                       # LTFU   (12 months)  1375  200  17  4713  10 195  174  -  483  57  323  7  94  32  23  that the studies included in this review were conducted
                                                                    during years when the earlier South African ART guidelines
                                                                    were in place; the 2010 and 2013 guidelines utilised CD4
                                                                    threshold for ART initiation of 200 and 350, respectively. The
                                                                    2015 guidelines expanded ART to a CD4 threshold of 500, and
                       Baseline CD4, cells/mm 3   unless otherwise reported  IQR  Median  36–169  98  103–266  195  76–175  133  NR  NR  56–192  125  NR  NR  NR  NR  60–184  121  NR  NR  s.d. 9.3 mean 14.5%  8.0–19.1  12.6%  112–218  176  171–299  244  297–515  434  more recently, universal test and treat has been adopted
                                                                    nationally. In more recent studies, Bock et al.  reported 26%
                                                                    LTFU at 2 years in three South African public sector clinics
                                                                    through 2016; Grimsrud et al. reported 17% LTFU at 2 years in
                                                                    a similar patient population.  While overall studies are
                                                                    reporting higher rates of LTFU as the ART thresholds have
                                                                    changed,  there  is still not  a widely  adopted definition and
                                                                    standardisation of measurement of LTFU. It is therefore hard
                       Age, in years unless    otherwise reported   to draw definitive conclusions about trends of LTFU rates
                                                                    over time.
                                                  61.3 months
                                                                    Previous studies have examined the need for standardisation
                                                                    of a LTFU definition in  ART programmes in sub-Saharan
                                                                    Africa, citing methodological concerns and a range of
                                                                    outcomes depending  on the definition used.
                                                                    there have been a variety of study definitions with a vast
                                                                    diversity of LTFU estimates.  A review from 2007 of  ART
                                                                    programmes in sub-Saharan Africa estimated 20% attrition at
                                                                    6 months and between 25% and 75% at 2 years depending on
                                                                    the estimation method used.  A subsequent review of studies
                                                                    at 3 years; 59% of these patients were LTFU.  A larger review
                                                                    by the same authors subsequently estimated 35% attrition in
                                                                    Africa by 36 months.  In South Africa, a systematic review
                                                                    from 2014 estimated approximately 33% attrition by 4 years
                                                                    on ART using studies published between 2008 and 2013.
                       Province  Gauteng  Gauteng  KwaZulu-Natal  Gauteng, Mpumalanga Western Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal  Western Cape, Gauteng Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga  Western Cape  Gauteng  Gauteng  KwaZulu-Natal  Western Cape  Gauteng  Gauteng  from 2007 to 2009 estimated 29.5% attrition (death or LTFU)
                                                                    Chi et al.  performed a meta-analysis that included patients
                                                                    from 19 countries and 111 health facilities, concluding that a
                       Rural   versus   urban  Urban  Urban  Rural  Mixed  Mixed  Urban  Mixed  Urban  Urban  Urban  Urban  Urban  Urban  Urban  standard definition of 180 days since last clinic visit was most
                                                                    accurate in determining actual loss from care. Grimsrud
                       Dates of   cohort  2004–2013  2010–2012  2009–2013  2004–2011  2004–2013  2007–2010  2004–2011  2002–2012  2004–2012  2004–2012  2006–2011  2008–2010  2010–2011  2013–2014  et  al.  examined the impact of using different definitions
                                                                    of  loss to follow-up on programme outcomes using data
                                                                    from the International Epidemiological Databases to Evaluate
                       Study    type  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Obs  Int LTFU, lost to follow-up; Obs, observational study; Int, interventional study; NR, not reported; s.d., standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range.  AIDS-Southern  Africa, finding that utilising different
                                                                    definitions led to significantly different estimates of those
                       Cohort    size  12 840  1430  380  42 427  83 566  1556  90 071  5154  595  4266  151  250  93  100  LTFU, making it impossible to effectively compare rates from
                                                                    different programmes if the same definition is not used; these
                                                                    authors also recommended a standard definition of 180 days
                                                                    since last clinic visit. We support this standardised definition.
                       LTFU  TABLE 1: Characteristics of studies included in the meta analysis.  definition  3 months  3 months  3 months  3 months  6 months  6 months  6 months  6 months  6 months  6 months  Other  3 months  Other  Other  A key limitation  of this study was that despite including
                                                                    67 studies that met our inclusion criteria, there was not large
                       Population  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Adults  Children  Children  Pregnancy  Pregnancy  Pregnancy  heterogeneity in terms of study locations. Many of them
                                                                    were  conducted in the same study site and often had
                                                                    overlapping dates. There were a disproportionate number of
                                                                    studies (two-thirds) in urban areas, primarily in Gauteng and
                       First author, ref  Shearer 15  Clouse 16  Evangeli 17  Evans 18  Cornell 19  Wandeler 20  Fatti 22  Grimsrud 81  Mberi 21  Sengayi 66  Chhagan 70  Van Schalkwyk 77  Clouse 34  Schwartz 79  Western Cape provinces. Fifteen (22%) of them came from a
                                                                    single clinic in Johannesburg (Themba Lethu). This overlap
                                                                    led to a significant decrease in the number of studies we
                                   53  Open Access
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