Page 172 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 172

Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention description of activities conducted at the Lancers Road PHC from 01 September 2011 to 31 December 2015.
              Study phase         Activity              Description of activities
              Pre-intervention    In-depth file review (IDR) (data not   • Assessed baseline clinical management of HIV-positive patients in ART services
              Conducted from 01 April 2014 to  shown (n = 206)  • Evaluated  demographics,  ART  initiation,  TB  treatment,  pregnancy,  co-morbidity,  psychosocial
              30 June 2014 of patients                    evaluations, visit data and laboratory results
              enrolled in the ART
              programme from      VL and retention in care review   • The study team reviewed VL results management and whether clients were retained in care
              01 September 2011 to   (VLRIC) (n = 1339)  • The NHLS computerised system was used to locate VL results not located in client files
              31 March 2014       VL management review (VLMR)   • Assessed all patients with elevated VL from the VL and retention in care review
                                  (n = 68)              • Reviewed  clinical  management  to  determine  guideline  fidelity:  follow-up  VL  testing;  adherence
                                                          counselling; regimen change and time frames for these actions
                                  Insertion of clinical summary charts   • Research clinicians inserted clinical summary sheets in every patient file, management assessed
                                  (n = 1339)            • Patients requiring additional intervention were referred to nurse clinicians or sessional medical officers
              Intervention        Training sessions     •  Clinic staff were offered guideline-based training, including high VL management, CD4+ testing, pregnancy
              01 April 2014–30 April 2015                 and postpartum ART management, prophylaxis for opportunistic infections, TB diagnosis and management,
                                                          individual client care and preparation for ‘chronic clubs’, and completion of clinical summary charts
                                                        • Patient education focused on chronic clubs and viral suppression
                                                        • Feedback was given to clinicians managing a client, where appropriate
                                  Clinical summary chart insertion  • Nurses introduced clinical summary charts for all other new clients
                                                        • ART regimen and duration, due date for blood tests, laboratory results and interventions required were
                                                        • High VLs were flagged for intervention, missing results followed up and plans for stable clients to collect
                                                          medication without a clinical visit
                                  Improved laboratory systems  • Daily filing of thermal printer results sent through the ticker tape system
                                                        • Printing of missing laboratory results from the NHLS website
                                                        • Filing  of  the  hard  copies  of  the  laboratory  results  in  the  client  file  for  clinical  management  at  the
                                                          appointment date
                                  VL management system  • High VL results flagged for immediate management
                                                        • Clients without NHLS blood results were noted to require a VL test at the next visit
                                                        • Clients with raised VL results, which were not adequately managed, were called for an appointment
                                                          with the clinic doctor within a week
                                                        • Unsuppressed VL files were kept in a marked box and not returned to the general filing system until the
                                                          client had an undetectable VL result
                                  Follow-up system for missed   • Patients with missed appointment dates were flagged for follow-up with the help of community health
                                  appointments and lost to follow-up  workers
                                  Chronic club care     • Down-referral  system  to  transition  stable  clients  for  collection  of  medication  (not  requiring  clinical
                                                          consultation) occurred within the clinic, in preparation for down-referral to a community site
                                                        • Basic  protocol  formulated  for  patient  eligibility,  an  updated  appointment  card  designed  and  an
                                                          educational message for relevant research staff prepared to create awareness in patients
                                                        • Patients eligible for chronic clubs were given dates for medication collection or consultation; using a diary
                                                          system those with missing appointments could be identified and contacted to improve retention in care
              Post-intervention   Improvement in VL testing and access  • Available files from the pre-intervention in-depth review were compared to VL testing conducted post-
              May 2015—31 December 2015  to VL results (n = 170)  intervention
                                                        • Assessed improvement in VL testing, including VLs conducted and managed
                                  VL management follow-up (n = 68)  • Re-assessed the follow-up management of clients identified with a high VL during the VL and retention
                                                          in care review (pre-intervention) between 10 January 2015 and 30 June 2015
                                  Clinical summary chart review   •  Study team reviewed the uptake of clinical summary sheets on new clients enrolled in the ART programme
                                  (n = 280)             •  Research clinicians were not routinely involved in the insertion and completion of the clinical summary charts
                                  Down-referral system (chronic clubs)  • Eligibility for chronic clubs: patients on ART > 12 months; latest VL result undetectable/low detectable
                                                          limit; not currently pregnant or breastfeeding; no recent change in regimen and clinically well

              (2) clinical summary chart insertion (Figure 2); (3) improved
              laboratory systems; (4) VL management system; (5) follow-up           1538 pa	ent files
              system for missed appointments and lost to follow-up and
              (6) chronic club care.                                                          199 missing files

              Post-intervention assessment
              The effectiveness of our combination of interventions at the
              clinic was measured as follows: (1) improvement in access to VL   Every 10th file   1339 files reviewed for VL
              results,  whether  performed  and  included in  the  client  file;   systema	cally sampled   review and reten	on in care
              (2) VL management follow-up (reassessed clients found with
              high VL during the VLRIC); (3) clinical summary chart usage                              116 files reviewed
                                                                                                        not eligible for
              review (uptake of clinical summary sheet on new clients                                     VL tes	ng
              enrolled in the ART programme) and (4) down-referral system
              (chronic clubs).
                                                                                              1223 pa	ents
                                                                                            eligible for VL tes	ng
              Data collection
                                                                                              1155 files with
              All pre- and post-intervention data extracted from the patient                  suppressed VLs
              files were recorded on appropriate questionnaires. The data
              were entered into a specific database developed by research   206 in-depth files  68 pa	ent files with
              clinicians.  The database  was secured using password-    reviews counducted     elevated VLs
              protected access systems.  All data were de-identified to   FIGURE 1: Flow diagram for the health systems intervention conducted at the
              maintain patient confidentiality; all specific laboratory   Lancers PHC from 01 September 2011 to 31 March 2014.

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