Page 166 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 166

Page 11 of 14  Original Research

              BOX 2: A modified programme theory of the adherence club intervention.  This could add value to understanding in what context or
               Grouping clinically stable patients on antiretroviral therapy [Actors] with available   circumstances the intervention works or not. This follows the
               resources and buy-in from healthcare workers in a convenient space [Context] to
               receive a quick and uninterrupted supply of medication, health talks, counselling,   notion that programmes are open systems. By open system,
               immediate  access  to  a  clinician  when  required  while  guided  by  rules  and   realists argue that programmes cannot be fully isolated or
               regulations [Intervention], works because their self-efficacy improves and they
               become motivated and nudged [Mechanisms] to remain in care and adhere to   kept constant and that they are affected by various conditions
               medication [Outcome].
                                                                    such as physical and technological shifts, personnel
                                                                    movements and learning, organisational imperative and so
              works (Figure 4). This is backed up by the respondents in the   on.  Such externalities always impact the delivery of a
              realist interviews. Most suggested that a combination of both   programme,  and this  entails that  they are never  quite
              theories could explain how the club intervention works. They   implemented in the same way. In some instances, these
              used phrases like: ‘It is a combination of both your theories …’   externalities are introduced into the ‘system’ to engender a
              [Nurse 1] or ‘I think both [theories]’ (Counsellor 2).  positive impact and are usually changes made to address the
                                                                    challenges that the intervention previously encountered.
              In the next step, we formulate a modified programme theory
              of the adherence club intervention based on the analysis of   The failure of the intervention to kick off was attributed to a
              the Facility Y data set (see Box 2).                  myriad of factors, including lack of proper understanding
                                                                    of the adherence club programme, which led to poor buy-in
              Discussion                                            from the healthcare providers and lack of required
                                                                    infrastructure. Buy-in, although considered an important
              We aimed to confirm, refute or modify the initial programme
              theory of the adherence club intervention, which we drafted   mechanism at the level of implementing the intervention in
              based on literature reviews and exploratory research. We   the facility, nevertheless constitutes an important contextual
              examined the implementation of the adherence club     factor regarding the day-to-day running as it affects the way
              intervention at Facility  Y, chosen as a deviant case – poor   the intervention is organised and delivered to the patients.
              performing based on 2014 routine data. Our hypothesis   Lack of buy-in was identified by the participants of the
              suggested  two  possible  explanations  of  how  and  why  the   study as part of the reasons why the intervention was
              adherence club intervention improves retention in care and   poorly implemented and executed at this facility. It was also
              sustains adherence to medication: by motivating and   mentioned  that the  operational  staff failed  to understand
              empowering the patients towards adopting the desired   how the adherence club was going to work in their
              behaviours or by nudging them into doing so.          favour,  and thus did not welcome the intervention until
                                                                    they were made to understand how it would decongest the
              These study findings showed that the two initial alternative   healthcare facility. Because of the instructions received from
              theories complement each other to explain how and  why   sub-structure to roll out the adherence club programme in
              the intervention works and in what context.  Although   Facility  Y, the operational staff working on the  ART
              some  patients would become motivated and empowered,   programme felt compelled to do something, although they
              through improved self-efficacy to remain in care and adhere   did not share in the vision of the programme.
              to their medication, others were made to remain in care by
              strictly enforcing rules and regulations of the adherence   Our study unveiled that apart from the lack of a conducive
              club programme. It is worth mentioning that different   space, impacting the buy-in of the healthcare providers, their
              patients would respond better to different aspects of care   understanding that the adherence club intervention would
              embedded in the adherence club programme. Patients who   increase their workload also contributed to the diminishing
              already possess self-motivation would be empowered by   buy-in. The notion of increased workload was compounded
              the adherence club intervention as it enforces convenience   by perceived staff shortage. The perceived staff shortage also
              to the patients. Other patients who may not be adequately   ties with the contextual factor of not having a programme
              self-motivated could respond better to being ‘told what to   champion to run the adherence club programme when it was
              do’, which is the role that the rules and regulations of the   first adopted by the facility in the first phased rollout.
              adherence club programme plays, or fulfills. A combination
              of these two explanations provides a comprehensive    Another important context element that was identified as a
              understanding of how and why the adherence club       hindrance to the effective implementation and execution of
              intervention works. In another case study testing the initial   the adherence club intervention at Facility Y was the lack of
              programme theory, it was also confirmed that the combined   a  conducive physical  space where the meetings could  be
              programme  theory  explains  how and why  the  adherence   conducted. Our interviews revealed that when the
              club enhances adherence to medication and promotes    intervention was rolled out at the facility, there was no
              retention in care among stable patients on ART. 43    physical space where the patients could meet to conduct the
                                                                    meetings. It took an intervention from the management to
              Although the retention in care and the adherence rates of the   provide a makeshift building at the back of the facility for the
              patients at the facility seemed to have improved from 2014,   intervention  to be officially implemented. While exploring
              as reflected  in our current  programme theory, it  is worth   the context under which the adherence club is implemented
              exploring why the intervention failed to take off as intended.   in another facility, the authors found that lack of a conducive

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