Page 165 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 165

Page 10 of 14  Original Research

              TABLE 6: Intervention–context–actor–mechanism–outcome matrix formulated from the study findings.
              Intervention   Context                         Actor    Mechanism                   Outcome
              Club rules and   -  Standard operating protocol  -  Patient  -  Perceived barriers  -  Nudged to adhere to club
              regulations  -  Being reminded of the rules and regulations of the club  -  Perceived coercion   appointments
                          -  HIV policy                               -  Perceived fear
                                                                      -  Reinforcement
                                                                      -  Nudged
              Group dynamics  -  Availability of space for meeting  -  Patient  -  Perceived social support  -  Better adherence resulting
                          -  Relationship with other club members  -  Group  -  Bonding and formation of group identity  from developed self-efficacy
              Health talks   -  Good availability of personnel  -  Patient  -  Knowledge acquisition  -  Improved self-efficacy
              or education  -  Effective teamwork                     -  Reinforcement of club rules and regulations
              Quick medication   -  Availability of medication  -  Patient  -  Perceived benefit  -  Adherence to medication
              access      -  Eligibility criteria                     -  Motivation                related to medication
                          -  The organisation of the pickup process and club sessions  -  Satisfaction  availability
                          -  Buy-in from care providers
              Prompt continuity   -  Availability of clinicians  -  Clinicians  -  Trust          -  Retained in care through
              of care     -  Staffing dynamics               -  Patient  -  Satisfaction           problem resolution
                          -  The organisation of club activities
                          -  Buy-in from care providers
              Club facilitator–  -  Staffing dynamics        -  Facilitator  -  Trust             -  Adherence to medication
              patient relationship -  Teamwork or collaboration  -  Patient  -  Perceived support  -  Motivation
                          -  Buy-in from care providers                                           -  Retention in care
              Overall intervention -  Availability of programme champion  -  Patients  -  Motivation  -  Improved retention in care
                          -  Buy-in from care providers      -  Club teams -  Self-efficacy        and adherence to
                          -  Preparation and organisation             -  Satisfaction              medication

                                                 Goals and objec ves of South African AIDs Commiee
                                                          Staffing dynamics                            Context
                Na onal HIV/AIDs treatment
                guidelines        Buy-in from health
                                    care workers                               Availability of conducive
                                                                               implementa on condi ons
                                                    Perceived threat
                              Rules and regula ons
                                                    Fear                                           Organisa onal
                                                                       Being                         culture
                             Care provider – pa ent  Trust            nudged
                                Rela onship
es)       Perceived                              Adherence to   Reduced workload
                                                    Support                                 medica on    for clinicians
                                                                  Improved self-
                                                    Knowledge       efficacy
                              Health talks and      acquisi on                              Retained in   Deconges on of
                               counselling                                                    care        facility
                               (Resources)          Mo va on                    Pa ent’s decision
                                                                     Mo va on     and ac on
                             Groupong and quick     Bonding
                             medica on collec on    Perceived social
                               (Resources and       support                                 Number of clubs run
es)                                                 by the facility
                                                    Perceived benefit and   Separated from the
                                         Clinic     sa sfac on
                                       organisa on                      management of non-HIV-
                                                        Availability of    posi ve pa ents
                                                         medica on

                       Interven on and modali es         Mechanisms             Actors           Outcomes
              FIGURE 4: Modified programme theory.

              this process. Retroduction is a form of inference that seeks   (creating possible alternatives) to trace the various pathways
              to identify and  verify mechanisms that are theorised to   (demi-regularities). 40,41
              have  generated the phenomena under study.  Firstly, we
              paid attention to the outcomes of interest and then   While having ICAMO links, such as in Table 6, is useful, we
              identified  the  mechanism(s) most associated with each   constructed a configurational map to obtain a bigger picture.
              outcome. This transfactual thinking approach  helped us   According to Byng et al.  the bigger picture adds value to
              to  identify mechanisms  that were  associated with  the   understanding  the  programme  theory.  The  result  of  this
              different modalities of the intervention and how these   exercise is a model illustrating how adherence clubs
              mechanisms relate to the different actors (patients, health   contribute to adherence and retention in care (Figure 4).
              professionals). Then, we examined the context in which the
              mechanisms are contingent to perpetuate the observed   Our analysis reveals that the two theories identified as initial
              outcome  as  informed  by  the  data.  Thirdly,  we  confirmed   programme theories complement each other to provide a full
              each ICAMO chain by applying counterfactual thinking   picture  of  how  and  why  the  adherence  club  intervention

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