Page 250 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 4  Scientific Letter

              recommended 1-week tail of TDF/FTC after cessation of EFV   sequenced, 37 (95%) had HIV-1 RNA < 40 copies/mL in the
              and 42 (57%) stopped all treatment at once. Of 70 women with   sample being tested.
              viral load results at enrolment into the Mpepu study, 58 (83%)
              had HIV-1 RNA < 40 copies/mL.  At 4–6 weeks           Discussion
              post-EFV/FTC/TDF cessation,  44 (62%) of  71  women  with   A small proportion of women stopping EFV/FTC/TDF had
              viral load result had HIV-1 RNA < 40 copies/mL. Thirty-three   a major NNRTI resistance mutation detected in plasma taken
              (47%) women had HIV-1 RNA < 40 copies/mL at delivery and
              at the time of sample draw for genotyping (post-ARV cessation).  a little more than a month after stopping treatment. Among
                                                                    women receiving a 7-day tail of TDF/FTC after stopping EFV
                                                                    where genetic resistance testing was able to be performed,
                                                                    none had detectable mutations. Our findings thus support
              Thirty-five (47%) of 74 samples were successfully sequenced,   the recommended staggered discontinuation of antiretrovirals
              with 4 (11%) of 35 having a major drug resistance mutation:   when an EFV/FTC/TDF regimen is being stopped. Our data
              2 with K103N and 2 with V106M (Table 1). All four resistance   support prior studies that evaluated the use of an NRTI tail
              mutations occurred among women who did not receive    when discontinuing EFV-based ART.
              a TDF/FTC tail (4/42, 10%), whereas no mutations occurred
              among 18 genotyped women who had received a TDF/FTC   Our observation of prolonged viral suppression < 40
              tail  (p  =  0.053).  Eighteen  (58%)  of  the  31  women  who    copies/mL for a median of 5 weeks in 62% of women post-
              had  a  genotype result and no drug resistance mutation   ART cessation was similar to findings from other studies
              took  a  TDF/FTC tail. Of 39 samples that could not be   which have demonstrated that it is not unusual for viral

              TABLE 1: Characteristics of women with successful sequencing post-antiretroviral treatment cessation.
              Age (years)  Prior use of ART   Prior use of ART   Received   Duration of ART   Nadir CD4   Baseline    Post ART cessation   Mutation
                      for own health  for PMTCT  TDF/FTC tail  use (weeks)  (cell/UI)  VL (copies/mL)  VL (copies/mL)
              27      No          Yes         Yes          31.6       518          < 40         42 166      E138A
              27      No          No          Yes          38.4       570          < 40          < 40       E138A
              23      No          No          Yes          40.7       710          < 40         13 120      K103N
              25      No          No          Yes          10.1       572          < 40          1719       K103N
              35      No          No          No           54.5       772          < 40         18 259      None
              40      No          Yes         Yes          31.2       442          < 40          2658       None
              36      No          Yes         No           20.4       963          < 40          < 40       None
              25      No          No          No           20.2       611          < 40          857        None
              35      No          No          No           11.4       430          < 40           -         None
              25      No          No          Yes          15.8       575          < 40         33 906      None
              24      No          No          Yes          25.2       496          < 40          5688       None
              26      No          Yes         No           25.6       460          < 40          2342       None
              27      No          Yes         Yes          14.0       908          < 40          1805       None
              29      No          No          Yes          23.1       436           58           379        None
              42      No          No          Yes          27.8       533          < 40          < 40       None
              40      No          No          No           13.5       361           52           250        None
              33      Yes         No          Yes          10.8       796          < 40          < 40       None
              30      No          No          No           21.1       616           -            9764       None
              26      No          No          No           24.9       1037         < 40           554       None
              27      No          No          Yes          16.1       601          < 40          3648       None
              40      No          No          Yes          24.6       363          < 40         33 432      None
              27      No          No          No           81.6       673          < 40        196 735      None
              24      No          No          Yes          39.2       800          < 40          < 40       None
              31      Yes         No          No           36.7       1236         < 40           -         None
              31      No          Yes         Yes          11.0       589          125           < 40       None
              29      No          No          No           18.5       715          < 40          2261       None
              26      No          Yes         No           96.2       612          <40           < 40       None
              41      No          No          No           82.1       840           -            2229       None
              35      No          Yes         No           45.8       960          < 40          4536       None
              40      No          Yes         No           26.8       679          < 40           972       None
              28      No          No          No           21.9       436          < 40         40 709      None
              26      No          No          No           23.2       397          < 40           309       None
              24      No          No          No           26.5       468           52           < 40       None
              20      No          No          Yes          22.4       384           45            68†       V106M
              33      No          Yes‡        Yes          23.8       468          < 40        145 392      V106M
              ART, antiretroviral treatment; FTC, emtricitabine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; VL, viral load.
              †, Genotypes were performed independent of the knowledge of the participants’ viral load; therefore, verification of the viral load on individual plasma sample was not performed.
              ‡, Previous exposure to zidovudine for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT).

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