Page 249 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 4  Scientific Letter

              be higher in persons of African descent.  These higher drug   (from self-report and medical records) on PMTCT regimen
              levels may also impact risk of drug resistance when stopping   received; dates on which ART and individual antiretrovirals
              EFV-based ART.                                        were started and stopped as well as provided blood
                                                                    specimens for drug resistance and HIV-1 RNA testing.
              Prior to 2015, both the World Health Organization (WHO)   HIV RNA results at the point of enrolment into the Mpepu
              and the Botswana programme for the prevention of      study, and documented nadir CD4 counts, were retrieved
              mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) recommended that   and served as baseline values.
              pregnant women living with HIV with a CD4 cell count >
              350 cells/mm  without a WHO stage 3 or 4 illness take   Prior to drug resistance testing, we first determined HIV-1 RNA
              three-drug  ART in pregnancy, but discontinue the  ART   viral load levels with the Abbott m2000sp/rt machine (limit of
              postpartum or upon breastfeeding cessation (option B).   detection 40 copies/mL). Where HIV-1 RNA was detected, it
                                                                    was extracted using an automated validated technique.  We
              Although both WHO and Botswana subsequently modified   then performed reverse transcription using in-house one-step
              guidelines to recommend lifelong ART regardless of CD4   RT-PCR technique.  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products
              cell count or disease stage (option B+), the prior guidance   were then purified  and sequenced.  Consensus sequences
              for pregnant women, as well as the inconsistent application   were generated, and the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance
              of an NRTI tail at the time of EFV cessation, offers an   Database was used to identify all drug resistance mutations in
              opportunity to evaluate the development of resistance and   the protease and reverse transcriptase coding regions.
              the performance of a TDF/FTC tail among women stopping
              an EFV/TDF/FTC regimen. Because this  ART regimen     Statistical methods
              remains widely used throughout the world, the natural
              experiment afforded by prior PMTCT guidelines is      Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was
              applicable to our understanding of the risk of cessation of   used to perform statistical analyses, which were generally
              NNRTI-based regimens generally.                       descriptive in nature; a two-sided Fisher’s exact test was used
                                                                    to evaluate for differences in the proportion of drug resistance
              Methods                                               by the approach to ART cessation, either with a 7-day TDF/FTC
                                                                    tail or  with abrupt cessation of all  three  drugs.  The  small
              Study population                                      number of women with drug resistance mutations precluded

              Between  April 2014 and May 2015, we enrolled a subset of   more detailed analysis of predictors of drug resistance.
              pregnant women living with HIV participating in a trial of
              infant cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in Botswana (the ‘Mpepu’   Ethical �onsiderations
              study) into this resistance sub-study. Mpepu was a    The Botswana Health Research Development Committee
              double-blinded randomised controlled trial designed to assess   and the Office of Human Research Administration at Harvard
              the efficacy and safety of infant cotrimoxazole prophylaxis   T. H. Chan School of Public Health approved this drug
              versus placebo used daily from as early as 14 days of life   resistance  sub-study  (HRDC  00732  and  IRB13-2772),  and
              through 15 months among HIV-exposed uninfected infants in   women provided written informed consent for participation.
              Botswana. 5
              Women were eligible for this sub-study of drug resistance
              following cessation of EFV/FTC/TDF if they were living   Baseline characteristics
              with HIV, had pre-treatment CD4 > 350 cells/mm  without   Ninety women enrolled, 74 of whom discontinued
              evidence of WHO stage 3 or 4 disease, initiated EFV/FTC/  EFV/FTC/TDF  postpartum  and  had  samples  collected  for
              TDF in pregnancy and stopped ART postpartum according   genetic resistance testing and are included in this analysis.
              to Botswana guidelines at the time (at 4–6 weeks postpartum   Sixteen of 90 women not included in this analysis had CD4 < 350
              if formula feeding, or 6 weeks after weaning if breastfeeding).   cell/mm  post-delivery and had to continue ART for their own
              Per Botswana national HIV treatment guidelines, a 7-day tail   health per Botswana national protocol at the time. The median
              of  TDF/FTC  after  cessation  of  EFV was  recommended.   time from cessation of EFV (whether or not a tail period
              However, decisions regarding receipt and cessation of   occurred) to time sample was collected for resistance testing
              maternal ART occurred at government clinics (rather than   was 5 weeks (range: 3–13 weeks). Median age at enrolment was
              study clinics), and the 7-day tail was inconsistently applied at   29 years (range: 20–45) with median nadir CD4 count of 571
              the time of ART cessation.                            cells/mm  (range: 361–1236). Forty-seven (64%) women had no
                                                                    previous exposure to antiretrovirals, 25 (34%) reported previous
              Data collection and laboratory testing                exposure to antiretrovirals for PMTCT purposes in a prior
              Women eligible to participate in this sub-study were   pregnancy and 2 (2%) were previously exposed to
              identified in the Mpepu study and scheduled for a clinic visit   EFV/FTC/TDF but stopped prior to conception and then
              4–6 weeks after ART cessation. Interested and eligible women   re-started EFV/FTC/TDF as three-drug prophylaxis for the
              consented to participate in the study and provided data   index pregnancy. Thirty-two (43%) stopped  ART with the

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