Page 180 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 180

Page 4 of 5  Original Research

              times more likely to not use or occasionally use condoms,   It also appears that depression is more common in patients
              respectively, compared to those who were not depressed.  with lower educational levels, those who are unemployed
                                                                    and those who are overweight (BMI, > 25). Having a job and
              Discussion                                            sufficient income is one of the most important social factors
                                                                    affecting health and has a significant impact on the mental
              Whilst many studies have looked at the prevalence of   state of individuals. Unemployment or low-income work
              condom use in different populations, including PLWH,   promote the cycle of poverty and limit access to healthcare. 30,31
              research on condom use in people with mood disorders,
              including depression, is very limited. Considering the   Eighty-two per cent of depressed PLWH had poor sleep
              importance of using condoms in PLWH in the prevention of   quality.  Poor  sleep  quality  can  lead  to  daily  drowsiness,
              the transmission of infection to others, as well as the   mood swings, decreased quality of social interaction,
              importance of the infected patients’ health, this study   exacerbation of depression, anxiety and increased high-risk
              evaluated the relationship between depression and condom   behaviours.  It is also a risk factor for mood disorders.
              use  in PLWH  in  Tehran.  The  results  of  the  present  study   Downing et al. found that good sleep quality is associated
              showed that less than 40% of the participants in the study   with  less  depression  and  anxiety  and  more self-efficient
              used condoms  continuously, and almost  30% did  not use   condom use in PLWH. 34
              condoms at all. A study conducted by Lotfi et al. on 121 HIV-
              positive  people  in  Karaj  reported  that  about  60%  of   Lack of questions about the reasons for not using condoms in
              participants had not used condoms during sexual intercourse   patients is one limitation of our study, as identifying the
              in the preceding 3 months.  Similar studies in London and   barriers to protective behaviour could play an essential role
              Uganda reported  a prevalence of condom use of 73% and   in planning strategies to remove these barriers.  Another
              65% in PLWH, respectively. 23,24  The differences observed   limitation is the use of face-to-face interviews for data
              between Iranian and non-Iranian PLWH can be a result of   collecting, which was challenging in some cases, given Iran’s
              cultural  differences,  lower levels of education  and lack  of   cultural, religious and social context. This may have led to
              sufficient knowledge about the importance of continuous   various biases (interviewer and reminder bias or bias of
              and correct use of condoms amongst Iranian PLWH,      social desirability). Thirdly, it was a cross-sectional  study,
              carelessness  and  lack  of  continuous  access  to  condoms.   and we could not evaluate the transmission of the virus to
              Depression in PLWH is associated with unreliable condom   sexual partners in the depressed and non-depressed patients.
              use, with drug and alcohol misuse, poor adherence to   Fourthly, we did not assess the patients’ viral load, which can
              treatment, detectable viral load on ART, and high-risk sexual   also affect the transmission of the virus to patients’ sexual
              behaviour.  Considering the high prevalence of depression   partners. Fifthly, we used a questionnaire to see whether the
              amongst Iranian PLWH and the sequelae of depression, there   patients were depressed or not, which is another limitation of
              is a need for interventions to address the depression problem   our study as confirmation of depression by a psychologist
              amongst Iranian PLWH. More than half of those living with   could give a more accurate assessment.
              HIV in the present study had depression. Only 19% reported
              regular condom use. Wagner et al. evaluated the effects of   Conclusion
              ART and depression on condom use in Ugandan PLWH.
              They  found  that  over  time,  depression  is  accompanied  in   In this study, we evaluated the prevalence of depression in
              PLWH by a reduction in the persistent use of condoms.  An   PLWH and its associations with sleep quality and condom
              American study confirmed a relationship between depression   use. The prevalence of depression in Iranian PLWH is
              and the failure to use condoms in PLWH with uninfected   relatively high, and interventions are needed to address this
              partners. 26                                          problem. Furthermore, depressed PLWH have worse sleep
                                                                    quality and use condoms less frequently compared to non-
                                                                    depressed PLWH. Interventions to improve the sleep quality
              In our study, depression was more common in men than in
              women. Shadloo et al. evaluated the prevalence of     and mood of PLWH may be valuable considering their
                                                                    associations with condom use.
              psychological issues amongst Iranian PLWH: mood
              disorders, including major depressive disorder, were more   Acknowledgements
              prevalent in males than females (34.5% vs. 28.8%,
              respectively).  Pasdar et al. evaluated the association   Competing interests
              between dietary intake and depression in PLWH in Iran and   The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
              found depression to be more common amongst Iranian males   relationships that may have inappropriately influenced them
              living with HIV than females.  In a systematic review and   in writing this article.
              meta-analysis, Rezaei et al. evaluated depression globally
              amongst PLWH and noted a prevalence of 8% amongst
              males. This was significantly higher compared to females.    Authors’ contributions
              Men clearly are at significant risk of depression, and test and   All authors contributed to the design and implementation of
              treat programs that care for PLWH need to address the issue   the research, the analysis of the results and the writing of the
              proactively.                                          manuscript.

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